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[TenTec] FS- TenTec Model 244 display

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] FS- TenTec Model 244 display
From: RLucch2098@aol.com (RLucch2098@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 22:49:00 EST
Hi All;
I have for sale a Ten Tec model 244 digital display for the triton IV xcvr's.
It came from an estate and all I have is the unit and the Manual.
The previous owner has added a two position switch on the left fron panel for
watever reason, otherwise its in real nice shape!
The unit is untested and being sold for $100 ppd Conus.
I have a picture of it at my FTP sit if you wanna see it!
URL>> <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/wrbl/tentec.jpg";>tentec.jpg at

Thanks es 73....Rich WA2RQY (1961)
WA2RQY's "confusion Radio" Web-Page
"Keep those heaters on"

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  • [TenTec] FS- TenTec Model 244 display, RLucch2098@aol.com <=