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Re: [Amps] Can distilled water be used for a dummy load ??

Subject: Re: [Amps] Can distilled water be used for a dummy load ??
From: Dan Mills <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:17:52 +0000
List-post: <">>
I would be careful, distilled (or more commonly DI) water is corrosive
as hell, and will tend to pick up metal ions over time. 

We use it in the primary cooling loop of things like YAG lasers, but
there is by design very little metal wetted in those loops (Really just
a small amount of stainless steel and sometimes a little gold) and a
large ion exchange filter to keep the water conductivity down. 

I would use oil (possibly in a bunded tank if paranoid). 

Regards, Dan.

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