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[WriteLog] Printing a graph.....

To: Writelog <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Printing a graph.....
From: Frank Fallon <n2ff@optonline.net>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 14:48:17 +0000
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
I love the graph feature in Writelog. I now have version 11.01F and I am unable to print out a copy of the map. In earlier versions I was able to print a graph and attach it to a hard copy summary of a contest.
Please enlighten me as to how I can get a print out.  I find nothing in 
the menus or help files to solve my problem.
I am sitting here in the shack 18 air miles east of Time Square awaiting 
the Hurricane Sandy.  Winds to a little over 20 mph at the moment and 
about 15 minutes ago myn wife and I watched thousands of blackbirds fly 
across out lawn at about 25 feet for about ten minutes.  we never saw 
anything like that before.  The were heading NE at a fast rate through 
the trees.
73 de Frank ....N2FF.......

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