Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 14:16:28 -0800
From: Paul Baldock <>
To: "Carl"
Subject: Re: [Amps] L4B supply
### The oem L4B ran at .8A @ 2500 under load. ( 2650 on RX..and 2600
keyed, but with no drive, just idle current)
To keep the plate load Z the same... u would have to increase the plate
current to .992 A
The bandswitch in the L4B can only be pushed so far. Although it makes the
clunk clunk clunk noise when
switching bands... its not heavy duty. It does have a heavy duty detent
The V regulation on the oem L4PS HV supply is superb..considering it uses a
doubler and 8 x 200 uf caps.
Don’t push it past 3100 V under load. The tune cap and or bandswitch will cut
loose on u next.
The manual sez its good from 3.2 to 30 mhz continuous...provided the tuned
inputs are tweaked. I have used the
oem plate choke on 30-17-12m..and it works fine. Dunno whewre the plate choke
resonates. It has to resonate somewhere.
I run my L4-B at 800V (no load) above the original design. 3100V key
down at .7A.1600W PEP out. It's been handling it fine for about 6
months now. I think the cooling is probably inadequate but I like to
live on the edge. The load impedance is not messed with significantly
because with the increase in voltage there is a proportional increase
in current. I did add a timer so the fans stays on for 10 mins after
power down and a few other mods.
- Paul
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