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[CQ-Contest] SO2R Question

Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
From: aa4lr@arrl.net (Bill Coleman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
On 2/27/02 3:06 PM, Ford Peterson at ford@cmgate.com wrote:

>Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual receivers)
>considered 2 radios for SO2R?

Only if it can receive on one receiver while transmitting.

>If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  

Only because no commercially available rig with dual receive can receive 
while it is transmitting.

>So if I
>use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a transceiver,
>am I SO2R or not?

First of all, contests distinguish categories by the number of 
TRANSMITTERS, not receivers. And the issue is the number of transmitters 

Second, SO2R is possible with two receivers and one frequency-agile 

Third, I'd like to point out that in the olden days, separate receivers 
and transmitters were common. Indeed, some operators built multiple 
band-specific transmitters. (Didn't W6AM have a setup like this?) It was 
never an issue how many boxes you had on your desk, or in your shack -- 
and it shouldn't be an issue today.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Fri Feb 22 15:15:48 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:

I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
down lower as well. 

I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions 
> I've seen was at 
>    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List). 
> Thanks!
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From k2av at contesting.com  Fri Feb 22 23:32:58 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
References: <20020222151339.63909.qmail@web10508.mail.yahoo.com>
Message-ID: <092e01c1bc23$2de05b80$0500a8c0@swift>

There are a lot of presumes in there...

1. Presumes we don't look anywhere besides the band spots. The HUGE
majority of our mults were worked normal S&P or on the run frequency.
We watch the packet to make sure we get them all.

There was a period when one op was just going up the bands getting
calls and doing local (in the station) spots, and another was
following behind working the spots. As I recall few of the stations
worked in these passes (mult or no) were already there from the
internet spots. There seems to be this idea that people are just
setting around like robots waiting for the next packet spot. If they
are, they aren't making scores.

2. Presumes packet is the major method in the overall contest effort.
It's not. If you depend on packet as a major method, you're dead. Not
going to beat anybody.

3. Presumes packet is only for mults. It's NOT. Part of a skilled S&P
effort is being able to avoid spending time listening to stations
you've already worked. Get on a band for S&P and first thing work out
any stations in the band map (from packet) not worked, including
mults. This is normally very fast. Then go back to top (or bottom) and
listen to everything NOT mapped on the band map. Work or mark dupe all
those calls to get them in the band map too. Skip every spot where you
have to wait to get the callsign. Repeat the process. You will get it
down to the point on CW where you have a current call every 1/2 Kc or
so. And when the map is FULL, go to another band and repeat. My
experience doing something like that, maybe 1/4 of the stations worked
were packet.

4. Presumes there's no skill in working packet piles. Au contraire.
They are the WORST, most difficult piles because of all the no-think
fast-finger freddies who hit the F key and send their call without
hearing the DX, often on top of the DX. Packet piles are usually
ill-mannered, out-of-control, and guarantee that all one's pile
busting tricks are brought into play.

You need to know when it's a waste of time and need to come back
later. I heard KC1XX call into a packet pile a half dozen times and
couldn't work the DX. NO ONE was. He left, so did I. Listened to the
pile now and then on the aux RX, and when it lightened up I came back
and got him in five seconds.

There are a lot of other packet pile skills, and if you don't have
your own list, maybe you should be asking yourself a few questions.

5. Presumes that packet turns the game into sludge. I didn't notice
anything of the sort. Actually, I have to run, I have to S&P, AND NOW
I have to make sure that packet spot mults don't get away, because I
KNOW that the other guys will have him now. If I'm the only guy on the
band at the time and I'm in the middle of a good run, I have to figure
out how to work him without breaking the rhythm of the run or losing
the run frequency. Makes the run op do SO2R in that situation just to
keep up. Packet makes the game HARDER to play. Not everybody is
staffed with dedicated mult peggers on every band just so the run guy
only has to play F1.

We could do without packet, especially if the other multis all give it
up. But WHY? So things would be "pure" again, so we would be "real
hams" again (see earlier post)?

Who among us is divine enough to know what "pure" is? NOBODY gets to
decide who a "real ham" is, except each one of us for ourselves only.

The other thing, has anybody besides me noticed that among single op
scores, the assisted scores are NEVER the top scores. Why's that if
packet is such a huge detrimental advantage?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Clarke" <ku8e1@yahoo.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

 My 2 cents worth ......

 Radio contesting has changed a great deal from what it was 20 years
ago(for those of you that go back that far) due to technological
advances that have occurred. The same can be said for just about any
sport like NASCAR,skiing,football,etc.... Back in 1980 having a memory

keyer was a big deal!! (this is making me feel old!!)  Fast foward to
today and we now have computer logging, contest cards, voice keyers,
automatic band switch devices, and the list goes on...

  The advantages of the devices I mentioned above are they are doing
things that in the past that the contester had to do manually. Packet
is different. It is true that if you use packet in conjuction with
a logging program that you don't manually have to turn your VFO to the
frequency of a station that had been spotted. You just hit a key on
computer keyboard and it moves your radio to that frequency. So it
you also have eliminated the manual process of moving the VFO. The
big difference with using packet along with SO2R that you have removed
the "skill" of having to know what band to be on at what time to
all those "rare" multipliers. With SO2R and packet you can basically
everywhere at the same time.

  Don't get me wrong. I'm not against introducting new technology into
contesting to make it more fun for everyone. My problem with packet is
that basically you are being "spoon fed" contacts without any real
effort on your part. Can you really call contesting a "sport" anymore
when this is happening??? Plus you have the negative aspect of dealing
with "packet pileups" , which I think reflects badly on contesting due
to the behavior that takes place by some stations. Plus, how do you
prove that those stations who claim to be S/O are not cheating by
packet ??

  I look at a contest as being like the game "hide and seek". The
of most contests is to work as many contacts as you can but it is also
important to work as many multipiers as you can to have a good score.
If you are that rare DX station it's my job to find you and work you.
Now if someone tells me where you are is the game (i.e. contest)
any fun anymore ???

                         73's  Jeff

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 03:02:31 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <002601c1bb74$6a24c680$6ac8a8c0@MARCOSPALLUZZI>
Message-ID: <039d01c1bc59$97254d40$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I believe this scheme is known as the "Asynchronous Transformer" -
asynchronous because it can be inserted at any point along the
75 ohm transmission line. I just did some modeling of this scheme
with a Smith chart program that I have here. It does appear to
work, but it is a bit of a compromise. For a perfectly matched
50 ohm antenna (1.0:1 VSWR), the AT will give a worst case
VSWR of around 1.5:1 in the shack as compared to a worst
case VSWR of 2.25:1 using no special matching. For an antenna
with a VSWR of 2.0:1 at the feedpoint, the AT will give a worst
case VSWR of around 3.0:1 in the shack, whereas the worst
case with no AT would be 4.5:1.

The 1/12 wavelength  transmission line lengths in the AT's
provide 30 degrees of rotation on the smith chart. If your random
length 75 ohm transmission line happens to be close to an odd
multiple of 90 degrees (1/4 wavelength) - the worst case for
the length of the 75 ohm line, then the two series 30 degree lines
will tend to rotate you away from this worst case point and pull
the impedance loci back toward the center of the Smith chart.

Its not perfect of course as you can see from the above
examples, it will reduce you VSWR bandwidth. A better
solution would be to use 1.5:1 broadband "Unun" transformers
in the shack and at the antenna. This scheme would have no
reduction  in VSWR bandwidth or degradation of feepoint
VSWR. Of course if you have an antenna with a very wide
VSWR bandwidth, the AT's can be a quick way of getting an
"okay" match in shack when using 75 ohm line in a 50 ohm

73 de Mike, W4EF...............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Spalluzzi" <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> Hi guys, I've got a question for you: a friend of mine said is possible
> an antenna using low loss 75 ohm cable, through a system like this:
> (antenna)-(any length of 75 ohm coax)-(piece of length L of 50 ohm
> coax)-(piece of lenght L of 75 ohm coax)-(rtx or amp).
> The lenght L is, band by band, as follows, assuming vf 0.66 (rg213, rg11):
> Band        Length
> 80            14' 8''
> 40            7' 5.5''
> 20             3' 9''
> 15             30''
> 10             22''
> Why this lenghts? For example, 3' 9'' on 20 are approx. 1/12 wavelength.
> Bye, Marco - IK2XSL
> ik2xsl@amsat.org
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From btippett at alum.mit.edu  Sat Feb 23 13:44:01 2002
From: btippett@alum.mit.edu (Bill Tippett)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
Message-ID: <>

IK2XSL wrote
>Why this lenghts?

        See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:


                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

>From loumecseri at bestnetpc.com  Sat Feb 23 09:47:13 2002
From: loumecseri@bestnetpc.com (Lou Mecseri)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Dayton  Contest Dinner
Message-ID: <000701c1bc78$fd25e0e0$c44ad0d1@n9a1i1>

I would like to purchase a ticket for the 2002 Dayton Contest Dinner. 

Who is handling the tickets.

Your help is appreciated.


Lou   KE1F / ZF2LM

>From K5NZ at aol.com  Sat Feb 23 11:33:05 2002
From: K5NZ@aol.com (K5NZ@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played 
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing 
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

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>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:28:14 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Power Entry
References: <000001c1ba4f$5672a060$0200a8c0@k1ttt1> 
Message-ID: <3C77DF3E.82A5C64C@harborside.com>

Tony Field wrote:

> Seems to me that abbreviations are just that - a replacement of >a short form 
> for a long form and the long form is the desired log
>entry. I think Tree and others have pointed this out more than >once.

Hasn't this been discussed over and over and over again-like
after every cw contest?

>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:57:45 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net>
Message-ID: <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out our Drake 
> T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its to pass mults 
> between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 13:42:50 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Real hams don't XXX
Message-ID: <000701c1bca2$47389960$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>

Boy, it's always interesting to see what people will read into other's

For those who missed it, the point of Guy's posting was simply this: Do what
you wish to do, but don't belittle those who wish to do differently as long
as everyone plays by the rules.

I got the point. Why didn't everybody?

(And yes, there have been several -- countless, even -- attempts to belittle
those who don't interpret the rules the way some do.)

73, kelly

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 15:14:41 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Logs Received
Message-ID: <028401c1bca6$c9e36300$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

I have updated the Logs Received Web page with all of the logs received
Please check it out and let me know if you believe your log is missing.


Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 17:04:34 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Missing Logs
Message-ID: <030d01c1bcb6$16a582e0$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

The deadline for submitting logs for SSB Sprint is March 5.
As of today here are all the missing logs for stations that made more
than 200 QSOs.

Send your logs (preferrably in Cabrillo format) to: ssbsprint@ncjweb.com

73, Jim K4MA

K9PG 366
KW8N 332
KA9FOX 324
N2NL 322
K4XS 314
K4NO 308
K9ZO 308
N9RV 308
N6RO 306
W7WA 296
K5KG 292
NA7NA 286
K3MM 282
N6ED 282
K6RO 280
K7RI 278
K9TM 276
N4ZZ 272
KO9A 270
N6MJ 270
ND8DX 260
NS4W 254
AJ3M 248
K9NW 248
KE9I 242
K1HT 240
WA9IRV 220
W1VE 218
WA7BNM 198
WB1GQR 194
W1WQM 186
K3WU 176
VE5CPU 170
N9JF 166
W7OM 164
N6AN 160
K1PQS 148
WQ5L 146
K5RC 130
K6EP 130
WO7Y 126
K6EY 120
NA4K 118
AA0AI 114
W3GH 114
W4NF 114
NE0P 112
KS5M 106
W3YY 104
W6LFB 104

Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From jayt at arraysolutions.com  Sat Feb 23 20:30:51 2002
From: jayt@arraysolutions.com (Jay Terleski)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
References: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
Message-ID: <3C78505B.AD135BD5@arraysolutions.com>

http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/19inchpanels.htm#top of page

This URL has a picture of a similar design Jeff that I am doing for my
SO2R set up.

Jeff Maass wrote:
> BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:
>    http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/K8ND_SO2R.jpg
> I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
> down lower as well.
> I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> > Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> > To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> > Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> > looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> >
> > There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> > the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions
> > I've seen was at
> >    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> >
> > If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> > the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List).
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
> >          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
> >     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> > Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Jay Terleski
Array Solutions
972 203 2008
Military Communications Systems, Phased Arrays, RF Switches, Antennas &

>From k2av at contesting.com  Sat Feb 23 22:00:12 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net> <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>
Message-ID: <009301c1bcdf$609263e0$0500a8c0@swift>

One thing about the good ole days, that's still true ... the
camaraderie doesn't depend on the technology. It depends on that great
gang of guys you're with.

Was a terrible thing after a contest to discover a post-it down on the
floor with a mult you didn't work.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Osborne" <w7why@harborside.com>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out
our Drake T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its
to pass mults between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!
CQ-Contest mailing list

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 19:17:00 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <>
Message-ID: <049b01c1bce1$b970de90$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I modeled the scheme described in the link the Bill provided. When
you add the additional 50/75 ohm transformers on the antenna side,
the match gets much better (VSWR_ant = VSWR_ shack). I suspect
you may still pay a VSWR bandwidth penalty by using this scheme, but
I 'll have to do some additional modelling to confirm that. Sounds like
your friend only described half the system. It works much better with
the lines on both ends.

73 de Mike, W4EF............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Tippett" <btippett@alum.mit.edu>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>; <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> IK2XSL wrote
> >Why this lenghts?
> See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:
> http://lists.contesting.com/_towertalk/199610/0276.html
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From k4ik at subich.com  Sat Feb 23 22:33:04 2002
From: k4ik@subich.com (Joe Subich, K4IK)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
In-Reply-To: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
there have been several well known contest US contest ops
flouting the bandplan.

Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.


   ... Joe, K4IK

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
      On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

>From NQ4I at compuserve.com  Sat Feb 23 23:31:48 2002
From: NQ4I@compuserve.com (Rick Dougherty)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ Helsinki, Finland
Message-ID: <200202232331_MC3-F32E-751F@compuserve.com>

Hello all OH contestors...will be arriving in Helsinki abt 1300 hrs local
time on Monday...wondering if any contestors
would like to meet for brewski's, and contest talk?? de Rick

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:46:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
MD/DL5AXX         6418  320       6,161,280
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:47:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 23:10:01 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet v. No Packet
Message-ID: <002b01c1bcf1$8317cd80$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>


Perhaps somebody could help me out: why is packet an issue?

Is it because people object to technological "impurities" invading the inner
sanctum of contesting?

Is it because "I can't but he can, so he shouldn't?"

Is it "I don't want to, so nobody should?"

Is it a "real hams" thing?

Seems silly for us to have developed these new technologies only to then
wring our hands at their existence.

If you want a contest without packet, start one. I'd play.

Why can't the no packet folk just go out and buy a TNC?

Packet is. Accept it. You'll find inner peace.



ve4 - still no packet here - xt

>From kc5ajx at hotmail.com  Sun Feb 24 07:57:18 2002
From: kc5ajx@hotmail.com (Rick Bullon)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <F123QkkwdQsDOVDILan00004b21@hotmail.com>

Below is a copy of an email I sent to Mr Hollingsworth after the posting on 
the ARRL web site of the letter sent by Mr Hollingsworth to K3NM and the 
proposal of making the ARRL band plan a rule.

>>>"Rick Bullon" <kc5ajx@hotmail.com> 12/03/01 10:55PM >>>
Mr Hollingsworth,
  I am sure that you have received many many emails on this subject and I
have read the FCC's position on band plans particularly in the 160 meter
The fact remains that the band plans are voluntary and as I see it can not
be enforced by the FCC. I also concede the fact that the FCC can and should
be involved in case of intentional interference, but to cite a station for
operating outside the band plan is not fair.
It seems that the FCC has changed the rules without notifying the amateur
community. According to the list of authorized frequencies all modes are
permitted in the whole 160 meter band but if I am operating SSB below 1.843
Mhz and a CW op doesn't like me being there all he has to do is complain to
the FCC and I get a letter for operating with in the rules.
I have monitored the 160 meter band ( I don't currently have an antenna for
that band) and on several occasions I have state side hams operating below
1.843 when a CW op comes on frequency sending a string of dits at a fast
rate. This is intentional interference and most times it is treated as just
ignore them and they will go away. If it gets real bad an op can null out
the CW signal using DSP. What I have heard is the CW op finally comes on
frequency telling the SSB ops that they are in the CW part of the band and
they have to move now!
Now the SSB stations having broken any rules they have a right to be there
but if the CW op complains to the FCC who hears from your office?
The guys running SSB below 1.843! When it was the CW op who broke the rules
by QRMing the SSB stations. It seems that whoever yells foul first wins.
Has your office ever issued a complaint letter to a CW op that was qrming a
SSB QSO operating below 1.843?
When I get my station up on 160 I will operate where I have privileges from
1.800 to 2.000 in any mode. If I am asked to move I will but if the guy
follows me up the band you will hear about his intentional interference.
Will you cite him for interfering with me or cite me for being outside the
voluntary band plan?
Rick Bullon

The reply from Mr Hollingsworth is below

No one got cited. We just look for a good reason when someone is causing
interference and is not following the band plan. To the extent band Plans 
work, there will be pressure to make rules. Rules would just make it worse.

So it seems that if a SSB station doesn't interfere with a CW or any other 
station then they can operate below 1843 with no fear from the FCC, but I 
would bet the CW guys will scream foul!

>From: "Joe Subich, K4IK" <k4ik@subich.com>
>To: <K5NZ@aol.com>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
>Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
>The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
>there have been several well known contest US contest ops
>flouting the bandplan.
>Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
>those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
>Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
>    ... Joe, K4IK
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
>Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
>To: cq-contest@contesting.com
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
>around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
>below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
>"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
>Mike Hance K5NZ
>Bedias, Tx

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

>From W0uo at cs.com  Sun Feb 24 06:38:37 2002
From: W0uo@cs.com (W0uo@cs.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
Message-ID: <111.dd63e38.29aa2abd@cs.com>


  Well said!!  If there's an advantage it is very small.  Its always been 
interesting to me
that a single op with a multiplier orientation will usually be beat by a 
single op with a 
rate orientation.  At least in my experience, go for the rate and the 
multipliers seem take care of themselves.  By its nature, packet assistance 
implies a multiplier orientation.

73 de Jim

>From w2up at mindspring.com  Sun Feb 24 13:01:49 2002
From: w2up@mindspring.com (Barry )
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
References: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>
Message-ID: <3C78E43D.23739.2CE364@localhost>

Yeah, it was real nice last night having all the SSB QRM covering up 
PW0T on 1814 CW. Prime offender was S57M CQing, but a bunch of 
stateside guys kept calling him.

On 23 Feb 2002 Joe Subich, K4IK wrote:

> The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
> The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
> there have been several well known contest US contest ops
> flouting the bandplan.
> Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
> those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
> Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
> 73,
>    ... Joe, K4IK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-admin@contesting.com]
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
> Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
> around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
> below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
> "If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
> Regards,
> Mike Hance K5NZ
> Bedias, Tx
> www.teamcramp.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sun Feb 24 20:33:31 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31, 2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:20:04 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B739D@KAHLESS>

The list of logs received for the 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes has
been posted at www.arrl.org/contests/claimed 

If you find errors please contact me at 860-594-0232 or at n1nd@arrl.org  If
you find an omission, please have your numbered receipt available when you
contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:53:10 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B73A1@KAHLESS>

The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted at

If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
from your automated receipt when you contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Mon Feb 25 14:16:30 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDMEBMEBAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and 
updated my plans a bit.

See them at:

Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From AA4NC at aol.com  Mon Feb 25 14:30:26 2002
From: AA4NC@aol.com (AA4NC@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
Message-ID: <a8.7256709.29abead2@aol.com>

I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in this 
contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with the N2RM 
claimed win using no packet.

First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won against 
the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their station (ample 
number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat the packet system. 

The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX end of 
this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge packet 
generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs. Multiply this 
by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory. Those packet induced 
pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear N2RM trying to work 
"8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet spots) as a lot of the 
other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of the stations are too 
dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting spots.

I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn off 
the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not rely 
solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the spots 
before pushing the packet shoot button...



>From whhendrick at dmacc.cc.ia.us  Mon Feb 25 14:07:14 2002
From: whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us (William H Hendrick)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>

For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:

Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Bill, N0AC
William Hendrick
Amateur radio: N0AC

>From w8ji at contesting.com  Mon Feb 25 20:32:40 2002
From: w8ji@contesting.com (Tom Rauch)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <3C7A9F68.7124.596AF4B@localhost>

> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
all the other DIN plugs in the world.

I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
source I found is Yaesu.

You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 

I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!

Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
73, Tom W8JI

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Mon Feb 25 23:05:17 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:31:54 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
RU1A              4662  293       4,097,898
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
OZ5W              3876  291       3,383,748
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
M3S                550  151   25    249,150 STEVENAGE & DISTRICT

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
SN8V @SP8YMM      2541  246       1,873,782
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
3V8SM (DL6LAU)     613  148         272,172 BCC
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126
G4EHT               47   35    9      4,935 G-QRP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
PJ7/ND5S (ND5S    2260  296       2,006,880 GREAT LAKES DX / CON
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
DL6RAI (F6BEE)    1464   57   17    878,400
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
C6AGS (KI6T)       966  189         547,722 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
FG/YL2KL          3914  320       3,757,440 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YL0A (YL2KA)      1147  201         691,641 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
DL6RAI            1254   58         218,196 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
4U1ITU (OM3CGN    1146   58         199,404
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

M3S       000/000  29/015  91/028  138/034  127/035  165/039

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058
SN8V @SP8 002/002 174/031 301/044  789/055  586/057  687/057

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
3V8SM (DL 000/000  10/007  26/013  113/039  163/043  301/046
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025
G4EHT     000/000    /000  15/009    6/004   14/013   12/009

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
PJ7/ND5S  237/041 325/050 378/048  239/048  531/053  550/056
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
DL6RAI (F 000/000  12/008  77/029  336/050  531/056  508/057
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
C6AGS (KI 000/000  42/022  40/024  268/048  415/050  201/045
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
FG/YL2KL  141/036 520/054 529/055  875/057  914/059  935/059
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:33:04 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
W3LPL             9038  651   48 17,651,214 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1XM @W1KM        7963  605   48 14,449,215 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K5GO              6078  552   48 10,065,168 OZARKS CONTEST CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
KS1J              2607  372   45  2,908,296 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
N7LOX             1174  249   28    877,725 WWDXC
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
NS3T               562  241   19    406,326
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N2GC              2125  380   37  2,422,500 YCCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K6VO (K6NR)       1545  284   32  1,312,932
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC
VE3STT             235   46          32,430

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
AD4Z               258   66          51,084 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

W3LPL     192/062 977/091 452/107 2326/132 2054/133 2037/126
K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
K1XM @W1K 142/054 993/091 293/099 2114/122 1740/122 1681/117
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K5GO      039/031 223/071 967/098 1620/117 1725/120 1504/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
KS1J      019/018 124/052 381/068  736/073  662/079 6884/082
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
N7LOX     006/004  24/014  50/027  361/063  335/068  398/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
NS3T      000/000  17/016 116/046  138/056  155/064  136/059
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N2GC      022/019 138/050 338/069  453/079  471/082  703/081
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
K6VO (K6N 014/012  78/039 179/047  312/046  350/067  612/073
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:45:02 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31.2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op LP
SN8V @SP8YMM      64   0  30           9,810

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
KG4DZ           3430               3,231,060
EI7M             546  29  44         248,500
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985
XE2AC             23   8   3   3       1,221

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
N8TR            1068  58  32  33     234,000
AA1K             531  51  28  11     113,602
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VE3RCN            42  20               3,900

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
KR0B (KS0T)      287  50   3  12      33,125
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
N8PY             128 123   5   8      11,560
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3KA @VE3QAA    717  57  30         317,898
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
VE3PN            680  56  30  22     297,818
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N4UK            1022  57  34         232,232
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K9NR             952  57  19         164,236
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
W3GH             406  52  17          67,896
N8KM             375  46  12          50,228
AC8G             299  51  10  10      42,212
K0EJ             400  44   4          40,800
KO7X @KI7WX      313  49   6   4      37,840
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
KG7H             274  51   4  14      33,440
N6RO             211  51   6          27,645
K4BAI            207  42   5          18,522
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480
N3HXQ            166  33   3   3      13,248
K6SE             126  41   3   5      12,488

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A
AA1K          AA1K + PACKET

>From anton.mandos at philips.com  Tue Feb 26 08:26:02 2002
From: anton.mandos@philips.com (anton.mandos@philips.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Correct QSL info for OTxL-calls
Message-ID: <OFEE286B69.BFA919E9-ONC1256B6C.0027D9DF@diamond.philips.com>

Dear contesters

In addition and correction to the note of John, ON4UN:

The  QSL route for the contest call of the NOL-contesters is
via ON5LL ( ON five LL ).
Address OK in any callbook, or via the UBA bureau.
The calls we used up till now were OT1L, OT2L , OT2E (1992 only!)
OT3L, OT4L, OT5L, OT6L, OT7L, OT8L OT9L and OT0L

73 and see you next contest!

Anton, ON6NL
president NOL

>From n2mg at contesting.com  Tue Feb 26 05:35:19 2002
From: n2mg@contesting.com (Mike Gilmer - N2MG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <20020226133519.15021.cpmta@c002.snv.cp.net>

This odd DIN footprint seems to be a JA-radio thing.  The Kenwood 930/940 
series has this same, "unique" arrangement for its XVERTER jack.  In my 
HF-centric world, this jack is where one can tap into the receive path for 
Beverage antenna use.  I guess that's better than not having any jack for this 

Excuse the ASCII "art"

"U" arrangement (940/930/1000MP/etc.)

 P       P
P    P    P
X         X

"C" arrangement (everyone else!)

 P       P
P    P    P
 X       X

Notice the two pins marked "X" are closer together on the "standard" 8-pin; all 
others are spaced the same between connectors.  If you don't need the signals 
on these pins, cut them off the plug and you'll be OK. 

If you do what I did and insert the wrong plug into the jack, you'll likely (as 
I did) crack the jack on the radio.  Fortunately, in my case, the jack still 
functions correctly.

73 Mike N2MG

On Mon, 25 February 2002, "Tom Rauch" wrote:

> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com 

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

>From N7NG at arrl.org  Tue Feb 26 08:39:19 2002
From: N7NG@arrl.org (Mills, Wayne  N7NG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC03340B8F@KAHLESS>

Beware! Forcing one of these plugs has been know to break the insulator in
the jack.

Wayne, N7NG

-----Original Message-----
From: k8cc [mailto:k8cc@mediaone.net]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 11:05 PM
To: William H Hendrick; cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



CQ-Contest mailing list

>From k6na at cts.com  Tue Feb 26 06:26:52 2002
From: k6na@cts.com (Glenn Rattmann)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <200202261428.GAA24047@neko.cts.com>

Re the pesky DINs for FT-1000MP:

>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Here is a re-post of W2VJN's information covering the DINs (from the 1000MP

>Din connectors from 3 pin to 14 pins plus mini DINs from 3 to 8 pins are
>available from The RF Connection in MD.  www.therfc.com  The 4 pin units are
>$1 each.
>Note that the two types of 8 pin connectors are called DP8 (Icom) and
>DP8/262 (Kenwood and Yaesu).  The 262 refers to the angle subtended by pins
>1 and 7.
>George, W2VJN

All the HRO stores carry the proper 8p DIN for Yaesu and Kenwood also, and
have for years.

73, Glenn K6NA

>From k4oj at tampabay.rr.com  Tue Feb 26 10:07:10 2002
From: k4oj@tampabay.rr.com (Jim White, K4OJ)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs
References: <200202261348.g1QDmAVw013697@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <00a801c1bef0$69b54380$62f1a118@tampabay.rr.com>

well put

what is funny is how some guys do not get what this is really about - kind
of a shame - oh well

heah I have a bunch of NEW Telrex yagis for sale if you know of anyone
looking let them know!


----- Original Message -----
From: <cq-contest-request@contesting.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs

> Send CQ-Contest mailing list submissions to
> cq-contest@contesting.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> cq-contest-request@contesting.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of CQ-Contest digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
>    2. Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration? (Jeff Maass)
>    3. Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting (AA4NC@aol.com)
>    4. FT1000MP band data (William H Hendrick)
>    5. Re: FT1000MP band data (Tom Rauch)
>    6. Re: FT1000MP band data (k8cc)
>    7. 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
>    8. 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> From: "Henderson, Dan N1ND" <dhenderson@arrl.org>
> To: "'cq-contest'" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
> The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted
> www.arrl.org/contests/claimed
> If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
> 860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
> from your automated receipt when you contact me.
> Thanks and 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "Jeff Maass" <jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
> To: "CQ Contest Mailing List" <CQ-Contest@CONTESTING.COM>
> Cc: "MRRC Mailing List" <mrrc@CONTESTING.COM>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
> Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
> of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
> I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and
> updated my plans a bit.
> See them at:
>   http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/Radio/K8ND_SO2R.htm
> Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> From: AA4NC@aol.com
> To: <k2av@contesting.com>
> Cc: <pvrc@mailman.qth.net>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
> I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in
this contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with
the N2RM claimed win using no packet.
> First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won
against the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their
station (ample number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat
the packet system.
> The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX
end of this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge
packet generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs.
Multiply this by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory.
Those packet induced pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear
N2RM trying to work "8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet
spots) as a lot of the other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of
the stations are too dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting
> I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn
off the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not
rely solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the
spots before pushing the packet shoot button...
> 73,
> Will
> AA4NC / W4MR
> 8P9JA in ARRL DX
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> From: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Organization: Des Moines Area Community College
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:
> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill, N0AC
> *****************************
> William Hendrick
> whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us
> Amateur radio: N0AC
> whhendrick@mchsi.com
> *****************************
> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@contesting.com>
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com,
>    "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> Reply-to: W8JI@contesting.com
> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right!
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> To: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>,
>    cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: k8cc <k8cc@mediaone.net>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
> >Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> >bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill,
> The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the
> side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit
> (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
> Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for
> some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic
> Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.
> 73,
> Dave/K8CC
> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
> E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
> Mail logs to:
>     DX CW Contest
>     ARRL
>     225 Main St.
>     Newington, CT 06111
>     USA
> 3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> 3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
> Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> DX M/2 HP
> RU1A              4662  293       4,097,898
> OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
> HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
> LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
> OZ5W              3876  291       3,383,748
> RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
> SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
> YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> 9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> M3S                550  151   25    249,150 STEVENAGE & DISTRICT
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> 8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
> KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
> OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
> SN8V @SP8YMM      2541  246       1,873,782
> LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
> OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
> V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
> SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
> 3V8SM (DL6LAU)     613  148         272,172 BCC
> DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> 7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
> DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
> SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
> F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126
> G4EHT               47   35    9      4,935 G-QRP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
> XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
> PJ7/ND5S (ND5S    2260  296       2,006,880 GREAT LAKES DX / CON
> EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
> KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
> 9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
> OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
> DL6RAI (F6BEE)    1464   57   17    878,400
> LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
> EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
> C6AGS (KI6T)       966  189         547,722 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
> 4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
> PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
> EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
> ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
> G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
> RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
> OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
> HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
> OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
> OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
> LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
> OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
> KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
> SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> FG/YL2KL          3914  320       3,757,440 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
> WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
> S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
> DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
> 8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
> 7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
> 9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
> RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
> RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
> RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
> Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
> Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> YL0A (YL2KA)      1147  201         691,641 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
> YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
> SV1XV               48   41           5,904
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
> OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
> RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
> LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> 9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
> OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
> EI5DI              811   58         141,114
> GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
> HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
> PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
> ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
> EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
> S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
> F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
> DL6RAI            1254   58         218,196 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
> 7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
> OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
> OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
> S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
> YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
> OM2IB              986   58         171,564
> S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
> 4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
> G0ORH              814               84,645
> F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
> UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
> RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> HA3LI              262   47          36,801
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
> 9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
> SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
> SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
> G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
> DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
> S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
> PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
> OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
> RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
> OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
> S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
> YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
> RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
> UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> DX SOSB/160 HP
> XE2AC              301   50          45,150
> OM5RW              118   24           8,496
> ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
> ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
> IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
> LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
> RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S53F               447   50          66,900
> PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> 4U1ITU (OM3CGN    1146   58         199,404
> HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
> OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
> GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
> S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
> PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
> TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
> EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
> YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
> S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
> SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
> OK1RK              348   39          40,716
> SN8F               337   39          39,429
> UA6LV              297   43          38,313
> Band Breakdowns:
>              160      80     40      20       15       10
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> DX M/2 HP
> OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
> LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
> ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
> RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
> SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
> YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> M3S       000/000  29/015  91/028  138/034  127/035  165/039
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
> ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
> ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
> KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
> OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058
> SN8V @SP8 002/002 174/031 301/044  789/055  586/057  687/057
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
> V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
> KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
> SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
> 3V8SM (DL 000/000  10/007  26/013  113/039  163/043  301/046
> DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
> 7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
> DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
> F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025
> G4EHT     000/000    /000  15/009    6/004   14/013   12/009
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
> VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
> XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
> PJ7/ND5S  237/041 325/050 378/048  239/048  531/053  550/056
> EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
> KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
> 9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
> OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
> DL6RAI (F 000/000  12/008  77/029  336/050  531/056  508/057
> LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
> C6AGS (KI 000/000  42/022  40/024  268/048  415/050  201/045
> LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
> HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
> 4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
> PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
> EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
> ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
> G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
> OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
> HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
> OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
> OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
> LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
> HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
> OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
> KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
> SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
> FG/YL2KL  141/036 520/054 529/055  875/057  914/059  935/059
> TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
> WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
> G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
> S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
> DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
> DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
> KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
> 8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
> 7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
> 9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
> RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
> SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
> SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
> OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
> 9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
> OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
> S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000
> Teams:
> OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
> LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
> OZ5W          OZ1FTU OZ1KRF AND OZ3W
>                YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
> M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
> 8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
> ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
> ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
> KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
> LY1YK         LY2FY LY2CO LY3CI
> OZ0Q          OZ5AAH OZ2KL OZ1ETA
> N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
> K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
> N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
> W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
> K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
> K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
> KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
> N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
> W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
> N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
> K2RD          K2RD W1CU
>                K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
>                K9VV
> K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
>                K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
> K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
> W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
>                W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
> K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
>                NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
> K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
>                N5DX, K5GO
>                KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
> K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
> N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
> N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
> K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
> W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
> K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
> K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
> AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
> N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
> N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
> N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
> K2UG @KY2J    KY2J, WA2JQK
> WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
> K9SD          KA0GGI,K0RAY,KI9A,K9SD,K0JPL
> K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
> K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
> W7CT          NC7W W7CT
> K0TV          KB1PZ NF1A W1TQ W1MJ WO1N W1IA K0TV
> VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
> VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
> N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
> KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
> N2NT          W2/LU9AY
> --__--__--
> Message: 8
> To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
> E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
> Mail logs to:
>     DX CW Contest
>     ARRL
>     225 Main St.
>     Newington, CT 06111
>     USA
> 3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> 3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
> Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA M/2 HP
> N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
> K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
> K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
> K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
> KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
> N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
> W3LPL             9038  651   48 17,651,214 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
> K1XM @W1KM        7963  605   48 14,449,215 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> K5GO              6078  552   48 10,065,168 OZARKS CONTEST CLUB
> W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
> K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
> K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
> AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
> N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
> N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
> K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
> K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
> K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
> W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
> K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
> VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
> N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
> KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
> K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
> VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
> W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
> N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
> N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
> N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
> N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
> W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
> K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
> KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
> K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
> W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
> N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
> VA7NT              225  106          71,550
> W1SA               204   85          52,020
> W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
> KS1J              2607  372   45  2,908,296 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
> K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
> N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
> K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
> N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
> N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
> NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
> K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
> VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
> W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
> K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
> KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
> K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
> K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
> KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
> K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
> K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
> W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
> K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
> N7LOX             1174  249   28    877,725 WWDXC
> VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
> NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
> N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
> KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
> K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
> VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
> K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
> N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
> NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
> W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
> N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
> NS3T               562  241   19    406,326
> VE7FO              717  187         398,871
> KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
> N3GJ               559  211         353,847
> KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
> N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
> VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
> AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
> NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
> WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
> WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
> NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
> W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
> W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
> KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
> N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
> WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
> N7CZ               157   72          33,912
> K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
> K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
> WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> K1EP/6              89   45          11,880
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
> K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
> K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
> K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
> K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
> KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
> K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
> K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
> K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
> N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
> N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
> N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
> K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
> WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
> AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
> W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
> N2GC              2125  380   37  2,422,500 YCCC
> N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
> WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
> N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
> NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
> W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
> K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K6VO (K6NR)       1545  284   32  1,312,932
> N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
> N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
> K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
> N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
> K3II                              1,076,376
> K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
> KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
> K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
> W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
> KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
> W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
> N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
> KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
> N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
> N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
> W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
> K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> KW4DA              826  135         333,720
> K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
> WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
> W0TY               431 1287         218,790
> VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
> AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
> N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
> VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
> N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
> N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
> N6MW               625  305         571,875
> N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
> NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
> WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
> K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
> W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
> N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
> NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
> W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
> W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
> N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
> W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
> W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
> W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
> N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
> WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
> W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
> K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
> W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
> K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
> K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
> K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
> KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
> WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
> VE7NS              147   42          18,522
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
> K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
> N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
> W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
> K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
> VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
> W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC
> VE3STT             235   46          32,430
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
> WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
> AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
> W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
> W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
> WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
> K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA SOSB/160 LP
> VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA SOSB/160 HP
> W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
> NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
> N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
> W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
> K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
> N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
> W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
> VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
> K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
> K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
> K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
> K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> AD4Z               258   66          51,084 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
> W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA
> Band Breakdowns:
>              160      80     40      20       15       10
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> NA M/2 HP
> N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
> K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
> N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
> W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
> K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
> K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
> KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
> N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
> W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
> N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
> K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> W3LPL     192/062 977/091 452/107 2326/132 2054/133 2037/126
> K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
> K1XM @W1K 142/054 993/091 293/099 2114/122 1740/122 1681/117
> W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
> NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
> K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
> K5GO      039/031 223/071 967/098 1620/117 1725/120 1504/115
> K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
> N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
> N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
> K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
> W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
> K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
> AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
> N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
> N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
> N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
> AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
> K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
> K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
> K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
> K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
> W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
> K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
> VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
> VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
> N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
> KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
> AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
> K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
> N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
> VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
> N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
> N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
> N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
> N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
> W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
> K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
> KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
> K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
> W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
> VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
> W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
> W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
> N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
> KS1J      019/018 124/052 381/068  736/073  662/079 6884/082
> N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
> K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
> K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
> N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
> K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
> K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
> N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
> N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
> N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
> NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
> K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
> K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
> WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
> VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
> W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
> W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
> K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
> N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
> KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
> K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
> K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
> K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
> NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
> KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
> K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
> K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
> W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
> K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
> VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
> K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
> N7LOX     006/004  24/014  50/027  361/063  335/068  398/073
> VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
> NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
> N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
> KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
> K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
> NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
> N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
> VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
> N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
> WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
> NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
> W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
> N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
> N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
> VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
> NS3T      000/000  17/016 116/046  138/056  155/064  136/059
> VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
> KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
> N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
> N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
> KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
> KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
> N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
> K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
> VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
> AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
> WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
> NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
> W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
> W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
> KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
> N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
> K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
> K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
> WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
> K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
> K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
> AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
> W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
> K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
> W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
> N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
> K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
> K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
> VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
> K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
> VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
> KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
> K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
> W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
> K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
> K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
> N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
> W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
> N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
> N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
> W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
> K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
> WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
> W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
> K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
> K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
> N2GC      022/019 138/050 338/069  453/079  471/082  703/081
> N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
> K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
> WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
> KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
> N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
> NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
> W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
> W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
> K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
> K6VO (K6N 014/012  78/039 179/047  312/046  350/067  612/073
> N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
> N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
> K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
> K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
> KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
> K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
> KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
> N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
> KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
> N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
> N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
> W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
> K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
> KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
> K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
> WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
> K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
> W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
> VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
> AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
> N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
> VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
> N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
> AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
> N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
> N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
> N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
> AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
> K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
> K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
> NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
> VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
> WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
> K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
> W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
> WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
> AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
> W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
> KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
> W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
> N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
> W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
> NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
> W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
> W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
> NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
> N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
> W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
> W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
> N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
> W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
> N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
> N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
> N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
> WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
> W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
> K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
> W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
> K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
> W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
> K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
> N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
> K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
> N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
> NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
> K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064
> Teams:
> OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
> LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
> OZ5W          OZ1FTU OZ1KRF AND OZ3W
>                YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
> M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
> 8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
> ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
> ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
> KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
> LY1YK         LY2FY LY2CO LY3CI
> OZ0Q          OZ5AAH OZ2KL OZ1ETA
> N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
> K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
> N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
> W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
> K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
> K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
> KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
> N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
> W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
> N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
> K2RD          K2RD W1CU
>                K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
>                K9VV
> K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
>                K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
> K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
> W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
>                W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
> K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
>                NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
> K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
>                N5DX, K5GO
>                KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
> K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
> N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
> N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
> K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
> W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
> K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
> K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
> AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
> N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
> N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
> N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
> K2UG @KY2J    KY2J, WA2JQK
> WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
> K9SD          KA0GGI,K0RAY,KI9A,K9SD,K0JPL
> K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
> K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
> W7CT          NC7W W7CT
> K0TV          KB1PZ NF1A W1TQ W1MJ WO1N W1IA K0TV
> VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
> VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
> N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
> KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
> N2NT          W2/LU9AY
> --__--__--
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> End of CQ-Contest Digest

>From k1my at msn.com  Tue Feb 26 12:56:04 2002
From: k1my@msn.com (Bruce Makas)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
Message-ID: <002001c1beff$a0851a20$0101a8c0@pavilion>

I have found the time and a way to get to the WRTC2002 this year. Can
someone point me towards a resource that will help me get room reservations
at the "right" place? Is there a group in Finland who can help me with this?
Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
officials or participants. Is this correct?

