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Re: [Amps] cleaning contacts and pots?

Subject: Re: [Amps] cleaning contacts and pots?
From: "Will Matney" <>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 11:18:38 -0500
List-post: <>
For relay contacts, you can try some of the chemicals by GC Electronics. The 
old way is to use a contact burnisher which GC makes also. The last way I found 
was to use CLR. That's right, CLR from the department store used to clean and 
remove tarnish from silver and copper. It's actually a mild form of acid. Put 
some on a Q-Tip and wipe it over the contacts, then clean them off with a spray 
cleaner that leaves no residue. It will remove all the tarnish and other gunk 
off the silver on the contacts or on copper either one. Try it on something 
else first as you may want to thin it down with some water if you think its too 
strong. I never felt it was, but I used a good non-residue spray (like the old 
freon type, etc) cleaner immedately afterwards. Also check to see that the 
relays armature is tight as it should be and that the spring hasn't lost 



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On 3/6/06 at 7:30 AM Dan Sawyer wrote:

>I have a 40 year old rig with intermittants. What is a good way to clean 
>contacts, pots, and connectors? I presume this is what are the most 
>effective solutions?
>Thanks - Dan
>Amps mailing list

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