I sent my Argonaut II in about a month ago. I called them and got an RMA number. Paul and I discussed how the repairs would likely cost more than the unit was worth. I have had more fun with that lit
My Argonaut II had VCO problems similar to what you describe. I sent it in to Ten Tec Service and it has worked fine ever since. I don't remember what the did to fix it. Steve WA9JML Sent from my Ver
From my experience, the 208A audio filter works very well with the 515 Argonaut. I will send you the info that I have on it to your e-mail address as the list will not do attachments. 73, Steve WA9JM
I came very close to buying an Eagle. And, the reasons I didn't have largely been covered by Rick. The deciding factor was the lack of keyboard frequency entry. Another is that I have large hands, an
For many years now, I have been using a Hy-Gain DX-88 trap vertical antenna. Before this, I had a Hustler trap vertical, with reasonably well tuned radials, on a 30 foot mast on the roof of my house.
Hi John, I bought an Argonaut VI a while back. I had a great time with it during the ARRL Centennial. I don't have an amp for it, but I bought one of their RF speech clippers, and used that. I was am
Thanks for posting this, Ron. My favorite radio is sitting there in the Service Department, and I am hoping that it will still be fixed, despite all the changes necessitated by the change in ownershi
Kirk, you might try their service e-mail address: service@tentec.com. I bought a dial string and a PTO rebuild kit for my Argonaut 515 from the service department before the most recent buyout of the
My Argonaut II is still down there for service. I e-mailed them about it, and got a reply that it is in the queue. So, I am waiting to see what happens with it. Having been a service tech for Motorol
I have been following this thread with considerable interest. I still have a HW-7 that is functional, and recently bought an Argonaut 515 from a list member. The 515 is light years ahead of the HW-7,
What is the Ten Tec model number for the 8 pin hand microphone that will work with an Omni VII? And, does anybody here have a nice one that they would be willing to sell? TNX, Steve WA9JML __________
Rick, I have my vote and another for a Corsair III. But, they won't build that one, either. I will just have to make my Corsair II last a lot longer. Steve WA9JML ____________________________________
I am living and operating from the town of DeKalb, Illinois. We are the proud home of the Glidden S-Barb wire design. The Glidden homestead, and the Ellwood House, are notable local landmarks. Isaac
I recently contacted Ten Tec about the status of my Argonaut II and that I want to buy some PTO rebuild kits and an 8 pin hand microphone. I got a response back in several days. The radio is in the p
I'm thinking along the same lines. I am well aware that the Orion series is superior to the Omni VII, and it took several months for this to happen, but my Corsair II and external VFO is back on the
Back in the fall last year, I sent my Argonaut II back to Ten Tec Service for some work. It needed several concentric pots replaced and the backlight circuit for the display fixed. I also ordered two
The Argonaut II and Delta II use an electroluminescent strip for the LCD backlight. I bought several of them from Britain. I have also found that the oscillator circuit that drives the transformer to
I sent it in when RKR owned the company. So, I am not surprised that it took this long due to the change in control. Such changes inevitably are more difficult to accopmlish than what is planned. The
Thank you for clarifying this for me, John. I put the rig on the air yesterday, and it acts like a new radio. I am very happy with the quality of the repair. I had no idea when I sent it in that it w
Hear Hear! Steve WA9JML Im very comfortable working on a service bench. I know what end of a soldering iron gets hot, and what direction a diode has to go back into a circuit. I purchased a used Jupi