> If the antenna is 50 ohms X= 0 then regardless of line length
> the it should show 50 ohms at any length.
Yes, if the characteristic Z of the line is 50 ohms. Not true for lines of
other characteristic Z terminated into that antenna.
> Only with a reactive load should a line make the impedance different at
> the source.
True when a non-reactive load value equals the characteristic Z value of the
line. How about an antenna feed-point of 100+j0 (non-reactive) connected to
a quarter-wave of loss-less line with a characteristic Z of 50-ohms? In
that case, the line input Z is 25+j0 (i.e., one-quarter of the antenna Z).
Add another quarter-wave of line (half-wave total) and we'll have 100+j0 at
the line input -- the same Z as the antenna input.
Paul, W9AC
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