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[AMPS] Where to read Reflected Power

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Where to read Reflected Power
From: (measures)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:44:55 -0700
Jon writ:
>>The only thing a tuner does is to 
>>>essentially act as a buffer between your exciter and your load.  It will 
>>>not improve a bad antenna.  If the antenna has a 15:1 VSWR without the 
>>>tuner, it still has it with the tuner.  You just don't see it.
>>?  Thick sliced bologna.  .  .  If a 15 to one / 750 ohm antenna is 
>>connected to a matching network/antenna tuner, the 750-ohms is 
>>transformed to 50-ohms +/- j0 ohms. 
>Rich, it is NOT bologna!  

"I am not a crook".
"I did not have sex with that women".  

>The impedance at the feedpoint of the antenna 
>does NOT change because you put a tuner in the line.  

?  I did not say that the 750 ohm feed Z changed.  I said that it was 
transformed to 50 ohms by the matching network.  //  I mentioned nothing 
about a feedline.  The antenna could have been an end-fed halfwave 
(Hertz) - which has no feedline.  If a feedline is used - say with a 
fullwave dipole - adding a halfwave-length feedline of whatever Z would 
change nothing.  

>If you think that it 
>does, I have a bridge to sell you.  

price and availability?

>The tuner DOES transform the impedance 
>at the tuner to look like 50 Ohms so that it looks proper to you exciter.
>Yes, the 750 Ohms is transformed to 50 Ohms, BUT THE ANTENNA IMPEDANCE AT 

?  zzzzzzz

>You still have that 15:1 VSWR between 
>the antenna and the output of the tuner.

With a Hertz antenna, there is no feedline.  To have an SWR, you must 
have a feedline.  
>> >........I wouldn't worry about your variances in SWR readings.  It's 
>>>really just to give you an idea of what kind of power is coming back at 
>>>your rig.  Personally, I'd match it so that the PA sees the best possible 
>>>match.  This means that your tuner and whatever you have on the output of 
>>>your PA are optimally matched.  Who cares what the SWR meter in the tuner 
>>>sees.  The output of the tuner is going to have a high VSWR anyhow!  
>>>Matching this way will cause you to put the maximum available power into 
>>>the tuner instead of reflecting 2.5% of it back to the amp.
>>?  However, without a tuner, the 2.5% gets reflected back to the antenna. 
>No, that's not correct.  

?  Where does the reflection go after it arrives at the amp. output 
terminal?  It is my opinion that the reflection heads back toward the 

-  later

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734,  

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