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[Amps] Conversions/Modifications

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Conversions/Modifications
From: (
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 18:20:03 EDT
Do any of you fine gents know of a dedicated engineer out there whom might 
enjoy doing modifications as an aside? I have a couple of paging amp modules 
of Motorola micor decent that I would like to have one of, the one on 2M 
which produces 500w
admirably, transformed into something using two 8877's. Won't ever use all 
the power, but i'd be something to have to EME with a hairbrush as an 
antenna! There's info on the web about a couple of fella that tackled this 
project some time ago, but it seems to drop in mid-subject, and can't get but 
one pf the blokes to reply. I have marginal Material he sent me in the hard 
disk here, so I can forward it if I find a suitor. I'm not qualified.Contact 
me directly.
73 de Paul

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