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[3830] Major P5 Announcement......

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] Major P5 Announcement......
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 19:31:27 -0700

        Well, I needed a title that would grab your attention
but bypass your spam filters. It also needed to keep me 
out of the courts for libel. To maintain a grain of truth, <g>
a P5 announcement will follow. But first.....


        I have maintaining this list for about a month and feel
that I now know enough of what is going on to send out this 
reminder. This list is moderated to keep out spam and has 
very specific formatting requirements. If any of those 
requirements are violated, the message gets bounced to 
my personal mailbox requiring me to approve or reject 
the message. This is a system that is in place for 
all @contesting.com reflectors (i.e. CQ-Contest, Towertalk,
etc) so the following applies to other lists. 

        In most cases and for the sake of expediency, when a 
message bounces to my mailbox, I can tweak the message and 
make it work. This usually involves removing text formatted in 
MIME/HTML or a populated CC: address. (I NEVER change content - I 
administer the list, not edit it and this list seems to be void
of flame wars.) In others case, undecodeable attachments 
require returning the message back to the owner. Spam? 
I love dumping the spam, it gives me a great feeling - 
almost as nice as a good high rate run. 

        Now, when message flows are light, this process takes me 
very little time. However, when major events come up, my 
volume of bounced messages increases dramatically. As I write
this, we are headed into the busiest 10 weeks of the contest season.
I expect many messages from non-subscribers from all over the world.
They don't know the rules and frequently require handling. However,
if we can just get the actual subscribers to the list to format 
their e-mail correctly - half the bounces can be solved. 

So please.... review the following requirements for posting to this
list. It will keep your scores and comments from being delayed in 
it's travel to the masses.

Oh?... the P5 announcement?
I hereby announce.....        Gee..., I've never worked P5. <g>

73, GL, and Good Contesting
Mike, N7WA

List Rules:

These rules apply to everyone on CQ-Contest and 3830. Failure to 
follow these simple rules will delay your score.  In some cases, 
your score will be returned to you with instructions to resend it.
If you don't see your score after several hours DO NOT send it 
again!!!  You probably didn't follow the rules, and either your 
score will show up later, or it will be returned to you.  Do it 

1.  Include your CALLSIGN and CATEGORY in the subject line,  i.e:
        Subject:  W4AN ARRL DX CW S/O AB HP

2.  Plain ASCII text.  No MIME. No HTML.  No fancy formatting. 

    * To check/change the setting in Outlook/Outlook Express:

      Select the menus Tools, then Options.  Select the Send tab.
      Select 'Plain Text'.


        Select Tools, Services, Internet Mail, Format, and uncheck 
        the MIME option.        

    * To check/change the setting in Netscape Communicator:

      Select the menus Edit, then Preferences.  Under 'Mail & Groups',
      select Messages.  Remove the check from 'By default, send HTML

3.  Don't send attachments.  If your E-mail program can't send inline
    text, use a program like Notepad to view your summary sheet, then
    select all the text, copy it to the clipboard, then past it into
    your E-mail message to 3830.

4.  Don't use the Cc: field.  Put all the destination addresses in the

Thanks for your cooperation.


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com

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