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Re: [Amps] which HV connector to use?]

To: "Dr. David Kirkby" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] which HV connector to use?]
From: "Edward Swynar" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 09:24:53 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 21st January, Dave wrote:

"...With all due respect, using SO239/PL259 seems about the silliest
suggestion I have ever heard. I'm not saying the insulation may be
insufficient on some models made in the USA when they are mated, but the
chance of an accident must be considerably higher with those sort of
connectors than just about anything else in a ham shack. They are not
designed for that sort of use..."


But it WORKS, Dave---and I hasten to add that's the sole reason that I
elected to employ them in this way: other methods resulted in ceaseless
arcing/sparking/blowing of fuses...until one day, way-back-when, I stumbled
upon the conservative DC voltage carrying abilities of large coax & matching
UHF connectors, relative to my application. I was sold.

As for the accident factor, yes, that potential ALWAYS exists in Amateur
radio---and having said that, are you one of those who condones policies
apparently espoused by the ARRL anymore, by rarely (if ever) featuring QST
technical articles whose voltage requirements might exceed 12.6 VDC...?!

IMHO, one has to keep one's wits about one's self at ALL times in Ham
radio---failure to do must mean that one must have been quite "witless" to
begin with...

~73!~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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