73, Bruce K1MY

>From w3cf at comcast.net  Tue Feb 26 16:14:22 2002
From: w3cf@comcast.net (Doug Priest)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] W/VEs spotting W/VEs
In-Reply-To: <001001c1bb3a$ad8d9940$0200a8c0@k1ttt1>

Yeah, could be...but how do you explain an operator spotting on more than
one band a station he just spent 30 hours contesting from???

I doubt it is in the spirit of the rules to spot a W/VE knowing it will hit
the global cluster so everyone can find the W/VE station in the ARRL
contest. Its up to the rest of the world to spot us as we do them. The
offending party must disagree with me as he spotted the Multi station with
his own call on more than one band. We at K3NM found it repulsive.


Doug W3CF
                      @V26S for ARRL SSB

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest@contesting.com]On Behalf Of David Robbins
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 7:49 PM
To: reflector cq-contest
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] W/VEs spotting W/VEs

> This past weekend I noticed W/VE stations (actually, Ws for the most
> spotting other W/VE stations over the DX spotting system.  (I'm not
> talking
> about K4MA, who I know was in 8P but spotting people under his call.)
> While
> I suppose there could be legitimate reasons for this, like spotting
> rare W/VE state/province, I hardly think IL or PA falls into that
> category.  Since in almost every case, the station doing the spotting
> in the same call area as the station being spotting, it would appear
> instead that these were attempts to attract DX stations to the
> of
> these particular W/VEs.

It could be that they were spotting friends because they know the spots
propagate around the world.  It can also be to populate bandmaps of
friendly club members so they know frequencies to stay away from when
looking for a place to call cq.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From W5ASP at aol.com  Tue Feb 26 18:42:37 2002
From: W5ASP@aol.com (W5ASP@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <f6.1711b8ff.29ad776d@aol.com>

I missed out on the initial part of this thread, but I thought it worth while 
jumping in with a bit of info that may or may not be common knowledge.

As has been mentioned, the Kenwood TS-930 (and probably 940) required the 
same "funny" DIN connector.  Back then some DIN connectors seemed to work, 
most didn't.  There most definitely was a difference. As noted elsewhere, the 
difference is that in one instance the pins are arranged in a circular 
pattern while in the other the "first and last" two pins are offset from the 

I had occasion years ago to look into this and found that the "funny" 
connector that actually worked on my TS-930 was in fact a SwitchCraft product 
quite distinct from the run-of-the-mill DIN.  I once had a product number, 
but it's long gone.  I don't even know if they're still around.  But maybe 
someone in the parts business can follow this thru for the benefit of the new 
generation of confused users.

Joe, W5ASP

>From k1ir at designet.com  Tue Feb 26 19:26:48 2002
From: k1ir@designet.com (Jim Idelson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data   
Message-ID: <bq4s5stbbhgudos.260220021926@designet-jsi>

I have heard of people who use the wrong plug, but cut off the two offending 
pins when they're not needed for the application.

Jim Idelson K1IR
email    k1ir@designet.com
web    http://www.designet.com/k1ir

>From K7LXC at aol.com  Wed Feb 27 08:48:43 2002
From: K7LXC@aol.com (K7LXC@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
Message-ID: <aa.73b5043.29ae3dbb@aol.com>

In a message dated 2/26/02 1:46:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, k1my@msn.com 

> Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
>  officials or participants. Is this correct?

    YES - please come. You are guaranteed to have the most memorable 
contesting experience of your life! 

Steve     K7LXC

>From dick.green at valley.net  Wed Feb 27 11:28:13 2002
From: dick.green@valley.net (Dick Green)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
Message-ID: <EMEKIMJIEGNGMKHFDEGIEEFNCDAA.dick.green@valley.net>


The second iteration is similar to my setup, except I use autotune amps that
are away from the operating desk. Also, I don't use any shelving in my
setup -- the radios sit on the desk and the control boxes are stacked on top
of the radios. See below for how the monitor is placed. I keep the top cover
vent holes on the radios clear and the boxes are small enough that they
don't cover the entire top of the radios. Besides, the main airflow is
through the back panel of the radios. I've never had any overheating
problems. I do have to be careful about not scratching the top covers, but
the control boxes have rubber feet (which also provide clearance for

It was good that you lowered the screen. The key is to have the monitor
height such that you can look at it without raising or lowering your neck or
eyes from a relaxed position.

I see that you moved the radios closer together. I guess some people feel
it's better to have the controls closer to your hands, but I've found that
this causes me to reach directly over the keyboard too much and I don't like
that. My radios are about eight inches apart and slightly tilted in towards
me (or, as with stereo speakers, "toed in".) This makes it easier to read
the frequency displays and puts the tuning knobs 3-4 inches from the edge of
a standard keyboard. The clarifier knob on the run radio, which I have on my
left, is within very short reach. That's important because it's probably the
most used control on the run radio. The shift/width knobs are in the same
place and they get used a lot, too.

Another reason the radios are separated is that the LCD monitor stand is
between them and the stand is about 8 inches wide at the bottom. The stand
raises the screen about five inches, which isn't quite enough to clear the
radios. I put a couple of hardcover books under the stand to raise the
screen enough so that it clears the radios -- the lower edge is just above
the tops of the radios. The screen is almost flush with the front of the
radios, which puts it at about 14-24 inches from my eyes, depending on
whether or not I'm leaning back.

If you can visualize it, you can see that this setup doesn't lend itself to
shelving. I guess the shelving could be designed so that the front of the
radios stick out about 4 inches or so from the shelving, allowing enough
room for the shelving to pass behind the monitor. Alternatively, you could
cut a notch in the shelving for the monitor stand so that the radios and
monitor are only slightly in front of the shelf edges. As nice as it would
be to have shelving, it would require reaching  farther to get to the
control boxes.

I use an undersize keyboard that's about 3 inches narrower than the standard
model. The narrower width makes it easier to get at the various knobs on the
radios. Most important, I don't have to reach over the keyboard to tune the
S&P radio. Unlike most keyboards, my contest and standard keyboards are
designed so that the cable plugs into the back. They're both made by IBM, so
they're plug-compatible. I just unplug one and plug in the other for a quick
change. I used a Brother label maker to mark the special keys on the contest

One reason I can get away with this setup is that I share one rotor control
box for three Hy-Gain rotors. I built a simple relay interface to do that.
The motivation for this was that I didn't have any more cables in the
conduit and didn't feel like pulling two more. Another motivation was that
it allowed me to share a DCU-1 digital controller and it would have been too
expensive to buy three. In fact, I didn't have to buy controllers at all for
two of the rotors (a nice feature of buying them from Norm's Rotor Service.)
An unexpected benefit was getting rid of two big boxes that would have added
to the clutter.

I can e-mail you some jpegs of the station if you like. Hope these ideas are

73, Dick WC1M

>From w8ji at akorn.net  Wed Feb 27 12:04:31 2002
From: w8ji@akorn.net (Tom Rauch)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <3C7CCB4F.13015.694015@localhost>

> The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a 
73, Tom W8JI

>From ok1qm at volny.cz  Wed Feb 27 19:31:41 2002
From: ok1qm@volny.cz (Jan Kucera)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] e-mail K3EST or N6TW
Message-ID: <005a01c1bfbd$05093c20$0dd21bd4@y4n3g5>

Hello oms,

I?m looking for an actual a-mail adr K3EST or N6TW.
Please, can you help me?

Thank you very much in advance.

73?s Jan, OK1QM.

>From n2mg at contesting.com  Wed Feb 27 11:25:28 2002
From: n2mg@contesting.com (Mike Gilmer - N2MG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <20020227192528.24034.cpmta@c002.snv.cp.net>

On Wed, 27 February 2002, "Tom Rauch" wrote:

> The kenwoods are a special size also??? 

That's what I wrote yesterday in my ASCII art post.  I 
guess no one reads my mail. ;-)

As was written in another post, The RF Connection has 
these beasts


In fact, they are referred to as "for Kenwood".  Gonna 
get me some real quick like.  Then maybe it'll make 
sense for me to repair the broken jack on my 940!

Mike N2MG

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

>From ford at cmgate.com  Wed Feb 27 14:06:06 2002
From: ford@cmgate.com (Ford Peterson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
Message-ID: <000901c1bfca$31c3d060$15ed83d1@office>

Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual receivers)
considered 2 radios for SO2R?

If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  So if I
use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a transceiver,
am I SO2R or not?


>From timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi  Wed Feb 27 22:11:07 2002
From: timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi (Timo)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
References: <aa.73b5043.29ae3dbb@aol.com>
Message-ID: <002401c1bfca$e515e180$b9c5f83e@tklimoff>

> In a message dated 2/26/02 1:46:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, k1my@msn.com 
> writes:
> > Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
> >  officials or participants. Is this correct?
>     YES - please come. You are guaranteed to have the most memorable 
> contesting experience of your life! 

And please visit our web site:


There is a plenty of information available and more will be there in the near 

About accomodation, go to:


Preliminary schedule which was in our press release #1 is still mostly valid.

73, Timo OH1NOA
WRTC2002 Webmaster & Competitor Correspondence

>From kr6x at kr6x.com  Wed Feb 27 15:08:36 2002
From: kr6x@kr6x.com (Leigh S. Jones)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
References: <000901c1bfca$31c3d060$15ed83d1@office>
Message-ID: <11b801c1bfe3$b0ca3d90$ede3c23f@KR6X.ORG>

SO2R implies all of the following:
1) simultaneous receive on any two frequencies
2) simultaneous receive on one band while transmitting on any another
band with minimal interference
3) instant (milliseconds) change of transmitting band, i.e. switching
from transmit on frequency A/receive on frequency B on another band
to receive on frequency A/transmit on frequency B in the snap of a
4) uncompromised control of the first 3 features in this list
(switching capability)

It's most likely to be achieved when: no antennas share coaxial
cables, generally no antennas are multi-band.  It's easier to achieve
when using 2 or more amplifiers and 2 or more transceivers forming 2
or more complete station setups controlled by a single computer.  The
capability is compromised when using 1 auto-tune amplifier such as an
Alpha 77 because there is too much tune-up delay time to allow
bandswitching from the (former) transmit band to the (new) target band
before another CQ is issued from the target frequency or another
station answers the CQ on the target frequence (results in delays that
prevent the effective use of the technology).  Excessive delays are
usually involved when switching/controlling the main transmitter from
the transceiver frequency to a secondary receiver frequency when using
most dual receive rigs such as the TS950SDX.  The goal is to be able
to send your exchange on one band (i.e., with the <F3> key) while
simultaneously tuning in a CQ on the second rig, and to check for
dupes and be prepared to call stations on the second rig as soon as
your exchange has completed on the first band -- with no conscious
effort involved in making band changes and no delays or inter-station
interference introduced by equipment/antenna limitations.  This is a
daunting problem when operating with high power -- often requiring
special filters to reject cross-band RF, but is usually attainable at
low power when using 2 transceivers and monobanders if some effort is
taken to isolate antennas, coaxial cables, and station grounds.  Some
have succeeded even at high power levels even when using a single
tower; the goal is probably unattainable on 10-15-20M with a
tribander -- although a tribander that uses separate feedlines on each
band might allow it (I think some Force 12 antennas allow this, for

Frankly, I hesitate to provide a definition of SO2R -- too many
contesters who do not have the capability (both station capability and
knack for operation) would like to see SO2R scores categorized
differently from basic single operator scores so that their own
efforts will better shine.  I did extensive SO2R operation from W6HX
in ARRL DX contests and SS contests during the 1970's, and found an
advantage.  However, I'd have to point out that SO2R operation can be
extremely fatiguing expecially when compared to maintaining a single
run frequency.  Too much SO2R operation without sleep in a 48 hour
contest can quickly result in the capability of the operator degrading
dramatically; the SO2R operator has to pace himself, just as a long
distance runner would.

Also, limited SO2R capability can provide great score benefits.  By
limited capability, I mean SO2R with problems preventing full use of
the technology such as band combinations on which the capability is
absent due to shared feedlines or cross-band interference. To explain
this, I'd mention that it might be that SO2R on the low bands provides
a greater improvement in effficiency than the same capability on the
high bands during many contests.  This is due to the change in the mix
between "running" and S&P operation and in the relatively high
opportunity for duplicate contacts on the low bands.  During DX
contests in particular, operating SO2R on the more active high bands
is potentially much more fatiguing than on the less active low bands.
During a quick contest like the NA Sprint (which has no 15 and 10
meter activity), the benefit of SO2R can be maintained for the full
length of the contest.  In much of the US there is significant daytime
40M activity during domestic contests, and this could allow one 40M
rig and one 10-15-20M rig to be used for SO2R. These effects combined
could mean, for example, that a station with a tribander on one
coaxial cable, and separate coaxial cables for the 40M and 80/160M
antennas, might effectively gain a great deal of the advantage that is
possible from SO2R operation across a wide spectrum of contests (true
SO2R capability on 20M and below, plus relaxed runs on the higher

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ford Peterson" <ford@cmgate.com>
To: "Contest reflector" <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 12:06 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question

> Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual
> considered 2 radios for SO2R?
> If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  So
if I
> use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a
> am I SO2R or not?
> Ford-N0FP
> ford@cmgate.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Wed Feb 27 18:47:52 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 3rd Iteration?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDIEFGEBAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

I recently asked here for people to send me photos or links to
photos on web sites of the desk layouts in their Single Operator
Two Radio (SO2R) stations.

I received many responses: Thanks!

I've also received several emails asking for copies of everything received.
In lieu of that, I've listed the links and displayed the photos on the
web page at: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/Radio/K8ND_SO2R.htm.

Links and photos under my diagrams.

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Wed Feb 27 19:33:45 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7CCB4F.13015.694015@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:04 PM 2/27/02 -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
> > The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> > size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> > the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> > fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
>The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a
>73, Tom W8JI

I've only seen two types of 8-pin DIN connectors.  The more common ones 
(like Radio Shack has) fits my IC-765 ACC jack on the back of the 
radio.  I've even in a pinch melted out the center pin with a soldering 
iron and it fits a 7-pin DIN jack.

I can't speak for the TS-950, but the special 8-pin DIN which the TS-830S 
thru TS-940S used for the "XVTR" jack (supremely useful for connecting 
receive antennas) is the same as the one on my FT-1000D.  My TS-850S does 
not have a XVTR jack (I wish it did!).



>From vr2bg at harts.org.hk  Thu Feb 28 00:58:40 2002
From: vr2bg@harts.org.hk (VR2BrettGraham)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <200202271706.g1RH60Vw003766@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <>

Anybody have a chance to compare the footprint of the "standard" DIN
jack to that of the one used by Kenwood & Yaesu?

If they're the same, then why not change the jack to something that
matches plugs which are more easily obtained?

Funky connectors, swapping pins from standard convention & other
SONY-inspired silliness doesn't belong in amateur equipment.

Try to find anything but a bog standard DIN plug in a place like 9M6!

A favorite short cut for mains plugs out here is to strip the wires, jam
them into the socket & ram chopsticks in to hold them in place - though
the reason for doing so is laziness, not for want of the right plug.

Substitute a toothpick for the chopstick & any funky DIN need not
be a problem!

73, VR2BrettGraham

>From k5ka at earthlink.net  Wed Feb 27 22:03:59 2002
From: k5ka@earthlink.net (Ken Adams K5KA)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] C&S Engineering FES device
Message-ID: <>

C&S Engineering used to produce a device called a Front End Saver
that would switch a receive only antenna to ground in xmit mode.
Does anyone know if that device is being made by any other folks.
73, Ken

>From py2ny at arrl.net  Thu Feb 28 10:25:47 2002
From: py2ny@arrl.net (PY2NY - Vitor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Tnx Again
Message-ID: <003b01c1c05b$7424a4c0$7414d2c8@oemcomputer>

CQ-contest was again my salvation. Almost 
everything that we need, we can find with
our friends in this reflector...
TR-44 CDE.CDR rotator manual received,
information about FL-2000B, too. 
Many thanks for everybody and thanks to
share your knowledge with me, here in
See you next weekend at ARRL SSB contest,
will do 20m only, low power !!
PY2NY - Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos
Caixa Postal  204  -  Jaboticabal, SP
14870-970   -   Brasil
E-mail: py2ny@arrl.net
Phone: (16) 97854218

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Thu Feb 28 04:46:12 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <001901c1c055$e75030f0$6501a8c0@1800XP>

Check with the RF Connection


He has the special Kenwood DIN plugs that are used for the transverter,
external receiver antenna, remote VFO, etc. As has been mentioned the
radio shack parts have the wrong pin spacing. His prices are very good
($1.50) and  when I talked to him on the phone he seemed to know which
plug I needed off the top of his head . He can probably tell you what if any
differences there are between the Kenwood and the Yaesu plugs.

73 de Mike, W4EF.........

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@akorn.net>
To: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>;
<cq-contest@contesting.com>; "k8cc" <k8cc@mediaone.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data

> > The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> > size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> > the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> > fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
> The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a
> Yaesu?
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From n4zr at contesting.com  Thu Feb 28 15:15:46 2002
From: n4zr@contesting.com (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest Software Preferences; Other Station Info
Message-ID: <>

I have just updated the search function for the World HF Contest Station
Database so that you can ask for a list of stations using any given contest
logging software package.  The database can also be searched for users of a
particular radio, and to find out whether a given station is in the database.

Other searches will be added as I figure out how to do them.

73, Pete N4ZR

Check out the World HF
Contest Station Database at

>From aa4lr at arrl.net  Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
From: aa4lr@arrl.net (Bill Coleman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
Message-ID: <20020228213355.RKBN26356.imf17bis.bellsouth.net@[]>

On 2/27/02 3:06 PM, Ford Peterson at ford@cmgate.com wrote:

>Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual receivers)
>considered 2 radios for SO2R?

Only if it can receive on one receiver while transmitting.

>If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  

Only because no commercially available rig with dual receive can receive 
while it is transmitting.

>So if I
>use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a transceiver,
>am I SO2R or not?

First of all, contests distinguish categories by the number of 
TRANSMITTERS, not receivers. And the issue is the number of transmitters 

Second, SO2R is possible with two receivers and one frequency-agile 

Third, I'd like to point out that in the olden days, separate receivers 
and transmitters were common. Indeed, some operators built multiple 
band-specific transmitters. (Didn't W6AM have a setup like this?) It was 
never an issue how many boxes you had on your desk, or in your shack -- 
and it shouldn't be an issue today.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Thu Feb 28 19:46:45 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <200202271706.g1RH60Vw003766@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:58 AM 2/28/02 +0000, VR2BrettGraham wrote:
>Anybody have a chance to compare the footprint of the "standard" DIN
>jack to that of the one used by Kenwood & Yaesu?
>If they're the same, then why not change the jack to something that
>matches plugs which are more easily obtained?


I'm pretty sure the connectors are PC-mounted, so changing them would be a 
bear.  Not to mention, I doubt that the PCB footprint is the same.

OTOH, who's to say which connector is "standard"?  (Maybe someone more 
expert than me!)  What we Americans think is the "funny" one might just be 
standard in the Far East.



>From ford at cmgate.com  Thu Feb 28 22:12:04 2002
From: ford@cmgate.com (Ford Peterson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Propagation
Message-ID: <004b01c1c0d7$3fd04540$0300a8c0@Lab>

So what's the forecast for this weekend?  I'm dying to hear kind words from
the helio gurus.


>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Fri Feb 22 15:15:48 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:

I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
down lower as well. 

I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions 
> I've seen was at 
>    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List). 
> Thanks!
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From k2av at contesting.com  Fri Feb 22 23:32:58 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
References: <20020222151339.63909.qmail@web10508.mail.yahoo.com>
Message-ID: <092e01c1bc23$2de05b80$0500a8c0@swift>

There are a lot of presumes in there...

1. Presumes we don't look anywhere besides the band spots. The HUGE
majority of our mults were worked normal S&P or on the run frequency.
We watch the packet to make sure we get them all.

There was a period when one op was just going up the bands getting
calls and doing local (in the station) spots, and another was
following behind working the spots. As I recall few of the stations
worked in these passes (mult or no) were already there from the
internet spots. There seems to be this idea that people are just
setting around like robots waiting for the next packet spot. If they
are, they aren't making scores.

2. Presumes packet is the major method in the overall contest effort.
It's not. If you depend on packet as a major method, you're dead. Not
going to beat anybody.

