Earphone / microphones For Sale:
Yaesu MH-37 A4B
Lightweight earphone and microphone with PTT switch.
Four conductor plug fits VX-7, VX-5 or VX-1 dual band HTs
and others in that series. Never used; like new. $25
MFJ-288 I
Deluxe Headset with microphone and PTT switch.
Four conductor plug as above. Also never used;
like new. $25
Kenwood HMC-1
This is a VOX Headset/boom mic unit that can be used
on the TH-21 / 31 / 41 series of HTs, plus other
Kenwood HTs. In nice shape, with paper work for $25.
Prices do not include shipping from Florida.
Ken, W8EK
Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK@fdt.net or W8EK@arrl.net
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400