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too much faith in their computers

Subject: too much faith in their computers
From: dcurtis@mipos2.intel.com (dcurtis@mipos2.intel.com)
Date: Tue Aug 30 14:20:58 1994
de: n2ale:
> It is not
> uncommon to place NO FAITH in the results of any computer output unless
> one understand what the code is modeling, and what it's limitations are.
> The first test of a computer model is not in the the fabricated hardware,
> but rather a basic SANITY CHECK by other "experts". Without this, we only
> have a hypothesis.
> 73, alan N2ALE/6
> aka ames@force.decnet.lockheed.com
Well said.  In the case of antenna modelling software, we need to 
remember that iterative floating point algorithms are notorious for
stability problems and error accumulation problems.  Some problems
are more subtle that my favorite CAD program error message, this
from a logic design rule checker for ECL:
ERROR: 2*10^9 terminations resistors on net: <xxx>; limit is 2.

73, Dave NG0X

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