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Re: [Amps] plate choke

To: "AMPS" <>, "Harold B. Mandel" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] plate choke
From: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:06:01 -0400
List-post: <>
McMaster/Carr sells electrical grade PTFE 1-1/2" rod for $35.04 per foot.  I 
don't call that expensive. Look up the material and many more on their 
website  I bought some Oil filled Nylon for a 
Hytower lookalike and they were quick to ship and their prices I thought 
were reasonable.

Bob  W6TR
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Harold B. Mandel" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:08 PM
Subject: [Amps] plate choke

> Dear Francis,
> Here are some basic choices for coils.
> The highlighted 24AWG coil on a 1.25" form seems
> the most exciting choice. However, the 28AWG
> will carry 640 mils, possibly, but I like to give it
> plenty o'spare change.
> I've been winding chokes on 1" and 1.25" Teflon forms
> in my machine shop for some commercial customers
> for a while, now. The most orders I receive are for
> devices on 1.25" forms, even though the Teflon is much
> more expensive. Increasing the diameter does wonders to cut the
> length of stock needed for a particular inductance, but
> going from 1.25 to 1.5 inch Teflon stock is as much
> of a wallet-nightmare as going from half-inch to two-inch
> solid brass rod! 1.25 is then the most economical.
> Another option is the Ohmite L250J100 ceramic body
> wirewound resistor. Those babies are wound with 26AWG
> on a 3" ID ceramic core and have about 4.75" of windings.
> 28AWG, 0.64Amp, (.75" form), 326Turns, 8.25" Long
>                                (1.25"form), 133Turns, 3.35" Long
> 26AWG, 1.02.Amp, (.75" form), 402Turns, 12.81" Long
>                                (1.25" form), 160 Turns, 5.8" Long
> 24AWG, 1.62Amp, (.75" form), 496 Turns, 19.96" Long
>                               (1.25" form), 193 Turns, 8" Long
> 20AWG, 4.09Amp, (.75" form), 758 Turns, 48.5" Long
>                                (1.25" form), 289 Turns, 18.5" Long
> 16AWG, 10.33 Amp, (.75" form), 1145 Turns, 116.4" Long
>                                (1.25" form), 438 Turns, 44.5" Long
> '73,
> Hal
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