I have a Hi-Z 4-8 PRO down the hill in a flood plain by the creek. I had
the area bush-hogged out but there are trees everywhere. It works great
and is in the smaller circle configuration with an 85 ft diameter spacing..
It compares with my Waller Flag up the hill on a 45G 100 ft Tower at 95
feet though the FLAG is a better long haul antenna with its horizontal
The flag has a 40 foot boom and is fed with with 100 ohm Twinax to the
transformer at the tower base. From there I run LMR-600 to the shack
where I have the stellar N4IS pre-amplifier with 40 dB of amplification.
The FLAG is turned with a TIC Ring Rotor.
It's good to have both...
K1ZM states in his 160 book that it's best to have as many RX antennas
as possible.
John, W4NU
Atlanta, GA
On 11/14/2016 5:21 PM, Jeff AC0C wrote:
Sorry to hear that. But to avoid confusion for the guy asking about
the trees case, we should be crystal clear that houses (which are
filled with metal stuff) and antennas (made of usually resonant +
metal stuff) are in a *completely different category* than a minimally
interacting thing like a tree, especially when it's several feet from
the antenna.
-----Original Message----- From: Joe Galicic
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 3:54 PM
To: Paul@PaulFerguson.us ; topband@contesting.com
Cc: k7tjr@msn.com
Subject: Re: Topband: FW: Hi-Z Around Trees
I could never get my hiz 2-3 (3 element,4 directions) working on my
small quarter acre lot. Too close to trees, houses and antennas.
Worked with
Lee for a long time trying. No luck. N3HEE
Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul@PaulFerguson.us
To: topband@contesting.com
Cc: k7tjr@msn.com
Sent: 2016-11-14 9:49:58 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: FW: Hi-Z Around Trees
Thanks for the guidance.
I plan to use 20-foot fiberglass tube with a wire down the center for
Hi-Z array elements. Would you expect sensitivity to nearby trees to be
about the same for these wire elements versus aluminum tube elements.
Greetings Top-Banders, I have been away for a couple days, sorry for
the late comments.
The fact is, for me there is no definitive answer to the effect of
trees on the Hi-Z arrays. I have made tests measuring phase shifts
and amplitude changes with a variety of objects around these
elements. My original thoughts after the tests were that any tree or
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