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[SECC] ANNOUNCEMENT SECC Annual meeting June 5 2010 @ 11am

Subject: [SECC] ANNOUNCEMENT SECC Annual meeting June 5 2010 @ 11am
From: na4bw at (Brian Wilcox)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:32:49 -0400
Greetings everyone,

I wanted to make you aware and invite you to attend the upcoming annual meeting 
of the SECC.

The meeting will take place during the Atlanta hamfest that is held @ Jim 
Miller Park on June 5.

We will meet 'under the roof' in the bleachers as we have done in years past. 
The Wx promises to be perfect!

I have asked our VP - K1ZZI and Secretary - N4GG to co-chair the 2010-2011 
nominating committee for officers. This is your best chance to place your name 
in the hat or nominate another that you believe can best steer your club in the 
upcoming year. I will share the slate with you as we get a little closer to 
June 5, so please let these gentlemen hear from you. 

The election of officers for the new term is a major part of the meeting, but 
it is also one of the rare times we meet in person so please do what you can to 
attend. It's fun to poll the crowd and see what folks have been up to and what 
they are planning. We also like to target a few contests in the upcoming year 
to make a collective and concerted effort to post a large club score. You can 
help us decide the contests to target.  We need and value your input.

I want to especially encourage our newest members to attend so we can meet and 
learn more about you. 

More to follow - 

73 Brian NA4BW
2009/2010 SECC President



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  • [SECC] ANNOUNCEMENT SECC Annual meeting June 5 2010 @ 11am, Brian Wilcox <=