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Re: [Amps] 3-500z

To: sb200 <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 3-500z
From: Jason Buchanan <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 21:32:24 -0400
List-post: <>
sb200 wrote:

>I'm putting a used Eimac 3-500z in my Ameritron AL-80B that has been stored 
>away for years. I would like to bring it up slow but have no way of doing 
>so.  What I need to know how long should I let my amp sit in standby before 
>using the amp?   Thanks for the help.  73.

If it's gonna go, it's gonna go with or without a variac.  If you have 
any grid current when you turn the amp on, immediately shut'r down and 
yank the tube.

If you have some kind of step start for the amp you can try wiring a 
100W lightbulb in series with the power mains.  100W bulb may not be 
stiff enough - may have to have a 200W bulb.  Plenty of other people on 
this list who can comment about that.

73 Jason N1SU
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