Hello All,=20
One point I neglected to mention in my previous postings - - - That =
is that I am NOT complaining! =20
I agree completely with Tom; N1OPO in that the Jupiter has met =
and/or exceeded my expectations. I ordered the Jupiter right after it =
was announced and got one of the earliest ones. I paid for it back then =
BUT never expected that Ten-Tec would continue to provide firmware =
updates FREE! One of the reasons for deciding to purchase the Jupiter =
is the concept of firmware updates. That was a primary advertising =
point AND unlike many, if not most, advertising claims this one is =
completely true!
Someone pointed out that no one is perfect and I agree. (I even =
remember making ONE mistake myself!) :-)
I think that the folks responsible for the firmware updates need to =
take a "TIME OUT" before releasing any further updates. I certainly =
would not mind waiting a while for the next update. Perhaps they are =
now being too hasty and that is why there have been problems. If one =
does not have time to do something right - - - where is one going to =
find time to do it over? C'mon guys - put the firmware updates aside =
for a while and take some time to regroup. Thanks to Ten-Tec for great =
radios and support! 73; Bill
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