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[SECC] Thanks!

Subject: [SECC] Thanks!
From: (Jay Pryor)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 11:24:00 -0500

Going to the SECC meeting which was held at the Kennehoochee Hamfest, I 
thought there was a 50/50 chance we would scrap the GQP totally.  However, 
NE4S stepped up the plate to handle the logs, assisted by K9AY.  Mike had 
already taken the chore of maintaining the SECC web site, which at the time 
was badly out of date.  Then K4SB stepped up to handle the plaques, 
assisted by K4JRB.  And Ed is making progress pushing the plaques forward 
to get them in the mail as soon as possible.  The bottom line is, it looks 
like we are up and running toward a great event this year!

We all owe a debt of gratitude to them and to a number of other people for 
making this happen:

Certainly to K4BAI for being the prime mover in getting the GQP resurrected 
in the first place.

K4EA who took on the chore of handling the logs and scoring as we tried to 
get the GQP off the ground.

KT4ZB for designing, mailing, etc., etc. the certificates.

K9AY who has not only agreed to lead us next year, but is getting the word 
out about the '01 event.

And I don't want to forget our "money lady" NK4U.  Thanks, Nancy!

Knowing my memory, chances are pretty good I've forgotten someone.  I 
apologize in advance.

I hope that we all can get on the air July 21 and 22 and make our presence 
felt on the bands.  It looks like we now have the structure in place to 
make this an excellent annual event.


- Jay/K4OGG

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