3. Presumes packet is only for mults. It's NOT. Part of a skilled S&P
effort is being able to avoid spending time listening to stations
you've already worked. Get on a band for S&P and first thing work out
any stations in the band map (from packet) not worked, including
mults. This is normally very fast. Then go back to top (or bottom) and
listen to everything NOT mapped on the band map. Work or mark dupe all
those calls to get them in the band map too. Skip every spot where you
have to wait to get the callsign. Repeat the process. You will get it
down to the point on CW where you have a current call every 1/2 Kc or
so. And when the map is FULL, go to another band and repeat. My
experience doing something like that, maybe 1/4 of the stations worked
were packet.

4. Presumes there's no skill in working packet piles. Au contraire.
They are the WORST, most difficult piles because of all the no-think
fast-finger freddies who hit the F key and send their call without
hearing the DX, often on top of the DX. Packet piles are usually
ill-mannered, out-of-control, and guarantee that all one's pile
busting tricks are brought into play.

You need to know when it's a waste of time and need to come back
later. I heard KC1XX call into a packet pile a half dozen times and
couldn't work the DX. NO ONE was. He left, so did I. Listened to the
pile now and then on the aux RX, and when it lightened up I came back
and got him in five seconds.

There are a lot of other packet pile skills, and if you don't have
your own list, maybe you should be asking yourself a few questions.

5. Presumes that packet turns the game into sludge. I didn't notice
anything of the sort. Actually, I have to run, I have to S&P, AND NOW
I have to make sure that packet spot mults don't get away, because I
KNOW that the other guys will have him now. If I'm the only guy on the
band at the time and I'm in the middle of a good run, I have to figure
out how to work him without breaking the rhythm of the run or losing
the run frequency. Makes the run op do SO2R in that situation just to
keep up. Packet makes the game HARDER to play. Not everybody is
staffed with dedicated mult peggers on every band just so the run guy
only has to play F1.

We could do without packet, especially if the other multis all give it
up. But WHY? So things would be "pure" again, so we would be "real
hams" again (see earlier post)?

Who among us is divine enough to know what "pure" is? NOBODY gets to
decide who a "real ham" is, except each one of us for ourselves only.

The other thing, has anybody besides me noticed that among single op
scores, the assisted scores are NEVER the top scores. Why's that if
packet is such a huge detrimental advantage?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Clarke" <ku8e1@yahoo.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

 My 2 cents worth ......

 Radio contesting has changed a great deal from what it was 20 years
ago(for those of you that go back that far) due to technological
advances that have occurred. The same can be said for just about any
sport like NASCAR,skiing,football,etc.... Back in 1980 having a memory

keyer was a big deal!! (this is making me feel old!!)  Fast foward to
today and we now have computer logging, contest cards, voice keyers,
automatic band switch devices, and the list goes on...

  The advantages of the devices I mentioned above are they are doing
things that in the past that the contester had to do manually. Packet
is different. It is true that if you use packet in conjuction with
a logging program that you don't manually have to turn your VFO to the
frequency of a station that had been spotted. You just hit a key on
computer keyboard and it moves your radio to that frequency. So it
you also have eliminated the manual process of moving the VFO. The
big difference with using packet along with SO2R that you have removed
the "skill" of having to know what band to be on at what time to
all those "rare" multipliers. With SO2R and packet you can basically
everywhere at the same time.

  Don't get me wrong. I'm not against introducting new technology into
contesting to make it more fun for everyone. My problem with packet is
that basically you are being "spoon fed" contacts without any real
effort on your part. Can you really call contesting a "sport" anymore
when this is happening??? Plus you have the negative aspect of dealing
with "packet pileups" , which I think reflects badly on contesting due
to the behavior that takes place by some stations. Plus, how do you
prove that those stations who claim to be S/O are not cheating by
packet ??

  I look at a contest as being like the game "hide and seek". The
of most contests is to work as many contacts as you can but it is also
important to work as many multipiers as you can to have a good score.
If you are that rare DX station it's my job to find you and work you.
Now if someone tells me where you are is the game (i.e. contest)
any fun anymore ???

                         73's  Jeff

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 03:02:31 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <002601c1bb74$6a24c680$6ac8a8c0@MARCOSPALLUZZI>
Message-ID: <039d01c1bc59$97254d40$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I believe this scheme is known as the "Asynchronous Transformer" -
asynchronous because it can be inserted at any point along the
75 ohm transmission line. I just did some modeling of this scheme
with a Smith chart program that I have here. It does appear to
work, but it is a bit of a compromise. For a perfectly matched
50 ohm antenna (1.0:1 VSWR), the AT will give a worst case
VSWR of around 1.5:1 in the shack as compared to a worst
case VSWR of 2.25:1 using no special matching. For an antenna
with a VSWR of 2.0:1 at the feedpoint, the AT will give a worst
case VSWR of around 3.0:1 in the shack, whereas the worst
case with no AT would be 4.5:1.

The 1/12 wavelength  transmission line lengths in the AT's
provide 30 degrees of rotation on the smith chart. If your random
length 75 ohm transmission line happens to be close to an odd
multiple of 90 degrees (1/4 wavelength) - the worst case for
the length of the 75 ohm line, then the two series 30 degree lines
will tend to rotate you away from this worst case point and pull
the impedance loci back toward the center of the Smith chart.

Its not perfect of course as you can see from the above
examples, it will reduce you VSWR bandwidth. A better
solution would be to use 1.5:1 broadband "Unun" transformers
in the shack and at the antenna. This scheme would have no
reduction  in VSWR bandwidth or degradation of feepoint
VSWR. Of course if you have an antenna with a very wide
VSWR bandwidth, the AT's can be a quick way of getting an
"okay" match in shack when using 75 ohm line in a 50 ohm

73 de Mike, W4EF...............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Spalluzzi" <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> Hi guys, I've got a question for you: a friend of mine said is possible
> an antenna using low loss 75 ohm cable, through a system like this:
> (antenna)-(any length of 75 ohm coax)-(piece of length L of 50 ohm
> coax)-(piece of lenght L of 75 ohm coax)-(rtx or amp).
> The lenght L is, band by band, as follows, assuming vf 0.66 (rg213, rg11):
> Band        Length
> 80            14' 8''
> 40            7' 5.5''
> 20             3' 9''
> 15             30''
> 10             22''
> Why this lenghts? For example, 3' 9'' on 20 are approx. 1/12 wavelength.
> Bye, Marco - IK2XSL
> ik2xsl@amsat.org
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From btippett at alum.mit.edu  Sat Feb 23 13:44:01 2002
From: btippett@alum.mit.edu (Bill Tippett)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
Message-ID: <>

IK2XSL wrote
>Why this lenghts?

        See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:


                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

>From loumecseri at bestnetpc.com  Sat Feb 23 09:47:13 2002
From: loumecseri@bestnetpc.com (Lou Mecseri)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Dayton  Contest Dinner
Message-ID: <000701c1bc78$fd25e0e0$c44ad0d1@n9a1i1>

I would like to purchase a ticket for the 2002 Dayton Contest Dinner. 

Who is handling the tickets.

Your help is appreciated.


Lou   KE1F / ZF2LM

>From K5NZ at aol.com  Sat Feb 23 11:33:05 2002
From: K5NZ@aol.com (K5NZ@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played 
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing 
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

-------------- next part --------------
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>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:28:14 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Power Entry
References: <000001c1ba4f$5672a060$0200a8c0@k1ttt1> 
Message-ID: <3C77DF3E.82A5C64C@harborside.com>

Tony Field wrote:

> Seems to me that abbreviations are just that - a replacement of >a short form 
> for a long form and the long form is the desired log
>entry. I think Tree and others have pointed this out more than >once.

Hasn't this been discussed over and over and over again-like
after every cw contest?

>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:57:45 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net>
Message-ID: <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out our Drake 
> T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its to pass mults 
> between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 13:42:50 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Real hams don't XXX
Message-ID: <000701c1bca2$47389960$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>

Boy, it's always interesting to see what people will read into other's

For those who missed it, the point of Guy's posting was simply this: Do what
you wish to do, but don't belittle those who wish to do differently as long
as everyone plays by the rules.

I got the point. Why didn't everybody?

(And yes, there have been several -- countless, even -- attempts to belittle
those who don't interpret the rules the way some do.)

73, kelly

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 15:14:41 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Logs Received
Message-ID: <028401c1bca6$c9e36300$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

I have updated the Logs Received Web page with all of the logs received
Please check it out and let me know if you believe your log is missing.


Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 17:04:34 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Missing Logs
Message-ID: <030d01c1bcb6$16a582e0$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

The deadline for submitting logs for SSB Sprint is March 5.
As of today here are all the missing logs for stations that made more
than 200 QSOs.

Send your logs (preferrably in Cabrillo format) to: ssbsprint@ncjweb.com

73, Jim K4MA

K9PG 366
KW8N 332
KA9FOX 324
N2NL 322
K4XS 314
K4NO 308
K9ZO 308
N9RV 308
N6RO 306
W7WA 296
K5KG 292
NA7NA 286
K3MM 282
N6ED 282
K6RO 280
K7RI 278
K9TM 276
N4ZZ 272
KO9A 270
N6MJ 270
ND8DX 260
NS4W 254
AJ3M 248
K9NW 248
KE9I 242
K1HT 240
WA9IRV 220
W1VE 218
WA7BNM 198
WB1GQR 194
W1WQM 186
K3WU 176
VE5CPU 170
N9JF 166
W7OM 164
N6AN 160
K1PQS 148
WQ5L 146
K5RC 130
K6EP 130
WO7Y 126
K6EY 120
NA4K 118
AA0AI 114
W3GH 114
W4NF 114
NE0P 112
KS5M 106
W3YY 104
W6LFB 104

Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From jayt at arraysolutions.com  Sat Feb 23 20:30:51 2002
From: jayt@arraysolutions.com (Jay Terleski)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
References: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
Message-ID: <3C78505B.AD135BD5@arraysolutions.com>

http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/19inchpanels.htm#top of page

This URL has a picture of a similar design Jeff that I am doing for my
SO2R set up.

Jeff Maass wrote:
> BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:
>    http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/K8ND_SO2R.jpg
> I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
> down lower as well.
> I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> > Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> > To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> > Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> > looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> >
> > There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> > the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions
> > I've seen was at
> >    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> >
> > If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> > the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List).
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
> >          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
> >     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> > Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Jay Terleski
Array Solutions
972 203 2008
Military Communications Systems, Phased Arrays, RF Switches, Antennas &

>From k2av at contesting.com  Sat Feb 23 22:00:12 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net> <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>
Message-ID: <009301c1bcdf$609263e0$0500a8c0@swift>

One thing about the good ole days, that's still true ... the
camaraderie doesn't depend on the technology. It depends on that great
gang of guys you're with.

Was a terrible thing after a contest to discover a post-it down on the
floor with a mult you didn't work.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Osborne" <w7why@harborside.com>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out
our Drake T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its
to pass mults between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!
CQ-Contest mailing list

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 19:17:00 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <>
Message-ID: <049b01c1bce1$b970de90$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I modeled the scheme described in the link the Bill provided. When
you add the additional 50/75 ohm transformers on the antenna side,
the match gets much better (VSWR_ant = VSWR_ shack). I suspect
you may still pay a VSWR bandwidth penalty by using this scheme, but
I 'll have to do some additional modelling to confirm that. Sounds like
your friend only described half the system. It works much better with
the lines on both ends.

73 de Mike, W4EF............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Tippett" <btippett@alum.mit.edu>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>; <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> IK2XSL wrote
> >Why this lenghts?
> See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:
> http://lists.contesting.com/_towertalk/199610/0276.html
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From k4ik at subich.com  Sat Feb 23 22:33:04 2002
From: k4ik@subich.com (Joe Subich, K4IK)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
In-Reply-To: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
there have been several well known contest US contest ops
flouting the bandplan.

Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.


   ... Joe, K4IK

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
      On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

>From NQ4I at compuserve.com  Sat Feb 23 23:31:48 2002
From: NQ4I@compuserve.com (Rick Dougherty)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ Helsinki, Finland
Message-ID: <200202232331_MC3-F32E-751F@compuserve.com>

Hello all OH contestors...will be arriving in Helsinki abt 1300 hrs local
time on Monday...wondering if any contestors
would like to meet for brewski's, and contest talk?? de Rick

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:46:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
MD/DL5AXX         6418  320       6,161,280
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:47:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 23:10:01 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet v. No Packet
Message-ID: <002b01c1bcf1$8317cd80$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>


Perhaps somebody could help me out: why is packet an issue?

Is it because people object to technological "impurities" invading the inner
sanctum of contesting?

Is it because "I can't but he can, so he shouldn't?"

Is it "I don't want to, so nobody should?"

Is it a "real hams" thing?

Seems silly for us to have developed these new technologies only to then
wring our hands at their existence.

If you want a contest without packet, start one. I'd play.

Why can't the no packet folk just go out and buy a TNC?

Packet is. Accept it. You'll find inner peace.



ve4 - still no packet here - xt

>From kc5ajx at hotmail.com  Sun Feb 24 07:57:18 2002
From: kc5ajx@hotmail.com (Rick Bullon)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <F123QkkwdQsDOVDILan00004b21@hotmail.com>

Below is a copy of an email I sent to Mr Hollingsworth after the posting on 
the ARRL web site of the letter sent by Mr Hollingsworth to K3NM and the 
proposal of making the ARRL band plan a rule.

>>>"Rick Bullon" <kc5ajx@hotmail.com> 12/03/01 10:55PM >>>
Mr Hollingsworth,
  I am sure that you have received many many emails on this subject and I
have read the FCC's position on band plans particularly in the 160 meter
The fact remains that the band plans are voluntary and as I see it can not
be enforced by the FCC. I also concede the fact that the FCC can and should
be involved in case of intentional interference, but to cite a station for
operating outside the band plan is not fair.
It seems that the FCC has changed the rules without notifying the amateur
community. According to the list of authorized frequencies all modes are
permitted in the whole 160 meter band but if I am operating SSB below 1.843
Mhz and a CW op doesn't like me being there all he has to do is complain to
the FCC and I get a letter for operating with in the rules.
I have monitored the 160 meter band ( I don't currently have an antenna for
that band) and on several occasions I have state side hams operating below
1.843 when a CW op comes on frequency sending a string of dits at a fast
rate. This is intentional interference and most times it is treated as just
ignore them and they will go away. If it gets real bad an op can null out
the CW signal using DSP. What I have heard is the CW op finally comes on
frequency telling the SSB ops that they are in the CW part of the band and
they have to move now!
Now the SSB stations having broken any rules they have a right to be there
but if the CW op complains to the FCC who hears from your office?
The guys running SSB below 1.843! When it was the CW op who broke the rules
by QRMing the SSB stations. It seems that whoever yells foul first wins.
Has your office ever issued a complaint letter to a CW op that was qrming a
SSB QSO operating below 1.843?
When I get my station up on 160 I will operate where I have privileges from
1.800 to 2.000 in any mode. If I am asked to move I will but if the guy
follows me up the band you will hear about his intentional interference.
Will you cite him for interfering with me or cite me for being outside the
voluntary band plan?
Rick Bullon

The reply from Mr Hollingsworth is below

No one got cited. We just look for a good reason when someone is causing
interference and is not following the band plan. To the extent band Plans 
work, there will be pressure to make rules. Rules would just make it worse.

So it seems that if a SSB station doesn't interfere with a CW or any other 
station then they can operate below 1843 with no fear from the FCC, but I 
would bet the CW guys will scream foul!

>From: "Joe Subich, K4IK" <k4ik@subich.com>
>To: <K5NZ@aol.com>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
>Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
>The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
>there have been several well known contest US contest ops
>flouting the bandplan.
>Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
>those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
>Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
>    ... Joe, K4IK
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
>Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
>To: cq-contest@contesting.com
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
>around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
>below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
>"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
>Mike Hance K5NZ
>Bedias, Tx

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

>From W0uo at cs.com  Sun Feb 24 06:38:37 2002
From: W0uo@cs.com (W0uo@cs.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
Message-ID: <111.dd63e38.29aa2abd@cs.com>


  Well said!!  If there's an advantage it is very small.  Its always been 
interesting to me
that a single op with a multiplier orientation will usually be beat by a 
single op with a 
rate orientation.  At least in my experience, go for the rate and the 
multipliers seem take care of themselves.  By its nature, packet assistance 
implies a multiplier orientation.

73 de Jim

>From w2up at mindspring.com  Sun Feb 24 13:01:49 2002
From: w2up@mindspring.com (Barry )
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
References: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>
Message-ID: <3C78E43D.23739.2CE364@localhost>

Yeah, it was real nice last night having all the SSB QRM covering up 
PW0T on 1814 CW. Prime offender was S57M CQing, but a bunch of 
stateside guys kept calling him.

On 23 Feb 2002 Joe Subich, K4IK wrote:

> The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
> The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
> there have been several well known contest US contest ops
> flouting the bandplan.
> Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
> those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
> Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
> 73,
>    ... Joe, K4IK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-admin@contesting.com]
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
> Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
> around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
> below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
> "If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
> Regards,
> Mike Hance K5NZ
> Bedias, Tx
> www.teamcramp.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sun Feb 24 20:33:31 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31, 2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:20:04 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B739D@KAHLESS>

The list of logs received for the 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes has
been posted at www.arrl.org/contests/claimed 

If you find errors please contact me at 860-594-0232 or at n1nd@arrl.org  If
you find an omission, please have your numbered receipt available when you
contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:53:10 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B73A1@KAHLESS>

The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted at

If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
from your automated receipt when you contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Mon Feb 25 14:16:30 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDMEBMEBAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and 
updated my plans a bit.

See them at:

Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From AA4NC at aol.com  Mon Feb 25 14:30:26 2002
From: AA4NC@aol.com (AA4NC@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
Message-ID: <a8.7256709.29abead2@aol.com>

I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in this 
contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with the N2RM 
claimed win using no packet.

First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won against 
the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their station (ample 
number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat the packet system. 

The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX end of 
this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge packet 
generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs. Multiply this 
by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory. Those packet induced 
pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear N2RM trying to work 
"8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet spots) as a lot of the 
other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of the stations are too 
dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting spots.

I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn off 
the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not rely 
solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the spots 
before pushing the packet shoot button...



>From whhendrick at dmacc.cc.ia.us  Mon Feb 25 14:07:14 2002
From: whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us (William H Hendrick)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>

For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:

Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Bill, N0AC
William Hendrick
Amateur radio: N0AC

>From w8ji at contesting.com  Mon Feb 25 20:32:40 2002
From: w8ji@contesting.com (Tom Rauch)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <3C7A9F68.7124.596AF4B@localhost>

> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
all the other DIN plugs in the world.

I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
source I found is Yaesu.

You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 

I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!

Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
73, Tom W8JI

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Mon Feb 25 23:05:17 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:31:54 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
RU1A              4662  293       4,097,898
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
OZ5W              3876  291       3,383,748
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
M3S                550  151   25    249,150 STEVENAGE & DISTRICT

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
SN8V @SP8YMM      2541  246       1,873,782
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
3V8SM (DL6LAU)     613  148         272,172 BCC
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126
G4EHT               47   35    9      4,935 G-QRP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
PJ7/ND5S (ND5S    2260  296       2,006,880 GREAT LAKES DX / CON
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
DL6RAI (F6BEE)    1464   57   17    878,400
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
C6AGS (KI6T)       966  189         547,722 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
FG/YL2KL          3914  320       3,757,440 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YL0A (YL2KA)      1147  201         691,641 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
DL6RAI            1254   58         218,196 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
4U1ITU (OM3CGN    1146   58         199,404
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

M3S       000/000  29/015  91/028  138/034  127/035  165/039

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058
SN8V @SP8 002/002 174/031 301/044  789/055  586/057  687/057

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
3V8SM (DL 000/000  10/007  26/013  113/039  163/043  301/046
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025
G4EHT     000/000    /000  15/009    6/004   14/013   12/009

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
PJ7/ND5S  237/041 325/050 378/048  239/048  531/053  550/056
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
DL6RAI (F 000/000  12/008  77/029  336/050  531/056  508/057
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
C6AGS (KI 000/000  42/022  40/024  268/048  415/050  201/045
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
FG/YL2KL  141/036 520/054 529/055  875/057  914/059  935/059
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:33:04 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
W3LPL             9038  651   48 17,651,214 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1XM @W1KM        7963  605   48 14,449,215 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K5GO              6078  552   48 10,065,168 OZARKS CONTEST CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
KS1J              2607  372   45  2,908,296 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
N7LOX             1174  249   28    877,725 WWDXC
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
NS3T               562  241   19    406,326
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N2GC              2125  380   37  2,422,500 YCCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K6VO (K6NR)       1545  284   32  1,312,932
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC
VE3STT             235   46          32,430

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
AD4Z               258   66          51,084 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

W3LPL     192/062 977/091 452/107 2326/132 2054/133 2037/126
K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
K1XM @W1K 142/054 993/091 293/099 2114/122 1740/122 1681/117
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K5GO      039/031 223/071 967/098 1620/117 1725/120 1504/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
KS1J      019/018 124/052 381/068  736/073  662/079 6884/082
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
N7LOX     006/004  24/014  50/027  361/063  335/068  398/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
NS3T      000/000  17/016 116/046  138/056  155/064  136/059
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N2GC      022/019 138/050 338/069  453/079  471/082  703/081
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
K6VO (K6N 014/012  78/039 179/047  312/046  350/067  612/073
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:45:02 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31.2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op LP
SN8V @SP8YMM      64   0  30           9,810

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
KG4DZ           3430               3,231,060
EI7M             546  29  44         248,500
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985
XE2AC             23   8   3   3       1,221

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
N8TR            1068  58  32  33     234,000
AA1K             531  51  28  11     113,602
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VE3RCN            42  20               3,900

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
KR0B (KS0T)      287  50   3  12      33,125
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
N8PY             128 123   5   8      11,560
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3KA @VE3QAA    717  57  30         317,898
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
VE3PN            680  56  30  22     297,818
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N4UK            1022  57  34         232,232
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K9NR             952  57  19         164,236
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
W3GH             406  52  17          67,896
N8KM             375  46  12          50,228
AC8G             299  51  10  10      42,212
K0EJ             400  44   4          40,800
KO7X @KI7WX      313  49   6   4      37,840
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
KG7H             274  51   4  14      33,440
N6RO             211  51   6          27,645
K4BAI            207  42   5          18,522
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480
N3HXQ            166  33   3   3      13,248
K6SE             126  41   3   5      12,488

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A
AA1K          AA1K + PACKET

>From anton.mandos at philips.com  Tue Feb 26 08:26:02 2002
From: anton.mandos@philips.com (anton.mandos@philips.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Correct QSL info for OTxL-calls
Message-ID: <OFEE286B69.BFA919E9-ONC1256B6C.0027D9DF@diamond.philips.com>

Dear contesters

In addition and correction to the note of John, ON4UN:

The  QSL route for the contest call of the NOL-contesters is
via ON5LL ( ON five LL ).
Address OK in any callbook, or via the UBA bureau.
The calls we used up till now were OT1L, OT2L , OT2E (1992 only!)
OT3L, OT4L, OT5L, OT6L, OT7L, OT8L OT9L and OT0L

73 and see you next contest!

