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Subject: [SECC] ARRL-DX CW
From: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:22:33 -0500 (EST)
OK, one problem with this...   The best opening of the contest from a low
power station perspective could happen while he is sleeping on 20
meters.  If it were me, I would consider sleeping the 2nd night while the
Europeans are also sleeping.  Maybe around 7:00pm to 11:00pm.  You will
get back up in time to hit the 160/80 opening to Europe and then not miss
the 20 meter opening at European sunrise.  Of course, if the 20 meter
opening doesn't happen...  then John is absolutely right.



On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 wrote:

> Hi Jay:
> In my opinion, the best time to sleep during an ARRL DX 
> CW Contest are as follows:  Wee hours of Saturday 
> morning after European sunrise openings have gone and 
> before JAs begin to come through well.  This may be for 
> two hours between 08 and 10Z.  If the European or a 
> worldwide opening on 20 meters is occuring, I'd put that 
> off some.  Still, there is usually some time before the 
> morning Eu openings on the high bands.
> Then, the afternoon doldrums.  After you can't do much 
> running to Europe, you have worked all the big SA/AF/OC 
> stations and the rate begins to flag and before the JA 
> start coming in good.  This is a good time both days.
> Then, a longer period during darkness on Sunday 
> morning.  Activity will be lower, you will have worked 
> more of the stations on, and you should be able to get 4 
> or 5 hours of sleep without missing a lot.
> The bigger your antennas are and the more power you run, 
> the more you will miss during these periods, but they 
> will still be your less productive periods.
> 73,
> John, K4BAI.

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