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[SECC] Re: Plaques

Subject: [SECC] Re: Plaques
From: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Mon Jul 28 08:40:01 2003

Thanks for the response.  I know that we all look forward to having the 
final results in two weeks.

We appreciate the work you have done on this.


- Jay/K4OGG

At 09:21 PM 7/27/2003, wrote:
>Jay / Jeff,
>         Sorry for the lack of response / reply to your emails.  I have,
>unfortunately, been out of the area alot for business purposes.  At
>the moment, I hope to stay in the area for the next 3 weeks
>(crossing fingers as I type this).
>         I am currently working on the Claimed Scores list and
>should have that out "shortly".  My focus then will shift on the
>accuracy of the logs.... which will be done in the next 2 weeks.
>Sorry again...

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