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Re: [Amps] 300 W single band mobile amp needed

Subject: Re: [Amps] 300 W single band mobile amp needed
From: Alek Petkovic <>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 05:35:52 +0800
List-post: <">>
Why bother building any amp?

The guy wants to do it because HE thinks it would be fun. He did not ask anybody to judge him, his motives or any consequences of the project.
'Tis a brave man that asks a question on this forum.

73, Alek

On 9/10/2012 2:10 AM, Hal W5GHZ wrote:
Good points, Jim, but you still have to design the amp and a ready made one can 
be left in the 20 meter position and drive reduced.  To get the narrow phone 
band only operation you would have to re-design the 20 meter filter.  Why 
bother to go through all of that work unless you just like designing 
amplifiers.  Then you can start out with a cheap CB amp.  They don't have a 
band switch.

  From: Jim Thomson<>
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 3:37 AM
Subject: [Amps] 300 W single band mobile amp needed

Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 08:24:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: rick darwicki<>
To: AMPS<>
Subject: [Amps] 300 W single band mobile amp needed
I have a friend that runs a motorcycle mobile on 20 Meters at about 100 watts. 
He is looking for a schematic/info/link for a simple no tune amp of about 300W 
that would just cover the SSB section of 20. Any help?


Rick, N6PE

Going from 100 watts  to 300w  = exactly  4.77 db.    That’s nothing to sneeze 
at....and is enough to get the job done.
The duty cycle on SSB is such that there is no way in hell your buddy is gonna 
fry his brains out on 20m band.
The average power is WAY too low... and so is the freq.

Any mono band amp has some advantages, only ONE LP filter required.    Not only that, 
you then also don’t have to worry
about band switching various LP filters.  You just eliminated all the 
switching!     You also now have the luxury of designing the
combiner so it’s  100% optimized for 20m  band.     Then you get  max eff.

Plan B might be to use a 11m  cb amp,  and install a  20M  LP filter into 
it..then retweak the bias a bit.

I would not worry about IMD  on any mobile amp.  With 300w pep,and a mobile 
ant,  you are not gonna be
loud enough to anywhere  for anybody to start bitching about imd.

To supplement your battery-alternator setup,  use a .5 to 1 farad cap across 
the 12 vdc buss.  The car stereo
guys use these caps all the time.  They work damn good too. No more lights 
blinking on heavy bass notes etc.
The 11m ops also use em  for mobile applications.

Later.......  Jim  VE7RF

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