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Sunday Sprints

Subject: Sunday Sprints
Date: Fri Sep 23 11:49:50 1994
I have a choice of ruining Star Trek, N.G. and a couple episodes of Cops
on Saturday Nite or Murder, She Wrote on Sunday nite.

Star Trek and Cops are not programs my family cares a lot about, but
Murder etc, has become a "must" for certain non-hams of a different
gender than mine.

Did Marx (not Groucho, et al) say that religion was the opiate of the
people?  That was before television.

Generally, you'll find me elsewhere when this crap is on.

Yes, I've tried to mitigate the TVI.  Its a component system - separate
receiver and monitor.  Sony 2700 series.  A couple of watts can start
the monitor (with input jack terminated in 75 ohms) to do its thing.

I guess I need more ferrite on the AC lead?


Stupid reason, but this is Northern California and we did go to
Berkeley (for a while, anyway).

GO AGS (UC DAVIS, now 0-2)

eric, NV6O

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Fri Sep 23 18:29:14 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: Sunday Sprints
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9409231014.E8937-9100000@bach>

I vote for having one set on Sat and one on Sun.  An easy way to give each
a try.  Why not have the winter set start at 2300 on Sunday (so there's a
little bit of 20 left) and they'll end at 11PM on the Least Coast, more
reasonable for those who gotta woik.  That way, both sets of Sprints will
start at the same LOCAL time, fall and winter.

Ward N0AX

>From jesposit@sctcorp.com (Joe Esposito)  Fri Sep 23 18:33:00 1994
From: jesposit@sctcorp.com (Joe Esposito) (Joe Esposito)
Subject: Mobile Contesting
Message-ID: <m0qoEUv-0003OxC@sctladm.sctcorp.com>

I think that it would be neat if there was a special category in major
contests for mobile operators like myself. It's very hard to compete
against fixed stations when mobile. Nonetheless, you can count on me
to be out there so keep your ears open.


Joe, K2YJL/M

>From oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills)  Fri Sep 23 19:23:59 1994
From: oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Subject: moving contests
Message-ID: <9409231823.AA11296@astro.as.utexas.edu>

Since contests are obviously interfering with more important things 
like putting the kids to bed, watching TV and going out on Saturday 
night because other people do, I suggest we make a start by asking
to move the CQWW contests to mid-week so that they don't continue
to spoil some people's weekends.


Derek AA5BT, G3NMX

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