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Re: [Amps] The FCC & 1ØM Amps

To: AA6DX - Mark <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] The FCC & 1ØM Amps
From: R.Measures <>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 03:39:39 -0800
List-post: <>
Amen, Mark.  The only beneficiaries of the 10m-ban were CB technicians 
and the FCC employee (attorney Raymond K_______) who oversaw FCC Type 
   Under the 10m-ban, CB techs were making c. $100 by wiring around the 
CB-filter that the ban required and moving the 15m tap on the tank over 
one-turn for 11m operation -- a procedure that could be completed by a 
knowledgeable technician in under 10 minutes on most ham amplifiers.
   Under the 10m-ban, since amplifier manufacturers were required to 
have their amplifiers re-certified before they could continue selling 
them, re-certification was needed ASAP.  To assist manufacturers in 
this matter, the aforementioned FCC employee offered expedited 
re-certification to manufacturers --- in exchange for a specified 
quantity of green backs passed under the table.  Eventually, the FCC 
legal dept. became aware of the fast-track re-certification program and 
made said attorney an offer:   resign or do time.  He resigned from the 
FCC and got a job with a Washington D. C. law firm.

On Feb 17, 2006, at 8:10 PM, AA6DX - Mark wrote:

>> From the ARRL Letter .. Vol.25, #7
> "WT 04-140 further proposed to
> essentially do away with FCC rules prohibiting the manufacture and 
> marketing
> to Amateur Radio operators of amplifiers capable of operation on 12 
> and 10
> meters."
> About time this silly rule was put to rest.
> 73, Mark  AA6DX
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.

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