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[SECC] Sweepstakes Club Competition

Subject: [SECC] Sweepstakes Club Competition
From: lee at (Lee Hiers)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:26:01 -0400
On 15 Apr 2005 at 12:14, rwhiggins at wrote:

> Then I guess all is well. Does someone take care of the
> following regarding eligibilty lists for the different
> circles? 
> 8.3.3.To be eligible to submit a score in the Affiliated


> . In lieu of mailing a list within 30 days

When I was secretary, this was done as required at the 
time.  However, since then ARRL has relaxed its 
qualifications for club eligibility, and includes: Failure by the club to submit a valid list of 
member's eligible to submit scores for the club either 
electronically or by mail MAY result in the club being 
declared ineligible for the Club Competition event in 

Emphasis on "may" is mine to illustrate that it does not 
say "shall" result in ineligibility.  I presume the 
relaxation in club rules resulted in them having some 
discretion in this.  I am not aware that this has not been 
done, nor that the ARRL has notified us that it has not 
been done, nor that we have been declared ineligible by the 
ARRL.  I also assume that the current secretary is doing 
the job without feeling the need to challenge him on this.

If you were only asking "who is supposed to do this?", then 
the answer is the club secretary.  If you want a more 
definitive answer as to the degree of compliance, ask the 



Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Cornelia, Georgia

"Have Dobro Will Travel"

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