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[CQ-Contest] K5MM - Silent Key

Subject: [CQ-Contest] K5MM - Silent Key
From: geoiii@kkn.net (George Fremin III)
Date: Sat Dec 19 04:44:02 1998
I got to meet K5MM when he was living in Dallas.  He was part
of the N5AU multi-multi team. It was fun to operate with Dale.

He once showed me his CW sending trick or maybe a better
word would be skill.  Dale was sitting in the middle of
the room one day at N5AU during one of our SSB M/M operations
sending things on a keyer.  I sat down and he kept sending away.
He looked up and then he showed me something I will never forget.
He started sending with hsi right hand and then he switched to his 
left hand (not missing a beat) and then he turned the paddles 
upside down - still sending with his left hand.  Then - with the
paddles still upside down - he swithced back to his right hand.
He never missed a dit.  

Anohter memory I have is from a CQ WW SSB weekend at N5AU - it was 
near the bottom of the sunspot cycle and what little EU we could 
work on 20 meters that saturday had died out. Dale sat down at 
the 20 meter table and tuned the rig down to 14.155 or so and 
in his deep resonating voice started calling CQ Canada. 
Dale started working VEs - and we thought this was pretty
cool - but he just kept on going - soon he had worked more 
Canadians that we had ever seen.  Between him and the other
20 meter ops that weekend - the VE section on the dupe sheet
was overflowing.  We had never thought we could work so many
VE stations - Dale gave us a lesson that day - Thanks Dale.



George Fremin III                   You know you've achieved perfection    
Johnson City, Texas                  in design, not when you have nothing
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)                      more to add, but when you have nothing 
geoiii@kkn.net                         more to take away.
512-416-7010                                    -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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