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[Amps] Dual 3-1000Z amp problem

Subject: [Amps] Dual 3-1000Z amp problem
From: Clark Turner <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 19:19:35 -0700
List-post: <">>
I just finished my Dual 3-1000Z GG amplifier. I have an odd issue now that I cant seem to figure out. The amp will do 2KW with 40 watts of drive on 80 meters. Additional drive does not add any power out. 100 watts input does 2kW out. The Input SWR is low at 1.2 to 1. The plate current DOES increase, But there is no additional output.
I had this amp running before with 4-1000 and 3-1000s and some of you 
remember, I turned the roller inductor on accident when I was trying to 
reach for the load turns counter. That toasted the plate choke. I 
replaced that choke and while I was in the amp, I installed RF parts 
RFC30 chokes instead of the HB ones.  I was having high input on 80 so I 
changed them out. That is fixed but I now have this new issue.
Any idea where to go?  This condition exists on 40 and 80.  2KW easy. 
But then it wont make more.
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