I read the intereting discussion about using binocular type ferrites for
transformers in this reflector (Feb 2006). I understand that the wire should be
in an additinal tube to avoid scratching the enamel from the wire. But why is
teflon recommended in receiving transformers? Shouldn't PVC isolated wires do
the job? If I put the wires in tube I increase the distance beween primary and
secundary and thus reduce the capacity. Is this right? I have some small
diameter tubes used in the chemical laborarory with a larger wall thcikness. I
assume that they would decrease the capacity even more, or?
I read the discussion "What is a turn" in this reflector. A short remark.
Binocular cores are on the market for at least 17 years. I have a brochure
from Amidon where they defined what a turn is. A round-trip.
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