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[TowerTalk] Short Booms

To: "Towertalk Reflector" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Short Booms
From: "Ward Silver" <>
Reply-to: Ward Silver <>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 17:11:03 -0700
List-post: <>
> No amount of clever engineering in areas of element interaction, feed
> efficiency, tuning networks (i.e. - traps), impedance matching gadgetry,
> etc. can make up for a short boom.
> True?
> 73 - Bryan W4WMT

In terms of raw forward gain, true, but short-boom antennas can be designed
to manage the bedeviling secondary factors in ways that make them better
antennas than poorly implemented long-boom antennas.  Antennas are complex
critters with a lot of parameters to consider - bandwidth, front-to-back,
SWR, feedpoint impedance, and mechanical robustness - that require
compromises in gain.  In determining bang for the buck, one has to define
"bang" pretty carefully.

73, Ward N0AX


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