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[Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 57, Issue 52

To: <>, <>
Subject: [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 57, Issue 52
From: "jeremy-ca" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 22:27:08 -0400
List-post: <>

> Whether or not something impresses you or wastes your time isn't really
> the point.
> I'd think someone who subscribes to this list might be curious how
> someone can get 100-150 extra watts out of an amp using tubes that
> aren't designed for the frequency range and stay relatively clean.

What impresses me is that some supposedly educated people have such poor 
reading comprehension. Maybe it is a form of ADD.

Try reading 10 or 20 times all the posts in the thread and associated ones 
until you have a start at understanding.

> There are other people on this list that are curious to see how these
> miracle amps work.

Thats about as stupid a comment as Ive seen in the complete thread. I dont 
believe in miracles.

The attitude that "if a guy says he can do it... just
> let it go" is one of the problems in amateur radio today. Not enough
> people are willing to call B.S. and tell people that their scams, crappy
> operating practices, or junk gear are unacceptable. This is the attitude
> that allows people to get away with 10 kHz wide SSB signals and  and let
> manufacturers sell us SSB transmitters with class C IMD specs, creating
> transmited garbage that you can hear up and down the bands. These signal
> sound even better amplified by junk amps.

Until the FCC requires a proof of operating competence nothing will change. 
Its like letting an adult from some 3rd world jungle behind the wheel of a 
NYC cab without a test.

> I'd love to get a dedicated 6m amp, but I'm not willing to pay my money
> and take my chances.

Then be like all the other appliance operators, put a $3000 + one on your 
credit card.

Oh, by the way do you have a problem understanding the use of 3-500Z's on 
6M?  If not, the SB-220 makes a beautiful 6M amp. Or any Alpha, several 
Ameritrons, Henrys, and many many more. Ive even committed blasphemy on 
several 30S1's and Alpha 77's (all versions).

Meanwhile I and a few others just keep on cranking out the SB-206 for those 
on a budget that want a nice clean signal about 3dB below the legal limit.

All this discussion is great advertising for me, keep it up. Ive sold 3 just 
today. Thanks to the believers, you wont be dissapointed.


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