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[Amps] AL-80B Questions

Subject: [Amps] AL-80B Questions
From: Tom Martin <>
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2005 11:36:10 -0500
List-post: <>
I just purchased a used Ameritron 80B (circa 1995?).  This model doesn't 
have the ALC control on the back of the unit.  I have the following 

1. How can the tuned input SWR on 15, almost flat, be so much better 
than 17,which is over 4:1?   The FT1000MP High SWR message goes on, when 
attempting to tune on 17.  I assume that I must adjust the coils for a 
compromise.  I don't understand why there is such a great difference.  
My SB220 has a 21/2 :1 SWR when trying to tune on 15 but I can at least 
get 300 watts output  I can easily tune 17 on the 220. I can't get 
anything out on 17 meters with the 80B because it won't allow me to tune 
because of the foldback.

2.  I performed the 10 meter mod but I can get no input drive at all on 
10 meters.  The amp didn't have the 10 meter mod when I purchased it.  I 
got the mod information by "googling".  I don't want to wait 3 weeks for 
MFJ to send me the info.  Perhaps, there is more to it than cutting a 
wire.  If so, could someone please send me the mod via a private 
e-mail?  We don't want any non licensed people to get it.

3.  How accurate is the watt meter in the 80B?  It reads 800 watts on CW 
with the key down but my other watt meters in the shack read 600 watts. 



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