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Re: [Amps] Time to ask for help.

Subject: Re: [Amps] Time to ask for help.
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 15:57:25 -0500
List-post: <">>
The 640 Socket does not have the built-in screen bypass.
It has only one screen lead unlike the 630 that has several screen bypass connections .
E F Johnson sold a screen shield ring  that worked Well with the sk-640

Quoting Mike Tubby <>:

I've looked at the schematic.

As you have SK640 sockets why not modify the design to run "grounded screen" ... like the 144MHz 4CX1000A design in the 1990 ARRL handbook?
You would connect B- to the cathode, and the +ve side of the screen  
supply to chassis and the -ve side of the screen supply to cathode.  
You would need some good quality (large) silver mica caps to return  
the cathode to deck at RF.
In this mode you have a 'perfect' RF ground on the screen and the  
isolation between grid and anonde circuits should be at least 10dB  
more than the stage gain and as a result you shouldn't need any  
neutralizing at all and you can maintain your pi-tuned input and  
pi-tuned output.
To execute this approach successfully you would probably need to use  
some fingetstock to fabricate a low inductance ground for the screen  
contact with multiple earth points.
Just a thought ...

Mike G8TIC

On 27/07/2015 19:45, wrote:
If you are using the SK-640 sockets, which lack integral screen bypass capacitors,
what kind of other screen bypass do you use?

Be advised that attempting linear operation of the 4X150 on 50 MHz using conventional screen bypassing is a disaster waiting to happen. There is very little control over the self-resonant frequency of the screen circuit under these circumstances, and a "cold screen grid" is essential for stable operation.
The previous suggestion of operating the amplifier in "grounded  
grid" will only work if the proper voltages and bypassing are  
present on both grids.
Just tying both grids together and to ground will easily damage the  
control grid, as the 4X150 family is not suitable for operation as  
an "high-mu" triode.

----Ursprungligt meddelande----
Från :
Datum : 2015-07-27 - 20:17 (V)
Till :,
Ämne : Re: [Amps] Time to ask for help.

Sockets in use are Eimac SK-640.

73, Roger

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 10:49 AM, <> wrote:

I woke up and the thing on my mind was .....

Are you using Eimac SK-630 sockets ?

I think those sockets may have been the reason my amp was so stable on six.

Don R.

Quoting Roger <>:

Thank you for the information. I've been studying other circuits and
combined with the info you just mentioned regarding screen loading, I have
a change to make. Both my grid and screen supplies are very stiff with
capability of supporting reverse current. My screens however are shunted
with very high resistance at the terminals just to hold them at ground
during rx.

I've gone through many different wiring configurations with this amp and
have even had output once or twice, but every time I try to improve it, I
screw something up. This time finding the error hasn't been so easy.

73, Roger

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 8:17 PM, <> wrote:

 No problem... Just think of the 250Bs as a big variable DC load on the
plate power supply.  You should be able to change the grid voltage and
a smooth
increase in plate current from zero to near 1000ma ( very briefly !!! )

I would suggest zero to 500ma as a minimum range to check.
No more than that until absolutely sure everything is stable

THEN hook up the grid circuit and see if you can do the same thing..
something may be breaking down in the grid circuit and killing the bias
voltage and
then ...... BOOM ... Plate current runs away.

Quoting Roger <>:

 "I'm confident my DC is stable."

Scratch that. I misunderstood the statement:

"He has to make the amp DC stable before hooking up the input and output

73, Roger

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Roger <> wrote:

 Sorry, I thought it was clear what I was trying to do. I have four

tetrodes in parallel, attempting to make them operate on 50mhz. I'm
confident my DC is stable. Additional information includes, a Pi tuned
input and output. Input and output terminations are quality 50 ohm
Power supply and rf deck are in separate boxes. My problem appears to
related to instability possibly caused by insufficient or incorrect

It was mentioned that the neutralizing cap needed to be by-passed and
that's something I have not even considered. By-passing anything in the
grid circuit seems contradictory to me.

73, Roger

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 3:56 PM, <> wrote:

 Quoting Ron Youvan <>:

  I am trying to find out what you are trying to do.

  Me Too Ron,
He has to make the amp DC stable before hooking up the input and
RF networks.  We don't know if that's the case yet.


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