W7RH said:
> The signal appears to be coming from East of my Arizona QTH. It appears as
> a
> CW carrier which is dead zero beat with the desired station. It changes
> frequency as if the load is being varied. I've seen it go key down for
> several
> minutes. If you can work through him he moves on to the next victim.
> Lets us just take a moment to resolve this issue. If you have directional
> capability or if you operate with a skimmer please send directional and
> signal
> strength comments to my email address above.
Well, there is another one but dead locked to 1838.07 coming from S/E
Europe. Might be a new BC harmonic because it dissapears regularly just
before 0445 z every morning. Strong and annoying but for many of us in the
right direction (backside of RX antenna).
Merry Christmas, Bob and all!
160 meters is a serious band, it should be treated with respect. - TF4M