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Re: [Amps] 3.5 kV 2A REGULATED Power Supply: Schematic ?

To: <>, " AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 3.5 kV 2A REGULATED Power Supply: Schematic ?
From: R.Measures <>
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 16:45:06 -0800
List-post: <>
>Hi all on the list:
>I have now tried to find (for several days) a design that builds a
>power supply for about 3.5kV and 2A. 
>I'm looking for a regulated power supply design where output voltage
>does not drop more than 1% on load.

**  The positive-floating V regulator circuit shown at:
regulates to better than +/- 0.1%.  I have used this circuit to regulate 
6000V..   Since an FET pass element is utilized, many tens of amperes of 
output current are possible by paralleling FETs and adding heatsinks.  .

> I will be using a 3-phase 400V 
>mains line.
>The objective is to have a "standard" power supply for various amps
>I have in the pipeline - starting with a GU-84b based grounded-cathode
>project. Next, I want to build one with a 4CX3500A (boy, what a piece of
>electronic device, wow).
**   4cx3500A tubes manufactured by Eimac/CPI reportedly have had 
problems with the screen's ceramic insulator.  
--   If you build a Class AB1 amplifier around any tetrode, to prevent a 
runaway condition of reverse screen current, bleed a constant 25 - 30 mA 
from the screen supply.  
-  Example at:
--  Free advice for SSB-mode AB1:  
1. Do not skimp on anode and screen V unless you are a QRP fan.   If I 
was going to build an amplifier with a 4cx3500A, I would start with a 
least 6000V under load on the anode and 1200V on the screen .  Otherwise, 
you might not be able to utilize the full emissive capability.  
2. Neutralize  (see
3.  Under no circumstances tune the grid with a capacitor.
4.  Except for >100MHz, consider using the 8171/4cx10,000D.  It does not 
require a noisy high-pressure blower; it costs less, it can make more P; 
a low IMD version is available; plus it also has handles.  
5.  For any tetrode, to prevent a potentially fatal, runaway condition of 
reverse screen current, bleed a constant 25 - 30 mA from the screen 

>So, all the "surrounding" modules should be as much adjustable as 
cheers, Frank
have fun
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