> In the broadcast business there is a standing joke that has a lot of truth
> to it..."Never buy a transmitter with a tube that begins with a Y".....The
> main reason is the Eimac YC-130 (a souped up 4CX15000A)....it is used the
> Continental 816R5 35kw FM transmitter and has been plagued with short
> catastrophic failure, etc.
Many years ago, I managed the Jacksonville Lodestar communications facility
where one FM transmitter, now owned by Clear Channel, uses the 816R5. That
transmitter should have never been designed with a tube rated at ~ 15KW of
plate dissipation for 35KW service. At an absolute minimum, Continental
should have followed Harris' lead with a 4CX20,000.
As I recall, the "Y" in YC-130 stands for Yingst, as in Tom Yingst who led
the company back in the 1980s. Dave Hultsman at Continental could confirm
-Paul, W9AC
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