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Re: [Amps] SB200's ETC

To: "c.s." <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] SB200's ETC
From: "jeremy-ca" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 20:58:51 -0400
List-post: <>
You might want to take the SB-200 manual onto the can with you where a bit 
of reading just might improve your knowledge while you get rid of all your 
BS and self pity whining.

As I said, many have TRIED to help you several times in the past but all you 
do is ask the same questions over and over again.
Since you dont seem to have the basic RF knowledge to comprehend the answers 
then simply reading the manual just might help.

Come back when you are ready to learn and not go on a grandstanding trip.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "c.s." <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 8:41 PM
Subject: [Amps] SB200's ETC

>    I don't think there is anything in "ham radio" or otherwise quite as
> disgusting as some
>    "holier than thou" person trying to down another person  just
> because he(or she, orwhatever) may have never known , or forgotten, or
> never had the good fortune to have had the opportunity to have read the
> "right" books on this , that , or the other technical questions.!!!
>      When I was a kid, ( lord how long ago) We could get a decent
> answer from all our "more intelligent" Hams. !~!! Not so today, all we
> get is assinine answers from those who "claim "   to know all the
> answers , but of course never give any!!  It's a sorry bunch of , Well I
> won't say the word, who think they are so d__n superior that they won't
> , or can't answer a simple question. !!!
>          I'm sorry folks, but I think I'll sign off of this reflector
> as I cannot stomach certain
>   a----hles who think they  are such superior beings.!!! ( god help the
> ham radio service).
>          Thanks to those who have helped me in the past, and to h--ll
> with those high and mighty souls who have "all " the knowledge in the
> universe.!!!!! (but don't want to share it )
>         Good night to all and it's been nice to have been on this
> reflector , (up til now)
>             have a good day(if you can after your last answers)
>             carl / kz5ca
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