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[Amps] Fil transformer

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Fil transformer
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 22:01:31 -0700
List-post: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 07:08:54 -1000
From: Merv Schweigert <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Fil transformer

<How about the old time trick of putting two low value resistors to 
<ground, one from each side of the
<filament,  used to be used for a center tap many times in days of old.

##  This isnt 1956 anymore.  The B-  has to float above ground a bit on a gg 
triode amp, in 
order to measure both dc plate + dc grid current.   
The two resistors would have to be wired in series....across the sec of the oem 
fil xfmr. 
The junction point of the resistors becomes your new CT.  

##  two resistors in series will  work, provided they are each real low value.  
If say
a pair of 10 ohm resistors used in series...and perhaps  600ma of plate current 
flowing,you will
end up with 300 ma  flowing through each of the 10 ohm resistors.   10 ohms X 
300 ma =   3 volts.
Thats another 3 vdc of unwanted bias on each side of the fil, yo-yoing up and 
down as you talk on ssb. 
Probably no big deal, moot point.   You could also put a small electrolytic 
across  each resistor. That
would provide for a near constant  3 vdc, as both caps try and charge up when 
the plate current peaks.  

##  Its also  .9 watt  dissipation  in each resistor, so if u go that route, 
use a 3 watt mof resistor. 

##  I cant fathom why dentron could miss such a fundamental  concept.  No 
surprise really.  I had one of 
their dentron  160-10L  4 x 811 amps back in 1970. Its was a dogs breakfast 
right out of the box, new. 

Jim   VE7RF

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