Anton, ON6NL
president NOL

>From n2mg at contesting.com  Tue Feb 26 05:35:19 2002
From: n2mg@contesting.com (Mike Gilmer - N2MG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <20020226133519.15021.cpmta@c002.snv.cp.net>

This odd DIN footprint seems to be a JA-radio thing.  The Kenwood 930/940 
series has this same, "unique" arrangement for its XVERTER jack.  In my 
HF-centric world, this jack is where one can tap into the receive path for 
Beverage antenna use.  I guess that's better than not having any jack for this 

Excuse the ASCII "art"

"U" arrangement (940/930/1000MP/etc.)

 P       P
P    P    P
X         X

"C" arrangement (everyone else!)

 P       P
P    P    P
 X       X

Notice the two pins marked "X" are closer together on the "standard" 8-pin; all 
others are spaced the same between connectors.  If you don't need the signals 
on these pins, cut them off the plug and you'll be OK. 

If you do what I did and insert the wrong plug into the jack, you'll likely (as 
I did) crack the jack on the radio.  Fortunately, in my case, the jack still 
functions correctly.

73 Mike N2MG

On Mon, 25 February 2002, "Tom Rauch" wrote:

> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com 

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

>From N7NG at arrl.org  Tue Feb 26 08:39:19 2002
From: N7NG@arrl.org (Mills, Wayne  N7NG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC03340B8F@KAHLESS>

Beware! Forcing one of these plugs has been know to break the insulator in
the jack.

Wayne, N7NG

-----Original Message-----
From: k8cc [mailto:k8cc@mediaone.net]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 11:05 PM
To: William H Hendrick; cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



CQ-Contest mailing list

>From k6na at cts.com  Tue Feb 26 06:26:52 2002
From: k6na@cts.com (Glenn Rattmann)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <200202261428.GAA24047@neko.cts.com>

Re the pesky DINs for FT-1000MP:

>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Here is a re-post of W2VJN's information covering the DINs (from the 1000MP

>Din connectors from 3 pin to 14 pins plus mini DINs from 3 to 8 pins are
>available from The RF Connection in MD.  www.therfc.com  The 4 pin units are
>$1 each.
>Note that the two types of 8 pin connectors are called DP8 (Icom) and
>DP8/262 (Kenwood and Yaesu).  The 262 refers to the angle subtended by pins
>1 and 7.
>George, W2VJN

All the HRO stores carry the proper 8p DIN for Yaesu and Kenwood also, and
have for years.

73, Glenn K6NA

>From k4oj at tampabay.rr.com  Tue Feb 26 10:07:10 2002
From: k4oj@tampabay.rr.com (Jim White, K4OJ)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs
References: <200202261348.g1QDmAVw013697@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <00a801c1bef0$69b54380$62f1a118@tampabay.rr.com>

well put

what is funny is how some guys do not get what this is really about - kind
of a shame - oh well

heah I have a bunch of NEW Telrex yagis for sale if you know of anyone
looking let them know!


----- Original Message -----
From: <cq-contest-request@contesting.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs

> Send CQ-Contest mailing list submissions to
> cq-contest@contesting.com
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> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
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> cq-contest-request@contesting.com
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of CQ-Contest digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
>    2. Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration? (Jeff Maass)
>    3. Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting (AA4NC@aol.com)
>    4. FT1000MP band data (William H Hendrick)
>    5. Re: FT1000MP band data (Tom Rauch)
>    6. Re: FT1000MP band data (k8cc)
>    7. 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
>    8. 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> From: "Henderson, Dan N1ND" <dhenderson@arrl.org>
> To: "'cq-contest'" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
> The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted
> www.arrl.org/contests/claimed
> If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
> 860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
> from your automated receipt when you contact me.
> Thanks and 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "Jeff Maass" <jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
> To: "CQ Contest Mailing List" <CQ-Contest@CONTESTING.COM>
> Cc: "MRRC Mailing List" <mrrc@CONTESTING.COM>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
> Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
> of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
> I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and
> updated my plans a bit.
> See them at:
>   http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/Radio/K8ND_SO2R.htm
> Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> From: AA4NC@aol.com
> To: <k2av@contesting.com>
> Cc: <pvrc@mailman.qth.net>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
> I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in
this contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with
the N2RM claimed win using no packet.
> First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won
against the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their
station (ample number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat
the packet system.
> The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX
end of this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge
packet generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs.
Multiply this by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory.
Those packet induced pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear
N2RM trying to work "8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet
spots) as a lot of the other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of
the stations are too dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting
> I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn
off the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not
rely solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the
spots before pushing the packet shoot button...
> 73,
> Will
> AA4NC / W4MR
> 8P9JA in ARRL DX
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> From: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Organization: Des Moines Area Community College
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:
> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill, N0AC
> *****************************
> William Hendrick
> whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us
> Amateur radio: N0AC
> whhendrick@mchsi.com
> *****************************
> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@contesting.com>
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com,
>    "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> Reply-to: W8JI@contesting.com
> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right!
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> To: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>,
>    cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: k8cc <k8cc@mediaone.net>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
> >Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> >bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill,
> The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the
> side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit
> (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
> Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for
> some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic
> Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.
> 73,
> Dave/K8CC
> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
> E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
> Mail logs to:
>     DX CW Contest
>     ARRL
>     225 Main St.
>     Newington, CT 06111
>     USA
> 3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> 3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
> Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> DX M/2 HP
> RU1A              4662  293       4,097,898
> OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
> HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
> LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
> OZ5W              3876  291       3,383,748
> RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
> SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
> YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> 9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> M3S                550  151   25    249,150 STEVENAGE & DISTRICT
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> 8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
> KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
> OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
> SN8V @SP8YMM      2541  246       1,873,782
> LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
> OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
> V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
> SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
> 3V8SM (DL6LAU)     613  148         272,172 BCC
> DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> 7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
> DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
> SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
> F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126
> G4EHT               47   35    9      4,935 G-QRP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
> XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
> PJ7/ND5S (ND5S    2260  296       2,006,880 GREAT LAKES DX / CON
> EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
> KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
> 9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
> OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
> DL6RAI (F6BEE)    1464   57   17    878,400
> LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
> EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
> C6AGS (KI6T)       966  189         547,722 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
> 4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
> PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
> EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
> ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
> G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
> RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
> OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
> HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
> OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
> OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
> LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
> OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
> KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
> SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> FG/YL2KL          3914  320       3,757,440 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
> WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
> S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
> DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
> 8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
> 7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
> 9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
> RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
> RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
> RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
> Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
> Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> YL0A (YL2KA)      1147  201         691,641 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
> YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
> SV1XV               48   41           5,904
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
> OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
> RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
> LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> 9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
> OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
> EI5DI              811   58         141,114
> GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
> HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
> PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
> ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
> EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
> S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
> F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
> DL6RAI            1254   58         218,196 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
> 7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
> OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
> OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
> S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
> YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
> OM2IB              986   58         171,564
> S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
> 4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
> G0ORH              814               84,645
> F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
> UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
> RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> HA3LI              262   47          36,801
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
> 9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
> SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
> SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
> G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
> DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
> S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
> PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
> OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
> RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
> OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
> S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
> YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
> RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
> UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> DX SOSB/160 HP
> XE2AC              301   50          45,150
> OM5RW              118   24           8,496
> ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
> ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
> IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
> LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
> RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S53F               447   50          66,900
> PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> 4U1ITU (OM3CGN    1146   58         199,404
> HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
> OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
> GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
> S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
> PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
> TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
> EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
> YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
> S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
> SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
> OK1RK              348   39          40,716
> SN8F               337   39          39,429
> UA6LV              297   43          38,313
> Band Breakdowns:
>              160      80     40      20       15       10
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> DX M/2 HP
> OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
> LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
> ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
> RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
> SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
> YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> M3S       000/000  29/015  91/028  138/034  127/035  165/039
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
> ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
> ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
> KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
> OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058
> SN8V @SP8 002/002 174/031 301/044  789/055  586/057  687/057
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
> V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
> KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
> SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
> 3V8SM (DL 000/000  10/007  26/013  113/039  163/043  301/046
> DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
> 7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
> DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
> F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025
> G4EHT     000/000    /000  15/009    6/004   14/013   12/009
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
> VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
> XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
> PJ7/ND5S  237/041 325/050 378/048  239/048  531/053  550/056
> EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
> KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
> 9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
> OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
> DL6RAI (F 000/000  12/008  77/029  336/050  531/056  508/057
> LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
> C6AGS (KI 000/000  42/022  40/024  268/048  415/050  201/045
> LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
> HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
> 4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
> PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
> EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
> ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
> G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
> OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
> HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
> OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
> OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
> LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
> HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
> OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
> KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
> SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
> FG/YL2KL  141/036 520/054 529/055  875/057  914/059  935/059
> TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
> WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
> G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
> S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
> DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
> DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
> KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
> 8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
> 7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
> 9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
> RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
> SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
> SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
> OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
> 9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
> OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
> S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000
> Teams:
> OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
> LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
> OZ5W          OZ1FTU OZ1KRF AND OZ3W
>                YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
> M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
> 8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
> ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
> ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
> KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
> LY1YK         LY2FY LY2CO LY3CI
> OZ0Q          OZ5AAH OZ2KL OZ1ETA
> N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
> K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
> N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
> W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
> K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
> K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
> KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
> N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
> W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
> N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
> K2RD          K2RD W1CU
>                K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
>                K9VV
> K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
>                K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
> K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
> W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
>                W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
> K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
>                NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
> K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
>                N5DX, K5GO
>                KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
> K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
> N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
> N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
> K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
> W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
> K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
> K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
> AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
> N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
> N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
> N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
> K2UG @KY2J    KY2J, WA2JQK
> WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
> K9SD          KA0GGI,K0RAY,KI9A,K9SD,K0JPL
> K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
> K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
> W7CT          NC7W W7CT
> K0TV          KB1PZ NF1A W1TQ W1MJ WO1N W1IA K0TV
> VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
> VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
> N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
> KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
> N2NT          W2/LU9AY
> --__--__--
> Message: 8
> To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
> E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
> Mail logs to:
>     DX CW Contest
>     ARRL
>     225 Main St.
>     Newington, CT 06111
>     USA
> 3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> 3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
> Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA M/2 HP
> N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
> K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
> K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
> K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
> KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
> N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
> W3LPL             9038  651   48 17,651,214 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
> K1XM @W1KM        7963  605   48 14,449,215 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> K5GO              6078  552   48 10,065,168 OZARKS CONTEST CLUB
> W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
> K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
> K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
> AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
> N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
> N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
> K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
> K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
> K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
> W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
> K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
> VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
> N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
> KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
> K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
> VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
> W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
> N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
> N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
> N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
> N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
> W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
> K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
> KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
> K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
> W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
> N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
> VA7NT              225  106          71,550
> W1SA               204   85          52,020
> W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
> KS1J              2607  372   45  2,908,296 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
> K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
> N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
> K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
> N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
> N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
> NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
> K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
> VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
> W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
> K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
> KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
> K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
> K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
> KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
> K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
> K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
> W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
> K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
> N7LOX             1174  249   28    877,725 WWDXC
> VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
> NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
> N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
> KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
> K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
> VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
> K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
> N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
> NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
> W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
> N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
> NS3T               562  241   19    406,326
> VE7FO              717  187         398,871
> KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
> N3GJ               559  211         353,847
> KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
> N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
> VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
> AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
> NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
> WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
> WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
> NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
> W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
> W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
> KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
> N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
> WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
> N7CZ               157   72          33,912
> K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
> K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
> WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> K1EP/6              89   45          11,880
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
> K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
> K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
> K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
> K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
> KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
> K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
> K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
> K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
> N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
> N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
> N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
> K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
> WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
> AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
> W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
> N2GC              2125  380   37  2,422,500 YCCC
> N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
> WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
> N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
> NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
> W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
> K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K6VO (K6NR)       1545  284   32  1,312,932
> N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
> N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
> K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
> N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
> K3II                              1,076,376
> K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
> KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
> K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
> W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
> KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
> W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
> N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
> KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
> N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
> N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
> W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
> K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> KW4DA              826  135         333,720
> K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
> WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
> W0TY               431 1287         218,790
> VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
> AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
> N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
> VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
> N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
> N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
> N6MW               625  305         571,875
> N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
> NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
> WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
> K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
> W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
> N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
> NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
> W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
> W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
> N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
> W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
> W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
> W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
> N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
> WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
> W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
> K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
> W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
> K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
> K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
> K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
> KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
> WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
> VE7NS              147   42          18,522
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
> K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
> N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
> W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
> K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
> VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
> W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC
> VE3STT             235   46          32,430
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
> WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
> AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
> W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
> W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
> WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
> K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA SOSB/160 LP
> VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA SOSB/160 HP
> W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
> NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
> N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
> W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
> K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
> N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
> W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
> VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
> K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
> K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
> K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
> K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> AD4Z               258   66          51,084 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
> W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA
> Band Breakdowns:
>              160      80     40      20       15       10
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> NA M/2 HP
> N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
> K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
> N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
> W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
> K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
> K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
> KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
> N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
> W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
> N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
> K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> W3LPL     192/062 977/091 452/107 2326/132 2054/133 2037/126
> K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
> K1XM @W1K 142/054 993/091 293/099 2114/122 1740/122 1681/117
> W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
> NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
> K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
> K5GO      039/031 223/071 967/098 1620/117 1725/120 1504/115
> K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
> N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
> N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
> K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
> W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
> K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
> AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
> N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
> N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
> N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
> AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
> K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
> K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
> K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
> K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
> W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
> K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
> VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
> VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
> N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
> KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
> AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
> K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
> N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
> VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
> N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
> N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
> N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
> N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
> W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
> K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
> KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
> K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
> W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
> VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
> W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
> W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
> N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
> KS1J      019/018 124/052 381/068  736/073  662/079 6884/082
> N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
> K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
> K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
> N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
> K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
> K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
> N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
> N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
> N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
> NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
> K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
> K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
> WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
> VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
> W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
> W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
> K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
> N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
> KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
> K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
> K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
> K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
> NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
> KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
> K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
> K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
> W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
> K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
> VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
> K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
> N7LOX     006/004  24/014  50/027  361/063  335/068  398/073
> VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
> NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
> N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
> KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
> K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
> NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
> N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
> VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
> N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
> WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
> NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
> W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
> N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
> N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
> VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
> NS3T      000/000  17/016 116/046  138/056  155/064  136/059
> VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
> KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
> N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
> N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
> KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
> KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
> N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
> K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
> VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
> AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
> WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
> NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
> W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
> W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
> KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
> N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
> K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
> K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
> WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
> K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
> K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
> AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
> W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
> K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
> W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
> N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
> K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
> K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
> VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
> K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
> VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
> KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
> K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
> W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
> K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
> K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
> N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
> W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
> N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
> N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
> W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
> K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
> WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
> W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
> K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
> K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
> N2GC      022/019 138/050 338/069  453/079  471/082  703/081
> N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
> K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
> WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
> KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
> N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
> NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
> W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
> W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
> K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
> K6VO (K6N 014/012  78/039 179/047  312/046  350/067  612/073
> N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
> N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
> K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
> K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
> KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
> K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
> KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
> N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
> KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
> N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
> N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
> W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
> K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
> KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
> K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
> WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
> K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
> W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
> VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
> AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
> N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
> VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
> N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
> AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
> N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
> N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
> N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
> AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
> K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
> K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
> NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
> VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
> WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
> K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
> W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
> WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
> AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
> W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
> KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
> W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
> N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
> W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
> NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
> W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
> W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
> NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
> N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
> W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
> W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
> N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
> W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
> N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
> N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
> N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
> WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
> W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
> K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
> W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
> K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
> W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
> K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
> N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
> K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
> N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
> NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
> K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064
> Teams:
> OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
> LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
> OZ5W          OZ1FTU OZ1KRF AND OZ3W
>                YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
> M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
> 8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
> ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
> ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
> KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
> LY1YK         LY2FY LY2CO LY3CI
> OZ0Q          OZ5AAH OZ2KL OZ1ETA
> N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
> K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
> N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
> W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
> K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
> K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
> KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
> N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
> W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
> N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
> K2RD          K2RD W1CU
>                K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
>                K9VV
> K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
>                K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
> K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
> W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
>                W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
> K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
>                NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
> K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
>                N5DX, K5GO
>                KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
> K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
> N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
> N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
> K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
> W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
> K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
> K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
> AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
> N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
> N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
> N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
> K2UG @KY2J    KY2J, WA2JQK
> WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
> K9SD          KA0GGI,K0RAY,KI9A,K9SD,K0JPL
> K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
> K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
> W7CT          NC7W W7CT
> K0TV          KB1PZ NF1A W1TQ W1MJ WO1N W1IA K0TV
> VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
> VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
> N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
> KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
> N2NT          W2/LU9AY
> --__--__--
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> End of CQ-Contest Digest

>From k1my at msn.com  Tue Feb 26 12:56:04 2002
From: k1my@msn.com (Bruce Makas)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
Message-ID: <002001c1beff$a0851a20$0101a8c0@pavilion>

I have found the time and a way to get to the WRTC2002 this year. Can
someone point me towards a resource that will help me get room reservations
at the "right" place? Is there a group in Finland who can help me with this?
Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
officials or participants. Is this correct?

73, Bruce K1MY

>From w3cf at comcast.net  Tue Feb 26 16:14:22 2002
From: w3cf@comcast.net (Doug Priest)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] W/VEs spotting W/VEs
In-Reply-To: <001001c1bb3a$ad8d9940$0200a8c0@k1ttt1>

Yeah, could be...but how do you explain an operator spotting on more than
one band a station he just spent 30 hours contesting from???

I doubt it is in the spirit of the rules to spot a W/VE knowing it will hit
the global cluster so everyone can find the W/VE station in the ARRL
contest. Its up to the rest of the world to spot us as we do them. The
offending party must disagree with me as he spotted the Multi station with
his own call on more than one band. We at K3NM found it repulsive.


Doug W3CF
                      @V26S for ARRL SSB

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest@contesting.com]On Behalf Of David Robbins
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 7:49 PM
To: reflector cq-contest
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] W/VEs spotting W/VEs

> This past weekend I noticed W/VE stations (actually, Ws for the most
> spotting other W/VE stations over the DX spotting system.  (I'm not
> talking
> about K4MA, who I know was in 8P but spotting people under his call.)
> While
> I suppose there could be legitimate reasons for this, like spotting
> rare W/VE state/province, I hardly think IL or PA falls into that
> category.  Since in almost every case, the station doing the spotting
> in the same call area as the station being spotting, it would appear
> instead that these were attempts to attract DX stations to the
> of
> these particular W/VEs.

