With third order IMD of only -32 dB PEP at *1000 W* this is a seriously dirty amplifier. There is no way it should be advertised as a 1300 W amplifier as operating it at even 1000W is a good way to
Given SPE's own IMD test results at 1 KW PEP - not even the rated 1300 W PEP Output - I would not drive an SPE 1.3K-FA with *any* transceiver. If an amplifier can't make at least -30 dB relative to P
That sensible criteria Joe just about excludes all solid-sate commercial amps that are currently in the ham-market...rather sadly Which is a shame because the Quadra and PW-1 with 8 x MRF-150 *shoul
On 11/15/2015 11:09 PM, Leigh Turner wrote: The only other way around this intractable dilemma is the use of linearity correction pre-distortion techniques in either analog or digital form, the latte
I don't care whether you live and transmit in Thailand or were still my neighbor in Florida. If you are loud and your IMD is only -20 dB down, your IMD will be loud and will still cause interference.
Class B is defined as a conduction angle of 180 degrees exactly - therefor one can not be "fairly deep Class B". It might be deep into Class AB2 - i.e., well beyond the point at which the tube start
Given the active devices, why is the amplifier only spec'd for half power on six meters? Looks like a problem waiting to happen. 73, ... Joe, W4TV On 2/23/2016 3:24 AM, Vic Rosenthal 4X6GP/K2VCO wrot
Added inductance in the grid lead makes a tube *harder* to drive. Compare the 811/572B and a ceramic triode like the 3CX800 or 8877. For good info on the TL-922 see the information by W8JI: http://ww
R15 is has probably changed resistance. 73, ... Joe, W4TV I have an SB200 that when the meter switch is set to grid fires the needle hard off the scale any ideas on where i should start looking for t
This may or may not be good news for amateurs. While the Ampleon press release touts 1900W peak, that is in *pulse* service which is generally driven hard into compression/clipping. One would need t
You can say that as long as it's not *your neighbor* who is running an illegally imported 2 KW splatter generator. It's about time the FCC imposed 2.8 KHz bandwidth limitation with a requirement that
require a myriad of them, not just one of em. On a NINE band ham amp, you would require a bare minimum of SEVEN 1.5 kw CCS rated LP filters... AND you have to be able to switch them in / out. You don
On 12/15/2016 1:33 PM, Jim Brown wrote: Indeed, our use of the words "continuous wave" to describe Morse transmitted by keying a radio transmitter is another one of those wrong words used to describe
Except when that term was defined AM and FM did not exist. All "radio" was telegraphy - either damped wave telegraphy or CW telegraphy 73, ... Joe, W4TV ______________________________________________
WLW and other primary "clears" *never* reduced power at night. Unfortunately, not so much any more. The "garbage" from the AM digital stations have raised noise levels to the point that WLW can not b
No, SPE got caught out building amplifiers for the rest of the world that do not meet the requirements for sale in the USA. Now, Expert Amplifiers wants the FCC to relieve them of the responsibility
The reason they don't exist is that an all mode VHF/UHF only rig is not cost effective. It costs very little to add HF when the lowest frequency is already 50 MHz. The demand for a 50 - 2000 MHz only
Delays of over 100 ms begin to become distracting. It is a matter of the user's ("talent" for broadcasters) ability to handle distraction. However in my experience, even the most skilled "talent" fel
Latency becomes an issue when main loudspeakers are 30+ feet over a stage and further displaced side to side, and spill sound to the stage, often in the range of 30-40 msec. This drives musicians nu
Your numbers don't add up. Impedance increases by the square of the number of turns but only linearly by the number of cores: 14^2 (196) >> 2^2*6 (24) 73, ... Joe, W4TV 73 John G3UUT ________________