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Re: Topband: Best way to jury rig a quick 160m contest antenna?

Subject: Re: Topband: Best way to jury rig a quick 160m contest antenna?
From: Herbert Schoenbohm <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 09:56:41 -0400
List-post: <">>
From what I have read the best solution is to invest in a Remote Rig interface (no computer at the equipment end required) and put your station at a location conducive to decent antenna possibilities.. Control everything via the internet and it works flawlessly. Yuri, N2TTA operates my station from his apartment in NYC and uses the Icom IC-7100 and the Kenwood TS-2000. Antenna switching is via an on screen display. The control heads are right in from on him and it is just like being on site. If you don't want the detachable control heads connected you can op solely for the on screen control with any recent Icom radio with their software RS-BA1 which also allows for a jog dial attachment to make VFO tuning easier that the dial on screen.
Just make a deal with a farmer, a quiet cell site, a seaside villa, to 
use a small corner in one of their sheds. The nice thing is you can 
choose the best location you wish. Maybe the cost will be $50 per month 
but that will be worth it considering what you get in return.

On 6/23/2016 5:16 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
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Thanks for all the suggestions guys.  Lots of private emails.

HOWEVER, sadly I don't think I can use much information from most of them.
Two emails contain an idea or two I may be able to implement. (maybe)

I have no access to the existing antennas, tower, ends of antennas, nor can
I run any wires outside.

Pretend you wake up in a locked room.  You have 3 coaxes. Tribander, 40m &

The challenge; Get on 160m !


This is basically the situation. (an oversimplification, as I could build
something beforehand)

If I do manage to get on 160m from there in the IARU  then it'll be in my
3830 report post-test.

Appreciate all the replies.

73 de Mike VE9AA

p.s.- I do not accept several of the emails that said (basically) to forget
160m as there are so few mults.  Even though I am a small pistol, I never
(willingly) toss away contest points if I can help it.

dit dit

Upcoming IARU contest this summer.  I'll be away from home.

No access to outside world from shack. None. Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada.

Small Tribander (1 coax)

40m and 80m inverted Vees. Separate coaxes.  All runs are likely 100' long.

How to get on 160m for mults?

Mults and Q's are very small potatoes on 160m in this contest, but certainly
there's 5 or 10 mults possible.  I'd rather not give away some of my


Would like to come up with something really quick (so I can check band
often) and not have to plug/unplug coaxes or mess with jumpers etc.

No ground radials possible.  No more coax runs or control cables possible.
No access outside the shack. Just the 3 coax runs. That's what I have to
work with.

Maybe a plastic switchbox of some kind that shorts the 2 leads of the 80m
vee together (to give you a radiator-The center)

and another switch to short the 40m vee together for one raised radial-The
braid?  Can I match this mess with the tuner in a K3?

Rather not mess with other tuners.

Looks messy on paper. Might not even work.  I don't even have 40m and 80m
inverted vees here at home to trial anything.

Surely someones done it when they've travelled somewhere on a Contest
DXpedition to some residents DX location at some point in the past?

Ideas? Tnx

Mike VE9AA

Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB

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