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[TenTec] Guidance and Insights

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Guidance and Insights
From: Richard.Knox@Veridian.com (Knox, Richard)
Date: Wed Mar 19 11:55:30 2003
Good Afternoon Members of the TenTec Reflector!


   I can sure use some of the Group's considerable  wisdom and insights on a
radio selection. In my shack  I am currently running a Corsair II with a
Titan I linear as my primary operating system.  I am a "casual" operator who
works almost exclusively SSB.  I would like to get a newer radio and my
Elmer here believes I should go after a used Omni VI+.  However I am
intrigued with the Jupiter and think that rig would more than satisfy my
operating requirements.   I would certainly appreciate hearing some advice
from members of the Group as to Pro's and Con's of going with either the
Jupiter or the Omni VI+ in my situation.   Please e-mail me direct if this
subject is not of sufficient interest to the majority of the members.  My
e-mail address is:  Richard.Knox@Veridian.com
<mailto:Richard.Knox@Veridian.com> .


Thank You and 73!   de KD4BRL   Dick Knox

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