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Re: [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 123, Issue 49

Subject: Re: [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 123, Issue 49
From: LB3HC <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 19:41:57 +0100
List-post: <">>
There are several ways to look at how much a grid can take. The energy 
perspective is the best I think. Current x voltage x time = energy. Or joules = 
watts x seconds. An Eimac engineering bulletin says that the grid of the YC-179 
can take max 4 Joules. However, I think that is quite conservative. A LTspice 
simulation that I did (posted on my webpage) shows that it is not easy to 
quench the PSU with an arcover even with a quite fast crowbar circuit. We know 
many amplifier with that tube in amateur service dont use crowbars and have 
survived many years and several arcs In case 
the Eimac bulletin is correct, that means it can only take 4J = 4W for one 
second. I would say 5 times that at least. Possibly more.


On 24.03.2013 17:00, wrote:
> A buddy just fired up his hb YC-156 today.  So far, so good.   What is the 
> max safe grid current for this tube ?? 
> It has both electronic grid and plate current protection..which can both be 
> set to any value.   The bias is also
> fully adjustable, so zsac can also be set to any value.   The B+ can be set 
> to 1/2 or full voltage. 
> Before the drive is increased, and or B+ is doubled in value,  we need to 
> know asap, what max grid current is.
> Thanks in advance. 
> Jim  VE7RF   

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