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Re: [Amps] WD7S Input board

To: "Barry Norman" <>, "AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] WD7S Input board
From: "Jim W7RY" <>
Reply-to: Jim W7RY <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 04:42:55 -0700
List-post: <">>

The board comes with the torrids in the kit. You need to supply the wire for 
them. The board uses either 12 volts or 5 volts DC for the relays... I don't 
remember which. I used the voltage from my T/R relay power supply with a series 
dropping resistor. For caps, I use ARCO variable caps that can be purchased 
from RF Parts. See my pictures at:

 of the ARCO caps. 

This setup works very well. Paul, WD7S does a good job on his stuff.

When I used my LDG, I also had about 12" of cable between the tuner output and 
the cathode. I just did not like the way it worked.  

My opinion... Take the time to build and install the WD7S board. You will be 
happier with it.

Jim W7RY
Amps mailing list

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