It could be that they were spotting friends because they know the spots
propagate around the world.  It can also be to populate bandmaps of
friendly club members so they know frequencies to stay away from when
looking for a place to call cq.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From W5ASP at aol.com  Tue Feb 26 18:42:37 2002
From: W5ASP@aol.com (W5ASP@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <f6.1711b8ff.29ad776d@aol.com>

I missed out on the initial part of this thread, but I thought it worth while 
jumping in with a bit of info that may or may not be common knowledge.

As has been mentioned, the Kenwood TS-930 (and probably 940) required the 
same "funny" DIN connector.  Back then some DIN connectors seemed to work, 
most didn't.  There most definitely was a difference. As noted elsewhere, the 
difference is that in one instance the pins are arranged in a circular 
pattern while in the other the "first and last" two pins are offset from the 

I had occasion years ago to look into this and found that the "funny" 
connector that actually worked on my TS-930 was in fact a SwitchCraft product 
quite distinct from the run-of-the-mill DIN.  I once had a product number, 
but it's long gone.  I don't even know if they're still around.  But maybe 
someone in the parts business can follow this thru for the benefit of the new 
generation of confused users.

Joe, W5ASP

>From k1ir at designet.com  Tue Feb 26 19:26:48 2002
From: k1ir@designet.com (Jim Idelson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data   
Message-ID: <bq4s5stbbhgudos.260220021926@designet-jsi>

I have heard of people who use the wrong plug, but cut off the two offending 
pins when they're not needed for the application.

Jim Idelson K1IR
email    k1ir@designet.com
web    http://www.designet.com/k1ir

>From K7LXC at aol.com  Wed Feb 27 08:48:43 2002
From: K7LXC@aol.com (K7LXC@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
Message-ID: <aa.73b5043.29ae3dbb@aol.com>

In a message dated 2/26/02 1:46:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, k1my@msn.com 

> Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
>  officials or participants. Is this correct?

    YES - please come. You are guaranteed to have the most memorable 
contesting experience of your life! 

Steve     K7LXC

>From dick.green at valley.net  Wed Feb 27 11:28:13 2002
From: dick.green@valley.net (Dick Green)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
Message-ID: <EMEKIMJIEGNGMKHFDEGIEEFNCDAA.dick.green@valley.net>


The second iteration is similar to my setup, except I use autotune amps that
are away from the operating desk. Also, I don't use any shelving in my
setup -- the radios sit on the desk and the control boxes are stacked on top
of the radios. See below for how the monitor is placed. I keep the top cover
vent holes on the radios clear and the boxes are small enough that they
don't cover the entire top of the radios. Besides, the main airflow is
through the back panel of the radios. I've never had any overheating
problems. I do have to be careful about not scratching the top covers, but
the control boxes have rubber feet (which also provide clearance for

It was good that you lowered the screen. The key is to have the monitor
height such that you can look at it without raising or lowering your neck or
eyes from a relaxed position.

I see that you moved the radios closer together. I guess some people feel
it's better to have the controls closer to your hands, but I've found that
this causes me to reach directly over the keyboard too much and I don't like
that. My radios are about eight inches apart and slightly tilted in towards
me (or, as with stereo speakers, "toed in".) This makes it easier to read
the frequency displays and puts the tuning knobs 3-4 inches from the edge of
a standard keyboard. The clarifier knob on the run radio, which I have on my
left, is within very short reach. That's important because it's probably the
most used control on the run radio. The shift/width knobs are in the same
place and they get used a lot, too.

Another reason the radios are separated is that the LCD monitor stand is
between them and the stand is about 8 inches wide at the bottom. The stand
raises the screen about five inches, which isn't quite enough to clear the
radios. I put a couple of hardcover books under the stand to raise the
screen enough so that it clears the radios -- the lower edge is just above
the tops of the radios. The screen is almost flush with the front of the
radios, which puts it at about 14-24 inches from my eyes, depending on
whether or not I'm leaning back.

If you can visualize it, you can see that this setup doesn't lend itself to
shelving. I guess the shelving could be designed so that the front of the
radios stick out about 4 inches or so from the shelving, allowing enough
room for the shelving to pass behind the monitor. Alternatively, you could
cut a notch in the shelving for the monitor stand so that the radios and
monitor are only slightly in front of the shelf edges. As nice as it would
be to have shelving, it would require reaching  farther to get to the
control boxes.

I use an undersize keyboard that's about 3 inches narrower than the standard
model. The narrower width makes it easier to get at the various knobs on the
radios. Most important, I don't have to reach over the keyboard to tune the
S&P radio. Unlike most keyboards, my contest and standard keyboards are
designed so that the cable plugs into the back. They're both made by IBM, so
they're plug-compatible. I just unplug one and plug in the other for a quick
change. I used a Brother label maker to mark the special keys on the contest

One reason I can get away with this setup is that I share one rotor control
box for three Hy-Gain rotors. I built a simple relay interface to do that.
The motivation for this was that I didn't have any more cables in the
conduit and didn't feel like pulling two more. Another motivation was that
it allowed me to share a DCU-1 digital controller and it would have been too
expensive to buy three. In fact, I didn't have to buy controllers at all for
two of the rotors (a nice feature of buying them from Norm's Rotor Service.)
An unexpected benefit was getting rid of two big boxes that would have added
to the clutter.

I can e-mail you some jpegs of the station if you like. Hope these ideas are

73, Dick WC1M

>From w8ji at akorn.net  Wed Feb 27 12:04:31 2002
From: w8ji@akorn.net (Tom Rauch)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <3C7CCB4F.13015.694015@localhost>

> The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a 
73, Tom W8JI

>From ok1qm at volny.cz  Wed Feb 27 19:31:41 2002
From: ok1qm@volny.cz (Jan Kucera)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] e-mail K3EST or N6TW
Message-ID: <005a01c1bfbd$05093c20$0dd21bd4@y4n3g5>

Hello oms,

I?m looking for an actual a-mail adr K3EST or N6TW.
Please, can you help me?

Thank you very much in advance.

73?s Jan, OK1QM.

>From n2mg at contesting.com  Wed Feb 27 11:25:28 2002
From: n2mg@contesting.com (Mike Gilmer - N2MG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <20020227192528.24034.cpmta@c002.snv.cp.net>

On Wed, 27 February 2002, "Tom Rauch" wrote:

> The kenwoods are a special size also??? 

That's what I wrote yesterday in my ASCII art post.  I 
guess no one reads my mail. ;-)

As was written in another post, The RF Connection has 
these beasts


In fact, they are referred to as "for Kenwood".  Gonna 
get me some real quick like.  Then maybe it'll make 
sense for me to repair the broken jack on my 940!

Mike N2MG

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

>From ford at cmgate.com  Wed Feb 27 14:06:06 2002
From: ford@cmgate.com (Ford Peterson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
Message-ID: <000901c1bfca$31c3d060$15ed83d1@office>

Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual receivers)
considered 2 radios for SO2R?

If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  So if I
use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a transceiver,
am I SO2R or not?


>From timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi  Wed Feb 27 22:11:07 2002
From: timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi (Timo)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
References: <aa.73b5043.29ae3dbb@aol.com>
Message-ID: <002401c1bfca$e515e180$b9c5f83e@tklimoff>

> In a message dated 2/26/02 1:46:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, k1my@msn.com 
> writes:
> > Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
> >  officials or participants. Is this correct?
>     YES - please come. You are guaranteed to have the most memorable 
> contesting experience of your life! 

And please visit our web site:


There is a plenty of information available and more will be there in the near 

About accomodation, go to:


Preliminary schedule which was in our press release #1 is still mostly valid.

73, Timo OH1NOA
WRTC2002 Webmaster & Competitor Correspondence

>From kr6x at kr6x.com  Wed Feb 27 15:08:36 2002
From: kr6x@kr6x.com (Leigh S. Jones)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
References: <000901c1bfca$31c3d060$15ed83d1@office>
Message-ID: <11b801c1bfe3$b0ca3d90$ede3c23f@KR6X.ORG>

SO2R implies all of the following:
1) simultaneous receive on any two frequencies
2) simultaneous receive on one band while transmitting on any another
band with minimal interference
3) instant (milliseconds) change of transmitting band, i.e. switching
from transmit on frequency A/receive on frequency B on another band
to receive on frequency A/transmit on frequency B in the snap of a
4) uncompromised control of the first 3 features in this list
(switching capability)

It's most likely to be achieved when: no antennas share coaxial
cables, generally no antennas are multi-band.  It's easier to achieve
when using 2 or more amplifiers and 2 or more transceivers forming 2
or more complete station setups controlled by a single computer.  The
capability is compromised when using 1 auto-tune amplifier such as an
Alpha 77 because there is too much tune-up delay time to allow
bandswitching from the (former) transmit band to the (new) target band
before another CQ is issued from the target frequency or another
station answers the CQ on the target frequence (results in delays that
prevent the effective use of the technology).  Excessive delays are
usually involved when switching/controlling the main transmitter from
the transceiver frequency to a secondary receiver frequency when using
most dual receive rigs such as the TS950SDX.  The goal is to be able
to send your exchange on one band (i.e., with the <F3> key) while
simultaneously tuning in a CQ on the second rig, and to check for
dupes and be prepared to call stations on the second rig as soon as
your exchange has completed on the first band -- with no conscious
effort involved in making band changes and no delays or inter-station
interference introduced by equipment/antenna limitations.  This is a
daunting problem when operating with high power -- often requiring
special filters to reject cross-band RF, but is usually attainable at
low power when using 2 transceivers and monobanders if some effort is
taken to isolate antennas, coaxial cables, and station grounds.  Some
have succeeded even at high power levels even when using a single
tower; the goal is probably unattainable on 10-15-20M with a
tribander -- although a tribander that uses separate feedlines on each
band might allow it (I think some Force 12 antennas allow this, for

Frankly, I hesitate to provide a definition of SO2R -- too many
contesters who do not have the capability (both station capability and
knack for operation) would like to see SO2R scores categorized
differently from basic single operator scores so that their own
efforts will better shine.  I did extensive SO2R operation from W6HX
in ARRL DX contests and SS contests during the 1970's, and found an
advantage.  However, I'd have to point out that SO2R operation can be
extremely fatiguing expecially when compared to maintaining a single
run frequency.  Too much SO2R operation without sleep in a 48 hour
contest can quickly result in the capability of the operator degrading
dramatically; the SO2R operator has to pace himself, just as a long
distance runner would.

Also, limited SO2R capability can provide great score benefits.  By
limited capability, I mean SO2R with problems preventing full use of
the technology such as band combinations on which the capability is
absent due to shared feedlines or cross-band interference. To explain
this, I'd mention that it might be that SO2R on the low bands provides
a greater improvement in effficiency than the same capability on the
high bands during many contests.  This is due to the change in the mix
between "running" and S&P operation and in the relatively high
opportunity for duplicate contacts on the low bands.  During DX
contests in particular, operating SO2R on the more active high bands
is potentially much more fatiguing than on the less active low bands.
During a quick contest like the NA Sprint (which has no 15 and 10
meter activity), the benefit of SO2R can be maintained for the full
length of the contest.  In much of the US there is significant daytime
40M activity during domestic contests, and this could allow one 40M
rig and one 10-15-20M rig to be used for SO2R. These effects combined
could mean, for example, that a station with a tribander on one
coaxial cable, and separate coaxial cables for the 40M and 80/160M
antennas, might effectively gain a great deal of the advantage that is
possible from SO2R operation across a wide spectrum of contests (true
SO2R capability on 20M and below, plus relaxed runs on the higher

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ford Peterson" <ford@cmgate.com>
To: "Contest reflector" <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 12:06 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question

> Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual
> considered 2 radios for SO2R?
> If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  So
if I
> use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a
> am I SO2R or not?
> Ford-N0FP
> ford@cmgate.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Wed Feb 27 18:47:52 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 3rd Iteration?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDIEFGEBAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

I recently asked here for people to send me photos or links to
photos on web sites of the desk layouts in their Single Operator
Two Radio (SO2R) stations.

I received many responses: Thanks!

I've also received several emails asking for copies of everything received.
In lieu of that, I've listed the links and displayed the photos on the
web page at: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/Radio/K8ND_SO2R.htm.

Links and photos under my diagrams.

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Wed Feb 27 19:33:45 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7CCB4F.13015.694015@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:04 PM 2/27/02 -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
> > The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> > size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> > the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> > fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
>The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a
>73, Tom W8JI

I've only seen two types of 8-pin DIN connectors.  The more common ones 
(like Radio Shack has) fits my IC-765 ACC jack on the back of the 
radio.  I've even in a pinch melted out the center pin with a soldering 
iron and it fits a 7-pin DIN jack.

I can't speak for the TS-950, but the special 8-pin DIN which the TS-830S 
thru TS-940S used for the "XVTR" jack (supremely useful for connecting 
receive antennas) is the same as the one on my FT-1000D.  My TS-850S does 
not have a XVTR jack (I wish it did!).



>From vr2bg at harts.org.hk  Thu Feb 28 00:58:40 2002
From: vr2bg@harts.org.hk (VR2BrettGraham)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <200202271706.g1RH60Vw003766@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <>

Anybody have a chance to compare the footprint of the "standard" DIN
jack to that of the one used by Kenwood & Yaesu?

If they're the same, then why not change the jack to something that
matches plugs which are more easily obtained?

Funky connectors, swapping pins from standard convention & other
SONY-inspired silliness doesn't belong in amateur equipment.

Try to find anything but a bog standard DIN plug in a place like 9M6!

A favorite short cut for mains plugs out here is to strip the wires, jam
them into the socket & ram chopsticks in to hold them in place - though
the reason for doing so is laziness, not for want of the right plug.

Substitute a toothpick for the chopstick & any funky DIN need not
be a problem!

73, VR2BrettGraham

>From k5ka at earthlink.net  Wed Feb 27 22:03:59 2002
From: k5ka@earthlink.net (Ken Adams K5KA)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] C&S Engineering FES device
Message-ID: <>

C&S Engineering used to produce a device called a Front End Saver
that would switch a receive only antenna to ground in xmit mode.
Does anyone know if that device is being made by any other folks.
73, Ken

>From py2ny at arrl.net  Thu Feb 28 10:25:47 2002
From: py2ny@arrl.net (PY2NY - Vitor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Tnx Again
Message-ID: <003b01c1c05b$7424a4c0$7414d2c8@oemcomputer>

CQ-contest was again my salvation. Almost 
everything that we need, we can find with
our friends in this reflector...
TR-44 CDE.CDR rotator manual received,
information about FL-2000B, too. 
Many thanks for everybody and thanks to
share your knowledge with me, here in
See you next weekend at ARRL SSB contest,
will do 20m only, low power !!
PY2NY - Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos
Caixa Postal  204  -  Jaboticabal, SP
14870-970   -   Brasil
E-mail: py2ny@arrl.net
Phone: (16) 97854218

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Thu Feb 28 04:46:12 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <001901c1c055$e75030f0$6501a8c0@1800XP>

Check with the RF Connection


He has the special Kenwood DIN plugs that are used for the transverter,
external receiver antenna, remote VFO, etc. As has been mentioned the
radio shack parts have the wrong pin spacing. His prices are very good
($1.50) and  when I talked to him on the phone he seemed to know which
plug I needed off the top of his head . He can probably tell you what if any
differences there are between the Kenwood and the Yaesu plugs.

73 de Mike, W4EF.........

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@akorn.net>
To: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>;
<cq-contest@contesting.com>; "k8cc" <k8cc@mediaone.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data

> > The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> > size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> > the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> > fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
> The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a
> Yaesu?
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From n4zr at contesting.com  Thu Feb 28 15:15:46 2002
From: n4zr@contesting.com (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest Software Preferences; Other Station Info
Message-ID: <>

I have just updated the search function for the World HF Contest Station
Database so that you can ask for a list of stations using any given contest
logging software package.  The database can also be searched for users of a
particular radio, and to find out whether a given station is in the database.

Other searches will be added as I figure out how to do them.

73, Pete N4ZR

Check out the World HF
Contest Station Database at

>From aa4lr at arrl.net  Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
From: aa4lr@arrl.net (Bill Coleman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
Message-ID: <20020228213355.RKBN26356.imf17bis.bellsouth.net@[]>

On 2/27/02 3:06 PM, Ford Peterson at ford@cmgate.com wrote:

>Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual receivers)
>considered 2 radios for SO2R?

Only if it can receive on one receiver while transmitting.

>If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  

Only because no commercially available rig with dual receive can receive 
while it is transmitting.

>So if I
>use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a transceiver,
>am I SO2R or not?

First of all, contests distinguish categories by the number of 
TRANSMITTERS, not receivers. And the issue is the number of transmitters 

Second, SO2R is possible with two receivers and one frequency-agile 

Third, I'd like to point out that in the olden days, separate receivers 
and transmitters were common. Indeed, some operators built multiple 
band-specific transmitters. (Didn't W6AM have a setup like this?) It was 
never an issue how many boxes you had on your desk, or in your shack -- 
and it shouldn't be an issue today.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Thu Feb 28 19:46:45 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <200202271706.g1RH60Vw003766@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:58 AM 2/28/02 +0000, VR2BrettGraham wrote:
>Anybody have a chance to compare the footprint of the "standard" DIN
>jack to that of the one used by Kenwood & Yaesu?
>If they're the same, then why not change the jack to something that
>matches plugs which are more easily obtained?


I'm pretty sure the connectors are PC-mounted, so changing them would be a 
bear.  Not to mention, I doubt that the PCB footprint is the same.

OTOH, who's to say which connector is "standard"?  (Maybe someone more 
expert than me!)  What we Americans think is the "funny" one might just be 
standard in the Far East.



>From ford at cmgate.com  Thu Feb 28 22:12:04 2002
From: ford@cmgate.com (Ford Peterson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Propagation
Message-ID: <004b01c1c0d7$3fd04540$0300a8c0@Lab>

So what's the forecast for this weekend?  I'm dying to hear kind words from
the helio gurus.


>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Fri Feb 22 15:15:48 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:

I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
down lower as well. 

I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions 
> I've seen was at 
>    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List). 
> Thanks!
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From k2av at contesting.com  Fri Feb 22 23:32:58 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
References: <20020222151339.63909.qmail@web10508.mail.yahoo.com>
Message-ID: <092e01c1bc23$2de05b80$0500a8c0@swift>

There are a lot of presumes in there...

1. Presumes we don't look anywhere besides the band spots. The HUGE
majority of our mults were worked normal S&P or on the run frequency.
We watch the packet to make sure we get them all.

There was a period when one op was just going up the bands getting
calls and doing local (in the station) spots, and another was
following behind working the spots. As I recall few of the stations
worked in these passes (mult or no) were already there from the
internet spots. There seems to be this idea that people are just
setting around like robots waiting for the next packet spot. If they
are, they aren't making scores.

2. Presumes packet is the major method in the overall contest effort.
It's not. If you depend on packet as a major method, you're dead. Not
going to beat anybody.

3. Presumes packet is only for mults. It's NOT. Part of a skilled S&P
effort is being able to avoid spending time listening to stations
you've already worked. Get on a band for S&P and first thing work out
any stations in the band map (from packet) not worked, including
mults. This is normally very fast. Then go back to top (or bottom) and
listen to everything NOT mapped on the band map. Work or mark dupe all
those calls to get them in the band map too. Skip every spot where you
have to wait to get the callsign. Repeat the process. You will get it
down to the point on CW where you have a current call every 1/2 Kc or
so. And when the map is FULL, go to another band and repeat. My
experience doing something like that, maybe 1/4 of the stations worked
were packet.

4. Presumes there's no skill in working packet piles. Au contraire.
They are the WORST, most difficult piles because of all the no-think
fast-finger freddies who hit the F key and send their call without
hearing the DX, often on top of the DX. Packet piles are usually
ill-mannered, out-of-control, and guarantee that all one's pile
busting tricks are brought into play.

You need to know when it's a waste of time and need to come back
later. I heard KC1XX call into a packet pile a half dozen times and
couldn't work the DX. NO ONE was. He left, so did I. Listened to the
pile now and then on the aux RX, and when it lightened up I came back
and got him in five seconds.

There are a lot of other packet pile skills, and if you don't have
your own list, maybe you should be asking yourself a few questions.

5. Presumes that packet turns the game into sludge. I didn't notice
anything of the sort. Actually, I have to run, I have to S&P, AND NOW
I have to make sure that packet spot mults don't get away, because I
KNOW that the other guys will have him now. If I'm the only guy on the
band at the time and I'm in the middle of a good run, I have to figure
out how to work him without breaking the rhythm of the run or losing
the run frequency. Makes the run op do SO2R in that situation just to
keep up. Packet makes the game HARDER to play. Not everybody is
staffed with dedicated mult peggers on every band just so the run guy
only has to play F1.

We could do without packet, especially if the other multis all give it
up. But WHY? So things would be "pure" again, so we would be "real
hams" again (see earlier post)?

Who among us is divine enough to know what "pure" is? NOBODY gets to
decide who a "real ham" is, except each one of us for ourselves only.

