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[SECC] Welcome to the SECC Ron, NZ6O

Subject: [SECC] Welcome to the SECC Ron, NZ6O
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 08:48:42 -0500
I'd like to welcome Ron St. Jean, NZ6O to the SECC.  Ron is now residing
in Alpharetta, newly arrived from Sacramento (yes, that's on the left
coast).  He has a modest station in the works and looking to guest op as
the home station develops.
Ron is "radio active."  It's great to have you on board Ron.  Ron is a
member of the Northern CA Contest Club (NCCC), and has been President
and held other officer positions at the Mother Lode DX/CC.  A frequent
participant in WPX, Sweeps, and all the majors, we look forward to
having Ron's scores with "SECC" out there in the right hand column!  You
will find the DX contests a little different 3K miles to the East Ron.
A FISTS member, Ron's preferred mode is CW, but like a lot of us CW
enthusiasts, Ron says he can find a microphone somewhere in the desk if
the contest-of-the-week is on SSB.  
Ron - you are about dead center for our circles, so your scores are good
for ARRL and CQ contests.  Let any of us know if we can help with
antennas or other tasks as you make you transition.  Please consider
joining the SECC reflector as can do that through the same
club web page that the application was on.
Best 73,
Hal, N4GG
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