Any that survive the short to ground test, sans-fireworks are up to the
>So out of the following, which would you recommend?
>1. 80 ohm, 100 watt carbon rod. About 1 inch diameter 12 inches long.
>meant as low inductance RF load resistors.
>2. 50 ohm, 100 watt wirewound. 1.25 inches diameter, 10 inches long, vitreous
>3. 50 ohm, 50 watt glass tin oxide, 1 inch diameter 6 inches long. (
>designed as
>low inductance RF load resistor)
>4. 75 ohm, otherwise as 3 above.
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,