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[Amps] new amp race

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] new amp race
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2017 19:20:26 -0700
List-post: <">>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2017 01:53:03 +0000
From: Charles H <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Amps] new amp race

<I watched as EU ruined itself in contests with super high power big antenna 
stations.  Result seems to be they can not hear weaker long distant 
stations.... so end up working each other in a band full of huge sigs.

<Seems now everyone everywhere is looking for at least 2.5 KW fighting low 
sunspots and egos.

<Just like the arms race, the amps race results in all being "equal" again.  
Before 200 w worked ok and most had 100 or 200 watts.  Now seems many will have 
at least 2.5 KW and results are about same, just sharper, wider elbows.

<The new amp race, Sad.  73, Charly

##  is this on CW...or  SSB...or both ?     IMD on SSB and key clix on CW will 
just make things worse.   Big difference between the 200w  ANAN 8000  with its  
-80 dbc  IMD3....and a $14,000.00   400w yaesu 
FT-9000MP..and its abysmal  -12 db  IMD3 .   Thats  apples and oranges.   Esp 
when you now have the case where the anan –8000  xcvr is cleaner than say the  
8877 amp. With the pre-distortion trick, now extended to any amp,
you can now correct for the amp..and improve its imd by 10-18 db...and thats on 
top of the oem 8877  imd specs. 

##  Loud signals are an issue..with bigger amps and even bigger ants.   But a 3 
kw amp is only 3 db louder than a 1.5 kw amp.   3db is not about to  trash the 
bands.  But toss in another 3db from bigger ants,
then we are up to 6 db louder.  Then toss in sub standard  IMD /  key clix, 
etc, and now you have a real mess on your hands..which gets even worse when 
speech processing is used.  Any processing will increase
the average level of the already lousy imd .  Then we have the contesters  who 
TX on a 2.4 khz filter..then RX on a 1.8 khz filter.
The ARRL, etc, should get off their butts  and get on a new crusade,  low imd, 
and minimal clix.   Other than phase noise,  I see no further improvements that 
can be made on RX.   RX is maxed out, focus on the
TX side. 

##  then we have the issue of the ambient noise on RX  slowly increasing over 
the years..... similar to light pollution for amateur astronomers.  Some folks 
are maxed out for ants already, they cant get any more gain
on their postage sized city lot.  Noise is higher,  so no wonder 1 kw is now 
the new 100w. 

Jim  VE7RF   
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