The other thing, has anybody besides me noticed that among single op
scores, the assisted scores are NEVER the top scores. Why's that if
packet is such a huge detrimental advantage?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Clarke" <ku8e1@yahoo.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

 My 2 cents worth ......

 Radio contesting has changed a great deal from what it was 20 years
ago(for those of you that go back that far) due to technological
advances that have occurred. The same can be said for just about any
sport like NASCAR,skiing,football,etc.... Back in 1980 having a memory

keyer was a big deal!! (this is making me feel old!!)  Fast foward to
today and we now have computer logging, contest cards, voice keyers,
automatic band switch devices, and the list goes on...

  The advantages of the devices I mentioned above are they are doing
things that in the past that the contester had to do manually. Packet
is different. It is true that if you use packet in conjuction with
a logging program that you don't manually have to turn your VFO to the
frequency of a station that had been spotted. You just hit a key on
computer keyboard and it moves your radio to that frequency. So it
you also have eliminated the manual process of moving the VFO. The
big difference with using packet along with SO2R that you have removed
the "skill" of having to know what band to be on at what time to
all those "rare" multipliers. With SO2R and packet you can basically
everywhere at the same time.

  Don't get me wrong. I'm not against introducting new technology into
contesting to make it more fun for everyone. My problem with packet is
that basically you are being "spoon fed" contacts without any real
effort on your part. Can you really call contesting a "sport" anymore
when this is happening??? Plus you have the negative aspect of dealing
with "packet pileups" , which I think reflects badly on contesting due
to the behavior that takes place by some stations. Plus, how do you
prove that those stations who claim to be S/O are not cheating by
packet ??

  I look at a contest as being like the game "hide and seek". The
of most contests is to work as many contacts as you can but it is also
important to work as many multipiers as you can to have a good score.
If you are that rare DX station it's my job to find you and work you.
Now if someone tells me where you are is the game (i.e. contest)
any fun anymore ???

                         73's  Jeff

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 03:02:31 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <002601c1bb74$6a24c680$6ac8a8c0@MARCOSPALLUZZI>
Message-ID: <039d01c1bc59$97254d40$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I believe this scheme is known as the "Asynchronous Transformer" -
asynchronous because it can be inserted at any point along the
75 ohm transmission line. I just did some modeling of this scheme
with a Smith chart program that I have here. It does appear to
work, but it is a bit of a compromise. For a perfectly matched
50 ohm antenna (1.0:1 VSWR), the AT will give a worst case
VSWR of around 1.5:1 in the shack as compared to a worst
case VSWR of 2.25:1 using no special matching. For an antenna
with a VSWR of 2.0:1 at the feedpoint, the AT will give a worst
case VSWR of around 3.0:1 in the shack, whereas the worst
case with no AT would be 4.5:1.

The 1/12 wavelength  transmission line lengths in the AT's
provide 30 degrees of rotation on the smith chart. If your random
length 75 ohm transmission line happens to be close to an odd
multiple of 90 degrees (1/4 wavelength) - the worst case for
the length of the 75 ohm line, then the two series 30 degree lines
will tend to rotate you away from this worst case point and pull
the impedance loci back toward the center of the Smith chart.

Its not perfect of course as you can see from the above
examples, it will reduce you VSWR bandwidth. A better
solution would be to use 1.5:1 broadband "Unun" transformers
in the shack and at the antenna. This scheme would have no
reduction  in VSWR bandwidth or degradation of feepoint
VSWR. Of course if you have an antenna with a very wide
VSWR bandwidth, the AT's can be a quick way of getting an
"okay" match in shack when using 75 ohm line in a 50 ohm

73 de Mike, W4EF...............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Spalluzzi" <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> Hi guys, I've got a question for you: a friend of mine said is possible
> an antenna using low loss 75 ohm cable, through a system like this:
> (antenna)-(any length of 75 ohm coax)-(piece of length L of 50 ohm
> coax)-(piece of lenght L of 75 ohm coax)-(rtx or amp).
> The lenght L is, band by band, as follows, assuming vf 0.66 (rg213, rg11):
> Band        Length
> 80            14' 8''
> 40            7' 5.5''
> 20             3' 9''
> 15             30''
> 10             22''
> Why this lenghts? For example, 3' 9'' on 20 are approx. 1/12 wavelength.
> Bye, Marco - IK2XSL
> ik2xsl@amsat.org
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From btippett at alum.mit.edu  Sat Feb 23 13:44:01 2002
From: btippett@alum.mit.edu (Bill Tippett)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
Message-ID: <>

IK2XSL wrote
>Why this lenghts?

        See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:


                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

>From loumecseri at bestnetpc.com  Sat Feb 23 09:47:13 2002
From: loumecseri@bestnetpc.com (Lou Mecseri)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Dayton  Contest Dinner
Message-ID: <000701c1bc78$fd25e0e0$c44ad0d1@n9a1i1>

I would like to purchase a ticket for the 2002 Dayton Contest Dinner. 

Who is handling the tickets.

Your help is appreciated.


Lou   KE1F / ZF2LM

>From K5NZ at aol.com  Sat Feb 23 11:33:05 2002
From: K5NZ@aol.com (K5NZ@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played 
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing 
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:28:14 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Power Entry
References: <000001c1ba4f$5672a060$0200a8c0@k1ttt1> 
Message-ID: <3C77DF3E.82A5C64C@harborside.com>

Tony Field wrote:

> Seems to me that abbreviations are just that - a replacement of >a short form 
> for a long form and the long form is the desired log
>entry. I think Tree and others have pointed this out more than >once.

Hasn't this been discussed over and over and over again-like
after every cw contest?

>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:57:45 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net>
Message-ID: <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out our Drake 
> T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its to pass mults 
> between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 13:42:50 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Real hams don't XXX
Message-ID: <000701c1bca2$47389960$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>

Boy, it's always interesting to see what people will read into other's

For those who missed it, the point of Guy's posting was simply this: Do what
you wish to do, but don't belittle those who wish to do differently as long
as everyone plays by the rules.

I got the point. Why didn't everybody?

(And yes, there have been several -- countless, even -- attempts to belittle
those who don't interpret the rules the way some do.)

73, kelly

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 15:14:41 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Logs Received
Message-ID: <028401c1bca6$c9e36300$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

I have updated the Logs Received Web page with all of the logs received
Please check it out and let me know if you believe your log is missing.


Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 17:04:34 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Missing Logs
Message-ID: <030d01c1bcb6$16a582e0$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

The deadline for submitting logs for SSB Sprint is March 5.
As of today here are all the missing logs for stations that made more
than 200 QSOs.

Send your logs (preferrably in Cabrillo format) to: ssbsprint@ncjweb.com

73, Jim K4MA

K9PG 366
KW8N 332
KA9FOX 324
N2NL 322
K4XS 314
K4NO 308
K9ZO 308
N9RV 308
N6RO 306
W7WA 296
K5KG 292
NA7NA 286
K3MM 282
N6ED 282
K6RO 280
K7RI 278
K9TM 276
N4ZZ 272
KO9A 270
N6MJ 270
ND8DX 260
NS4W 254
AJ3M 248
K9NW 248
KE9I 242
K1HT 240
WA9IRV 220
W1VE 218
WA7BNM 198
WB1GQR 194
W1WQM 186
K3WU 176
VE5CPU 170
N9JF 166
W7OM 164
N6AN 160
K1PQS 148
WQ5L 146
K5RC 130
K6EP 130
WO7Y 126
K6EY 120
NA4K 118
AA0AI 114
W3GH 114
W4NF 114
NE0P 112
KS5M 106
W3YY 104
W6LFB 104

Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From jayt at arraysolutions.com  Sat Feb 23 20:30:51 2002
From: jayt@arraysolutions.com (Jay Terleski)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
References: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
Message-ID: <3C78505B.AD135BD5@arraysolutions.com>

http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/19inchpanels.htm#top of page

This URL has a picture of a similar design Jeff that I am doing for my
SO2R set up.

Jeff Maass wrote:
> BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:
>    http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/K8ND_SO2R.jpg
> I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
> down lower as well.
> I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> > Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> > To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> > Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> > looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> >
> > There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> > the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions
> > I've seen was at
> >    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> >
> > If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> > the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List).
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
> >          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
> >     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> > Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Jay Terleski
Array Solutions
972 203 2008
Military Communications Systems, Phased Arrays, RF Switches, Antennas &

>From k2av at contesting.com  Sat Feb 23 22:00:12 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net> <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>
Message-ID: <009301c1bcdf$609263e0$0500a8c0@swift>

One thing about the good ole days, that's still true ... the
camaraderie doesn't depend on the technology. It depends on that great
gang of guys you're with.

Was a terrible thing after a contest to discover a post-it down on the
floor with a mult you didn't work.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Osborne" <w7why@harborside.com>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out
our Drake T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its
to pass mults between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!
CQ-Contest mailing list

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 19:17:00 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <>
Message-ID: <049b01c1bce1$b970de90$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I modeled the scheme described in the link the Bill provided. When
you add the additional 50/75 ohm transformers on the antenna side,
the match gets much better (VSWR_ant = VSWR_ shack). I suspect
you may still pay a VSWR bandwidth penalty by using this scheme, but
I 'll have to do some additional modelling to confirm that. Sounds like
your friend only described half the system. It works much better with
the lines on both ends.

73 de Mike, W4EF............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Tippett" <btippett@alum.mit.edu>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>; <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> IK2XSL wrote
> >Why this lenghts?
> See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:
> http://lists.contesting.com/_towertalk/199610/0276.html
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From k4ik at subich.com  Sat Feb 23 22:33:04 2002
From: k4ik@subich.com (Joe Subich, K4IK)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
In-Reply-To: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
there have been several well known contest US contest ops
flouting the bandplan.

Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.


   ... Joe, K4IK

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
      On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

>From NQ4I at compuserve.com  Sat Feb 23 23:31:48 2002
From: NQ4I@compuserve.com (Rick Dougherty)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ Helsinki, Finland
Message-ID: <200202232331_MC3-F32E-751F@compuserve.com>

Hello all OH contestors...will be arriving in Helsinki abt 1300 hrs local
time on Monday...wondering if any contestors
would like to meet for brewski's, and contest talk?? de Rick

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:46:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
MD/DL5AXX         6418  320       6,161,280
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:47:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 23:10:01 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet v. No Packet
Message-ID: <002b01c1bcf1$8317cd80$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>


Perhaps somebody could help me out: why is packet an issue?

Is it because people object to technological "impurities" invading the inner
sanctum of contesting?

Is it because "I can't but he can, so he shouldn't?"

Is it "I don't want to, so nobody should?"

Is it a "real hams" thing?

Seems silly for us to have developed these new technologies only to then
wring our hands at their existence.

If you want a contest without packet, start one. I'd play.

Why can't the no packet folk just go out and buy a TNC?

Packet is. Accept it. You'll find inner peace.



ve4 - still no packet here - xt

>From kc5ajx at hotmail.com  Sun Feb 24 07:57:18 2002
From: kc5ajx@hotmail.com (Rick Bullon)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <F123QkkwdQsDOVDILan00004b21@hotmail.com>

Below is a copy of an email I sent to Mr Hollingsworth after the posting on 
the ARRL web site of the letter sent by Mr Hollingsworth to K3NM and the 
proposal of making the ARRL band plan a rule.

>>>"Rick Bullon" <kc5ajx@hotmail.com> 12/03/01 10:55PM >>>
Mr Hollingsworth,
  I am sure that you have received many many emails on this subject and I
have read the FCC's position on band plans particularly in the 160 meter
The fact remains that the band plans are voluntary and as I see it can not
be enforced by the FCC. I also concede the fact that the FCC can and should
be involved in case of intentional interference, but to cite a station for
operating outside the band plan is not fair.
It seems that the FCC has changed the rules without notifying the amateur
community. According to the list of authorized frequencies all modes are
permitted in the whole 160 meter band but if I am operating SSB below 1.843
Mhz and a CW op doesn't like me being there all he has to do is complain to
the FCC and I get a letter for operating with in the rules.
I have monitored the 160 meter band ( I don't currently have an antenna for
that band) and on several occasions I have state side hams operating below
1.843 when a CW op comes on frequency sending a string of dits at a fast
rate. This is intentional interference and most times it is treated as just
ignore them and they will go away. If it gets real bad an op can null out
the CW signal using DSP. What I have heard is the CW op finally comes on
frequency telling the SSB ops that they are in the CW part of the band and
they have to move now!
Now the SSB stations having broken any rules they have a right to be there
but if the CW op complains to the FCC who hears from your office?
The guys running SSB below 1.843! When it was the CW op who broke the rules
by QRMing the SSB stations. It seems that whoever yells foul first wins.
Has your office ever issued a complaint letter to a CW op that was qrming a
SSB QSO operating below 1.843?
When I get my station up on 160 I will operate where I have privileges from
1.800 to 2.000 in any mode. If I am asked to move I will but if the guy
follows me up the band you will hear about his intentional interference.
Will you cite him for interfering with me or cite me for being outside the
voluntary band plan?
Rick Bullon

The reply from Mr Hollingsworth is below

No one got cited. We just look for a good reason when someone is causing
interference and is not following the band plan. To the extent band Plans 
work, there will be pressure to make rules. Rules would just make it worse.

So it seems that if a SSB station doesn't interfere with a CW or any other 
station then they can operate below 1843 with no fear from the FCC, but I 
would bet the CW guys will scream foul!

>From: "Joe Subich, K4IK" <k4ik@subich.com>
>To: <K5NZ@aol.com>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
>Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
>The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
>there have been several well known contest US contest ops
>flouting the bandplan.
>Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
>those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
>Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
>    ... Joe, K4IK
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
>Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
>To: cq-contest@contesting.com
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
>around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
>below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
>"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
>Mike Hance K5NZ
>Bedias, Tx

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

>From W0uo at cs.com  Sun Feb 24 06:38:37 2002
From: W0uo@cs.com (W0uo@cs.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
Message-ID: <111.dd63e38.29aa2abd@cs.com>


  Well said!!  If there's an advantage it is very small.  Its always been 
interesting to me
that a single op with a multiplier orientation will usually be beat by a 
single op with a 
rate orientation.  At least in my experience, go for the rate and the 
multipliers seem take care of themselves.  By its nature, packet assistance 
implies a multiplier orientation.

73 de Jim

>From w2up at mindspring.com  Sun Feb 24 13:01:49 2002
From: w2up@mindspring.com (Barry )
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
References: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>
Message-ID: <3C78E43D.23739.2CE364@localhost>

Yeah, it was real nice last night having all the SSB QRM covering up 
PW0T on 1814 CW. Prime offender was S57M CQing, but a bunch of 
stateside guys kept calling him.

On 23 Feb 2002 Joe Subich, K4IK wrote:

> The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
> The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
> there have been several well known contest US contest ops
> flouting the bandplan.
> Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
> those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
> Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
> 73,
>    ... Joe, K4IK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-admin@contesting.com]
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
> Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
> around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
> below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
> "If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
> Regards,
> Mike Hance K5NZ
> Bedias, Tx
> www.teamcramp.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sun Feb 24 20:33:31 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31, 2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:20:04 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B739D@KAHLESS>

The list of logs received for the 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes has
been posted at www.arrl.org/contests/claimed 

If you find errors please contact me at 860-594-0232 or at n1nd@arrl.org  If
you find an omission, please have your numbered receipt available when you
contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:53:10 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B73A1@KAHLESS>

The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted at

If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
from your automated receipt when you contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Mon Feb 25 14:16:30 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDMEBMEBAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and 
updated my plans a bit.

See them at:

Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From AA4NC at aol.com  Mon Feb 25 14:30:26 2002
From: AA4NC@aol.com (AA4NC@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
Message-ID: <a8.7256709.29abead2@aol.com>

I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in this 
contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with the N2RM 
claimed win using no packet.

First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won against 
the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their station (ample 
number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat the packet system. 

The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX end of 
this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge packet 
generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs. Multiply this 
by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory. Those packet induced 
pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear N2RM trying to work 
"8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet spots) as a lot of the 
other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of the stations are too 
dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting spots.

I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn off 
the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not rely 
solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the spots 
before pushing the packet shoot button...



>From whhendrick at dmacc.cc.ia.us  Mon Feb 25 14:07:14 2002
From: whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us (William H Hendrick)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>

For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:

Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Bill, N0AC
William Hendrick
Amateur radio: N0AC

>From w8ji at contesting.com  Mon Feb 25 20:32:40 2002
From: w8ji@contesting.com (Tom Rauch)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <3C7A9F68.7124.596AF4B@localhost>

> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
all the other DIN plugs in the world.

I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
source I found is Yaesu.

You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 

I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!

Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
73, Tom W8JI

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Mon Feb 25 23:05:17 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:31:54 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
RU1A              4662  293       4,097,898
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
OZ5W              3876  291       3,383,748
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
M3S                550  151   25    249,150 STEVENAGE & DISTRICT

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
SN8V @SP8YMM      2541  246       1,873,782
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
3V8SM (DL6LAU)     613  148         272,172 BCC
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126
G4EHT               47   35    9      4,935 G-QRP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
PJ7/ND5S (ND5S    2260  296       2,006,880 GREAT LAKES DX / CON
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
DL6RAI (F6BEE)    1464   57   17    878,400
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
C6AGS (KI6T)       966  189         547,722 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
FG/YL2KL          3914  320       3,757,440 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YL0A (YL2KA)      1147  201         691,641 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
DL6RAI            1254   58         218,196 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
4U1ITU (OM3CGN    1146   58         199,404
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

M3S       000/000  29/015  91/028  138/034  127/035  165/039

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058
SN8V @SP8 002/002 174/031 301/044  789/055  586/057  687/057

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
3V8SM (DL 000/000  10/007  26/013  113/039  163/043  301/046
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025
G4EHT     000/000    /000  15/009    6/004   14/013   12/009

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
PJ7/ND5S  237/041 325/050 378/048  239/048  531/053  550/056
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
DL6RAI (F 000/000  12/008  77/029  336/050  531/056  508/057
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
C6AGS (KI 000/000  42/022  40/024  268/048  415/050  201/045
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
FG/YL2KL  141/036 520/054 529/055  875/057  914/059  935/059
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:33:04 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
W3LPL             9038  651   48 17,651,214 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1XM @W1KM        7963  605   48 14,449,215 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K5GO              6078  552   48 10,065,168 OZARKS CONTEST CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
KS1J              2607  372   45  2,908,296 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
N7LOX             1174  249   28    877,725 WWDXC
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
NS3T               562  241   19    406,326
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N2GC              2125  380   37  2,422,500 YCCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K6VO (K6NR)       1545  284   32  1,312,932
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC
VE3STT             235   46          32,430

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
AD4Z               258   66          51,084 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

W3LPL     192/062 977/091 452/107 2326/132 2054/133 2037/126
K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
K1XM @W1K 142/054 993/091 293/099 2114/122 1740/122 1681/117
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K5GO      039/031 223/071 967/098 1620/117 1725/120 1504/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
KS1J      019/018 124/052 381/068  736/073  662/079 6884/082
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
N7LOX     006/004  24/014  50/027  361/063  335/068  398/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
NS3T      000/000  17/016 116/046  138/056  155/064  136/059
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N2GC      022/019 138/050 338/069  453/079  471/082  703/081
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
K6VO (K6N 014/012  78/039 179/047  312/046  350/067  612/073
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:45:02 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31.2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op LP
SN8V @SP8YMM      64   0  30           9,810

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
KG4DZ           3430               3,231,060
EI7M             546  29  44         248,500
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985
XE2AC             23   8   3   3       1,221

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
N8TR            1068  58  32  33     234,000
AA1K             531  51  28  11     113,602
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VE3RCN            42  20               3,900

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
KR0B (KS0T)      287  50   3  12      33,125
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
N8PY             128 123   5   8      11,560
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3KA @VE3QAA    717  57  30         317,898
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
VE3PN            680  56  30  22     297,818
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N4UK            1022  57  34         232,232
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K9NR             952  57  19         164,236
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
W3GH             406  52  17          67,896
N8KM             375  46  12          50,228
AC8G             299  51  10  10      42,212
K0EJ             400  44   4          40,800
KO7X @KI7WX      313  49   6   4      37,840
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
KG7H             274  51   4  14      33,440
N6RO             211  51   6          27,645
K4BAI            207  42   5          18,522
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480
N3HXQ            166  33   3   3      13,248
K6SE             126  41   3   5      12,488

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A
AA1K          AA1K + PACKET

>From anton.mandos at philips.com  Tue Feb 26 08:26:02 2002
From: anton.mandos@philips.com (anton.mandos@philips.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Correct QSL info for OTxL-calls
Message-ID: <OFEE286B69.BFA919E9-ONC1256B6C.0027D9DF@diamond.philips.com>

Dear contesters

In addition and correction to the note of John, ON4UN:

The  QSL route for the contest call of the NOL-contesters is
via ON5LL ( ON five LL ).
Address OK in any callbook, or via the UBA bureau.
The calls we used up till now were OT1L, OT2L , OT2E (1992 only!)
OT3L, OT4L, OT5L, OT6L, OT7L, OT8L OT9L and OT0L

73 and see you next contest!

