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Subject: [Amps] BAD DEAL STAY AWAY!
From: Carey Lockhart <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:04:24 -0500
List-post: <">>
Hello all,

I would like to say that i am not in the habit of flaming someone but this guy i will. I went to ebay and purchased a pair of gs35b tubes from a seller named Tube-Shop also known as Serge UT5JCW for the only reason that he offered a 14 day return. i usally buy from qro-parts with no problems. so i did get the tubes and yes one was bad. i emailed Serge UT5JCW and asked to exchange the bad tube. he said fine. meantime after thinking about it i desided it would be cheaper for both of us if i would just buy another tube without a cooler. 80 dollars to be exact. so today i went to his store on ebay and added the tube and a really neat little transverter board to my cart. guess what i have been blocked from buying from him and can not even contact him through ebay. after digging through old emails i find his address from the paypal payment. i email him and ask why i was blocked. here is his reply and quote
"To be hornest I can say you why. I always block the buyers when they 
return the goods.
You know there is an old tubes and sometimes we have no way to check how 
buyers use
them. Sometimes they broke the tubes by misusing them and then return
the tubes back. Here no way to change them so we lost the money.
To buy the tubes somewhere else.

With best regards, Serge UT5JCW "end quote.

i am not sure what to think of this. and hate to see another builder get burned. but just be warned about buying from Serge UT5JCW
Carey Lockhart, kc5gtt
Boerne Texas EL09pv

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