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Antenna Upgrade Advice

Subject: Antenna Upgrade Advice
Looking for some advice/comments/suggestions on upgrading my antenna 

My current antenna system consists of a Cushcraft A3 with the 40 
meter add-on kit (essentially a rotatable dipole) mounted on a 56 
foot medium duty tower and a W9INN 40-80-160 meter half-sloper 
(approximately 70 feet in length), tower fed at about 50 feet. The 
sloper runs from the tower down to a pine tree in my front yard with 
the end of the sloper about 15 feet above ground.

I am contemplating the replacement of the A3 with a Force 12 antenna. 
Models I am considering are the C3 and the C4S. The factors that 
limit my antenna set-up are:

        1. The medium duty tower is only rated for 6 sq feet of antenna      
       windload (C3 is 5.6 and the C4S is 5.7, unfortunately the C4   
         is 6.4) guying the tower to increase wind load capacity is 
out            of the question.

        2. My lot is so small that an effective radial system for 40 -       
     160 is basically  out of the question, (this is already          
  effecting the  half-sloper 160 meter performance).

Other factors/considerations:

        1. With my current set-up the A3 add-on output performs the          
  sloper on  40 meters, that is why I am considering the C4S as       
     I know it will  most likely outperform the sloper om 40 as       

        2. The sloper, as it is set-up currently, is pretty stealthy, the    
        XYL and the neighbors like that.


        1. Should I replace the A3 (with add-on) with the C4S, using the     
       current sloper exclusively for 80/160 or possibly replacing it 
          with something better also?

        2. Should I buy a C3 and and look into acquiring a better 40-160     
       antenna taking into consideration that I do not have room for  
          anything elaborate or large including radials and that I 
would            like the sloper replacement to be another 40-160 
antenna if I            purchase a C3? Note: I am  satified with the 
W9INN sloper                performance on 160 (even though I can't 
hear much DX, I never            expected to), it leaves alot to be 
desired on 80 in my opinion            but local noise is also a 
problem for me on that band so the            antenna is not entirely 
to blame for my poor performance on            80. I do not use the 
half-sloper on 40 meters as the A3 out            performs it (didn't 
 know that would happen when I ordered the            sloper 
otherwise would  have looked at a 80-160 meter antenna)

        3. Will I notice a significant performance difference between 
a            C4S and an A3 with the 40 meter add-on?

        4. Is there a significant performance difference on 10-15-20         
   between the C4S and the C3? I've read the spec sheets, they        
    indicate a .1  or .2 db (when measure at 74 feet)  degradation    
        by going with the C4S, doesn't sound like much of a 
difference            to me. (The reduction in 10 meter bandwidth is 
not a concern            as I generally do not participate in phone 
contests, the            antenna would be tuned to the low end of the 
band.) Does this            difference justify using a C3 for 20-10 
and something that may            sacrifice performance on 40 versus 
using the C4S for 40            meters?

        5. Should I leave the system as is, (i.e. no significant            
performance difference is acheivable)?

I am particularly interested in hearing from those of you who have 
switched from the traditional trapped tri-bander to a Force 12 C3 or 
C4S, those who have discovered a good 40-160 or 80-160 antenna that 
can fit on a small city lot and anyone else who can offer some advice.
 I am currently leaning towards purchasing the C4S but would like to 
be convince that I am actually gaining something by replacing the A3 
with add-on. I know what Force 12 claims wrt their improvement over 
trapped antennas such as the A3, and I believe these claims make 
sense, just looking for some third party confirmation. What to do 
with the sloper? well I'm really undecided at this point.  

Any advice that can help me make an intelligent decision in this 
regard is greatly appreciated. To save bandwidth you can e-mail me 
direct at HLYF37A@prodigy.com

73 de Bob (VE6KRR)

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