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[3830] KU7Y 160 SO QRP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] KU7Y 160 SO QRP
From: ku7y@dri.edu (Monte Stark)
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 01:54:02 +0000
     Callsign Used : KU7Y
         Operator : KU7Y

         Category : SO QRP

   City/State/Zip : Washoe Valley, NV  89704

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

  160CW      257         250        503      57         1 

 Totals      257         250        503      57         1 

    Final Score = 29174 points.

Inverted vee, apaex at about 70' and the ends at about 5', fed
with 70 ohm CATV drop line.

FT 1000MP  5w output.

TR Log.

My best effort yet on 160. If only Saturday night had been as
good as Friday night....  :-)

Thanks to all,

73,  Ron, KU7Y

NRA Life------Ex W6JXO, DL4RF, N7CRV------SOWP #5545-M
QRP ARCI #8829----NorCal #330----QRP-L #17-----ARS #49
AR QRP #150--------DM09cg---------New Washoe City,  NV

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