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[Amps] Bird thruline slug socket problem

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Bird thruline slug socket problem
From: "A.J.Moss" <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 01:23:47 +0100
List-post: <>
Hi everyone,

     Got a problem with the socket on my bird thruline. Most slugs insert just 
fine, but some catch on the contact finger. I'm guessing that the contact 
fingers themselves may be worn, as they have a little wear on the very top edge 
of the contact. The problem slugs insert just fine in another '43 which I have.

   I'm loathe to bend the contact fingers as that may detriment the contact on 
the slug contacts resulting in no reading, or intermittent readings at best. 
Does anyone know the mechanical settings for these contact fingers, or 
alternatively whether they're available (and what's the QRK for such 

Thanks for reading this plea


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