Anton, ON6NL
president NOL

>From n2mg at contesting.com  Tue Feb 26 05:35:19 2002
From: n2mg@contesting.com (Mike Gilmer - N2MG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <20020226133519.15021.cpmta@c002.snv.cp.net>

This odd DIN footprint seems to be a JA-radio thing.  The Kenwood 930/940 
series has this same, "unique" arrangement for its XVERTER jack.  In my 
HF-centric world, this jack is where one can tap into the receive path for 
Beverage antenna use.  I guess that's better than not having any jack for this 

Excuse the ASCII "art"

"U" arrangement (940/930/1000MP/etc.)

 P       P
P    P    P
X         X

"C" arrangement (everyone else!)

 P       P
P    P    P
 X       X

Notice the two pins marked "X" are closer together on the "standard" 8-pin; all 
others are spaced the same between connectors.  If you don't need the signals 
on these pins, cut them off the plug and you'll be OK. 

If you do what I did and insert the wrong plug into the jack, you'll likely (as 
I did) crack the jack on the radio.  Fortunately, in my case, the jack still 
functions correctly.

73 Mike N2MG

On Mon, 25 February 2002, "Tom Rauch" wrote:

> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com 

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

>From N7NG at arrl.org  Tue Feb 26 08:39:19 2002
From: N7NG@arrl.org (Mills, Wayne  N7NG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC03340B8F@KAHLESS>

Beware! Forcing one of these plugs has been know to break the insulator in
the jack.

Wayne, N7NG

-----Original Message-----
From: k8cc [mailto:k8cc@mediaone.net]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 11:05 PM
To: William H Hendrick; cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



CQ-Contest mailing list

>From k6na at cts.com  Tue Feb 26 06:26:52 2002
From: k6na@cts.com (Glenn Rattmann)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <200202261428.GAA24047@neko.cts.com>

Re the pesky DINs for FT-1000MP:

>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Here is a re-post of W2VJN's information covering the DINs (from the 1000MP

>Din connectors from 3 pin to 14 pins plus mini DINs from 3 to 8 pins are
>available from The RF Connection in MD.  www.therfc.com  The 4 pin units are
>$1 each.
>Note that the two types of 8 pin connectors are called DP8 (Icom) and
>DP8/262 (Kenwood and Yaesu).  The 262 refers to the angle subtended by pins
>1 and 7.
>George, W2VJN

All the HRO stores carry the proper 8p DIN for Yaesu and Kenwood also, and
have for years.

73, Glenn K6NA

>From k4oj at tampabay.rr.com  Tue Feb 26 10:07:10 2002
From: k4oj@tampabay.rr.com (Jim White, K4OJ)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs
References: <200202261348.g1QDmAVw013697@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <00a801c1bef0$69b54380$62f1a118@tampabay.rr.com>

well put

what is funny is how some guys do not get what this is really about - kind
of a shame - oh well

heah I have a bunch of NEW Telrex yagis for sale if you know of anyone
looking let them know!


----- Original Message -----
From: <cq-contest-request@contesting.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs

> Send CQ-Contest mailing list submissions to
> cq-contest@contesting.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> cq-contest-request@contesting.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of CQ-Contest digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
>    2. Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration? (Jeff Maass)
>    3. Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting (AA4NC@aol.com)
>    4. FT1000MP band data (William H Hendrick)
>    5. Re: FT1000MP band data (Tom Rauch)
>    6. Re: FT1000MP band data (k8cc)
>    7. 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
>    8. 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> From: "Henderson, Dan N1ND" <dhenderson@arrl.org>
> To: "'cq-contest'" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
> The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted
> www.arrl.org/contests/claimed
> If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
> 860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
> from your automated receipt when you contact me.
> Thanks and 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "Jeff Maass" <jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
> To: "CQ Contest Mailing List" <CQ-Contest@CONTESTING.COM>
> Cc: "MRRC Mailing List" <mrrc@CONTESTING.COM>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
> Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
> of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
> I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and
> updated my plans a bit.
> See them at:
>   http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/Radio/K8ND_SO2R.htm
> Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> From: AA4NC@aol.com
> To: <k2av@contesting.com>
> Cc: <pvrc@mailman.qth.net>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
> I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in
this contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with
the N2RM claimed win using no packet.
> First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won
against the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their
station (ample number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat
the packet system.
> The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX
end of this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge
packet generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs.
Multiply this by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory.
Those packet induced pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear
N2RM trying to work "8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet
spots) as a lot of the other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of
the stations are too dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting
> I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn
off the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not
rely solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the
spots before pushing the packet shoot button...
> 73,
> Will
> AA4NC / W4MR
> 8P9JA in ARRL DX
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> From: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Organization: Des Moines Area Community College
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:
> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill, N0AC
> *****************************
> William Hendrick
> whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us
> Amateur radio: N0AC
> whhendrick@mchsi.com
> *****************************
> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@contesting.com>
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com,
>    "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> Reply-to: W8JI@contesting.com
> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right!
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> To: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>,
>    cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: k8cc <k8cc@mediaone.net>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
> >Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> >bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill,
> The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the
> side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit
> (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
> Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for
> some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic
> Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.
> 73,
> Dave/K8CC
> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
> E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
> Mail logs to:
>     DX CW Contest
>     ARRL
>     225 Main St.
>     Newington, CT 06111
>     USA
> 3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> 3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
> Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> DX M/2 HP
> RU1A              4662  293       4,097,898
> OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
> HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
> LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
> OZ5W              3876  291       3,383,748
> RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
> SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
> YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> 9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> M3S                550  151   25    249,150 STEVENAGE & DISTRICT
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> 8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
> KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
> OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
> SN8V @SP8YMM      2541  246       1,873,782
> LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
> OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
> V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
> SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
> 3V8SM (DL6LAU)     613  148         272,172 BCC
> DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> 7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
> DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
> SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
> F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126
> G4EHT               47   35    9      4,935 G-QRP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
> XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
> PJ7/ND5S (ND5S    2260  296       2,006,880 GREAT LAKES DX / CON
> EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
> KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
> 9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
> OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
> DL6RAI (F6BEE)    1464   57   17    878,400
> LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
> EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
> C6AGS (KI6T)       966  189         547,722 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
> 4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
> PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
> EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
> ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
> G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
> RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
> OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
> HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
> OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
> OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
> LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
> OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
> KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
> SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> FG/YL2KL          3914  320       3,757,440 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
> WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
> S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
> DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
> 8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
> 7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
> 9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
> RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
> RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
> RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
> Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
> Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> YL0A (YL2KA)      1147  201         691,641 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
> YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
> SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
> SV1XV               48   41           5,904
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
> OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
> RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
> LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
> 9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
> OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
> EI5DI              811   58         141,114
> GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
> HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
> PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
> ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
> EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
> S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
> F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
> DL6RAI            1254   58         218,196 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
> S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
> 7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
> OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
> OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
> S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
> YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
> OM2IB              986   58         171,564
> S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
> 4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
> G0ORH              814               84,645
> F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
> UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
> RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> HA3LI              262   47          36,801
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
> 9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
> SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
> SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
> G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
> DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
> S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
> PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
> OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
> RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
> OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
> S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
> YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
> RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
> UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> DX SOSB/160 HP
> XE2AC              301   50          45,150
> OM5RW              118   24           8,496
> ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
> ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
> IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
> LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
> RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S53F               447   50          66,900
> PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> 4U1ITU (OM3CGN    1146   58         199,404
> HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
> OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
> GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
> S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
> PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
> TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
> EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
> YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
> S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
> SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
> OK1RK              348   39          40,716
> SN8F               337   39          39,429
> UA6LV              297   43          38,313
> Band Breakdowns:
>              160      80     40      20       15       10
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> DX M/2 HP
> OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
> LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
> ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
> RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
> SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
> YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> M3S       000/000  29/015  91/028  138/034  127/035  165/039
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
> ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
> ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
> KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
> OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058
> SN8V @SP8 002/002 174/031 301/044  789/055  586/057  687/057
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
> V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
> KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
> SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
> 3V8SM (DL 000/000  10/007  26/013  113/039  163/043  301/046
> DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
> 7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
> DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
> F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025
> G4EHT     000/000    /000  15/009    6/004   14/013   12/009
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
> VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
> XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
> PJ7/ND5S  237/041 325/050 378/048  239/048  531/053  550/056
> EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
> KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
> 9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
> OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
> DL6RAI (F 000/000  12/008  77/029  336/050  531/056  508/057
> LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
> C6AGS (KI 000/000  42/022  40/024  268/048  415/050  201/045
> LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
> HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
> 4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
> PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
> EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
> ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
> G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
> OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
> HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
> OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
> OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
> LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
> HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
> OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
> KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
> SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
> FG/YL2KL  141/036 520/054 529/055  875/057  914/059  935/059
> TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
> WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
> G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
> S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
> DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
> DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
> KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
> 8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
> 7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
> 9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
> RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
> SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
> SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
> OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
> 9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
> OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
> S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000
> Teams:
> OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
> LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
> OZ5W          OZ1FTU OZ1KRF AND OZ3W
>                YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
> M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
> 8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
> ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
> ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
> KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
> LY1YK         LY2FY LY2CO LY3CI
> OZ0Q          OZ5AAH OZ2KL OZ1ETA
> N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
> K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
> N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
> W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
> K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
> K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
> KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
> N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
> W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
> N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
> K2RD          K2RD W1CU
>                K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
>                K9VV
> K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
>                K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
> K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
> W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
>                W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
> K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
>                NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
> K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
>                N5DX, K5GO
>                KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
> K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
> N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
> N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
> K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
> W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
> K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
> K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
> AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
> N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
> N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
> N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
> K2UG @KY2J    KY2J, WA2JQK
> WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
> K9SD          KA0GGI,K0RAY,KI9A,K9SD,K0JPL
> K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
> K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
> W7CT          NC7W W7CT
> K0TV          KB1PZ NF1A W1TQ W1MJ WO1N W1IA K0TV
> VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
> VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
> N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
> KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
> N2NT          W2/LU9AY
> --__--__--
> Message: 8
> To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
> E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
> Mail logs to:
>     DX CW Contest
>     ARRL
>     225 Main St.
>     Newington, CT 06111
>     USA
> 3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> 3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
> Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA M/2 HP
> N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
> K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
> K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
> K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
> KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
> N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
> W3LPL             9038  651   48 17,651,214 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
> K1XM @W1KM        7963  605   48 14,449,215 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> K5GO              6078  552   48 10,065,168 OZARKS CONTEST CLUB
> W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
> K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
> K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
> AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
> N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
> N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
> K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
> K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
> K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
> W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
> K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
> VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
> N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
> KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
> K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
> VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
> W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
> N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
> N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
> N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
> N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
> W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
> K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
> KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
> K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
> W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
> N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
> VA7NT              225  106          71,550
> W1SA               204   85          52,020
> W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
> KS1J              2607  372   45  2,908,296 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
> K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
> N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
> K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
> N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
> N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
> NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
> K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
> VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
> W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
> K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
> KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
> K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
> K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
> KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
> K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
> K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
> W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
> K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
> N7LOX             1174  249   28    877,725 WWDXC
> VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
> NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
> N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
> KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
> K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
> VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
> K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
> N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
> NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
> W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
> N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
> NS3T               562  241   19    406,326
> VE7FO              717  187         398,871
> KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
> N3GJ               559  211         353,847
> KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
> N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
> VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
> AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
> NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
> WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
> WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
> NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
> W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
> W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
> KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
> N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
> WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
> N7CZ               157   72          33,912
> K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
> K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
> WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> K1EP/6              89   45          11,880
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
> K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
> K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
> K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
> K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
> KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
> K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
> K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
> K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
> N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
> N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
> N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
> K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
> WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
> AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
> W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
> N2GC              2125  380   37  2,422,500 YCCC
> N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
> WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
> N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
> NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
> W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
> K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> K6VO (K6NR)       1545  284   32  1,312,932
> N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
> N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
> K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
> N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
> K3II                              1,076,376
> K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
> KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
> K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
> W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
> KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
> W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
> N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
> KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
> N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
> N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
> W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
> K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> KW4DA              826  135         333,720
> K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
> WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
> W0TY               431 1287         218,790
> VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
> AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
> N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
> VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
> N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
> AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
> N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
> N6MW               625  305         571,875
> N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
> NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
> WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
> K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
> W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
> KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
> N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
> NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
> W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
> W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
> N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
> W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
> W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
> W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
> N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
> WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
> W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
> K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
> W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
> K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
> W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
> K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
> N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
> NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
> K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
> KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
> WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
> VE7NS              147   42          18,522
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
> K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
> N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
> W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
> K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
> VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
> W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC
> VE3STT             235   46          32,430
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
> WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
> AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
> K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
> W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
> W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
> WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
> K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA SOSB/160 LP
> VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> NA SOSB/160 HP
> W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
> NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
> N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
> W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
> VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
> K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
> N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
> W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
> VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
> WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
> K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
> K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
> W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
> K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
> K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
> AD4Z               258   66          51,084 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
> K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
> W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA
> Band Breakdowns:
>              160      80     40      20       15       10
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> NA M/2 HP
> N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
> K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
> N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
> W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
> K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
> K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
> KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
> N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
> W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
> N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
> K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> W3LPL     192/062 977/091 452/107 2326/132 2054/133 2037/126
> K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
> K1XM @W1K 142/054 993/091 293/099 2114/122 1740/122 1681/117
> W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
> NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
> K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
> K5GO      039/031 223/071 967/098 1620/117 1725/120 1504/115
> K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
> N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
> N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
> K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
> W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
> K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
> AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
> N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
> N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
> N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
> AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
> K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
> K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
> K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
> K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
> W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
> K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
> VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
> VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
> N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
> KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
> AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
> K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
> N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
> VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
> N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
> N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
> N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
> N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
> W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
> K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
> KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
> K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
> W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
> VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
> W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
> W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
> N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
> KS1J      019/018 124/052 381/068  736/073  662/079 6884/082
> N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
> K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
> K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
> N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
> K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
> K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
> N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
> N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
> N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
> NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
> K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
> K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
> WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
> VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
> W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
> W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
> K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
> N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
> KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
> K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
> K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
> K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
> NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
> KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
> K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
> K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
> W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
> K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
> VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
> K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
> N7LOX     006/004  24/014  50/027  361/063  335/068  398/073
> VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
> NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
> N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
> KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
> K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
> NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
> N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
> VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
> N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
> WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
> NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
> W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
> N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
> N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
> VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
> NS3T      000/000  17/016 116/046  138/056  155/064  136/059
> VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
> KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
> N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
> N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
> KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
> KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
> N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
> K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
> VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
> AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
> WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
> NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
> W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
> W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
> KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
> N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
> K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
> K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
> WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
> K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
> K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
> AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
> W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
> K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
> W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
> N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
> K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
> K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
> VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
> K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
> VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
> KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
> K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
> W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
> K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
> K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
> N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
> W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
> N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
> N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
> W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
> K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
> WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
> W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
> K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
> K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
> N2GC      022/019 138/050 338/069  453/079  471/082  703/081
> N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
> K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
> WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
> KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
> N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
> NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
> W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
> W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
> K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
> K6VO (K6N 014/012  78/039 179/047  312/046  350/067  612/073
> N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
> N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
> K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
> K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
> KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
> K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
> W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
> KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
> N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
> KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
> N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
> N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
> W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
> K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
> KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
> K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
> WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
> K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
> W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
> VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
> AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
> N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
> VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
> N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
> AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
> N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
> N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
> N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
> AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
> K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
> K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
> NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
> VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
> WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
> K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
> W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
> WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
> AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
> W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
> KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
> W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
> N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
> W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
> NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
> W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
> W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
> NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
> N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
> W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
> W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
> N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
> W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
> N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
> N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
> N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
> WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
> W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
> K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
> W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
> K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
> W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
> K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
> N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
> K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
> N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
> NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
> K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064
> Teams:
> OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
> LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
> OZ5W          OZ1FTU OZ1KRF AND OZ3W
>                YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
> M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
> 8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
> ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
> ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
> KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
> LY1YK         LY2FY LY2CO LY3CI
> OZ0Q          OZ5AAH OZ2KL OZ1ETA
> N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
> K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
> N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
> W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
> K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
> K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
> KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
> N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
> W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
> N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
> K2RD          K2RD W1CU
>                K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
>                K9VV
> K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
>                K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
> K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
> W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
>                W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
> K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
>                NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
> K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
>                N5DX, K5GO
>                KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
> K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
> N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
> N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
> K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
> W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
> K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
> K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
> AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
> N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
> N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
> N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
> K2UG @KY2J    KY2J, WA2JQK
> WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
> K9SD          KA0GGI,K0RAY,KI9A,K9SD,K0JPL
> K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
> K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
> W7CT          NC7W W7CT
> K0TV          KB1PZ NF1A W1TQ W1MJ WO1N W1IA K0TV
> VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
> VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
> N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
> KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
> N2NT          W2/LU9AY
> --__--__--
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> End of CQ-Contest Digest

>From k1my at msn.com  Tue Feb 26 12:56:04 2002
From: k1my@msn.com (Bruce Makas)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
Message-ID: <002001c1beff$a0851a20$0101a8c0@pavilion>

I have found the time and a way to get to the WRTC2002 this year. Can
someone point me towards a resource that will help me get room reservations
at the "right" place? Is there a group in Finland who can help me with this?
Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
officials or participants. Is this correct?

73, Bruce K1MY

>From w3cf at comcast.net  Tue Feb 26 16:14:22 2002
From: w3cf@comcast.net (Doug Priest)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] W/VEs spotting W/VEs
In-Reply-To: <001001c1bb3a$ad8d9940$0200a8c0@k1ttt1>

Yeah, could be...but how do you explain an operator spotting on more than
one band a station he just spent 30 hours contesting from???

I doubt it is in the spirit of the rules to spot a W/VE knowing it will hit
the global cluster so everyone can find the W/VE station in the ARRL
contest. Its up to the rest of the world to spot us as we do them. The
offending party must disagree with me as he spotted the Multi station with
his own call on more than one band. We at K3NM found it repulsive.


Doug W3CF
                      @V26S for ARRL SSB

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest@contesting.com]On Behalf Of David Robbins
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 7:49 PM
To: reflector cq-contest
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] W/VEs spotting W/VEs

> This past weekend I noticed W/VE stations (actually, Ws for the most
> spotting other W/VE stations over the DX spotting system.  (I'm not
> talking
> about K4MA, who I know was in 8P but spotting people under his call.)
> While
> I suppose there could be legitimate reasons for this, like spotting
> rare W/VE state/province, I hardly think IL or PA falls into that
> category.  Since in almost every case, the station doing the spotting
> in the same call area as the station being spotting, it would appear
> instead that these were attempts to attract DX stations to the
> of
> these particular W/VEs.

It could be that they were spotting friends because they know the spots
propagate around the world.  It can also be to populate bandmaps of
friendly club members so they know frequencies to stay away from when
looking for a place to call cq.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From W5ASP at aol.com  Tue Feb 26 18:42:37 2002
From: W5ASP@aol.com (W5ASP@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <f6.1711b8ff.29ad776d@aol.com>

I missed out on the initial part of this thread, but I thought it worth while 
jumping in with a bit of info that may or may not be common knowledge.

As has been mentioned, the Kenwood TS-930 (and probably 940) required the 
same "funny" DIN connector.  Back then some DIN connectors seemed to work, 
most didn't.  There most definitely was a difference. As noted elsewhere, the 
difference is that in one instance the pins are arranged in a circular 
pattern while in the other the "first and last" two pins are offset from the 

I had occasion years ago to look into this and found that the "funny" 
connector that actually worked on my TS-930 was in fact a SwitchCraft product 
quite distinct from the run-of-the-mill DIN.  I once had a product number, 
but it's long gone.  I don't even know if they're still around.  But maybe 
someone in the parts business can follow this thru for the benefit of the new 
generation of confused users.

Joe, W5ASP

>From k1ir at designet.com  Tue Feb 26 19:26:48 2002
From: k1ir@designet.com (Jim Idelson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data   
Message-ID: <bq4s5stbbhgudos.260220021926@designet-jsi>

I have heard of people who use the wrong plug, but cut off the two offending 
pins when they're not needed for the application.

Jim Idelson K1IR
email    k1ir@designet.com
web    http://www.designet.com/k1ir

>From K7LXC at aol.com  Wed Feb 27 08:48:43 2002
From: K7LXC@aol.com (K7LXC@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
Message-ID: <aa.73b5043.29ae3dbb@aol.com>

In a message dated 2/26/02 1:46:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, k1my@msn.com 

> Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
>  officials or participants. Is this correct?

    YES - please come. You are guaranteed to have the most memorable 
contesting experience of your life! 

Steve     K7LXC

>From dick.green at valley.net  Wed Feb 27 11:28:13 2002
From: dick.green@valley.net (Dick Green)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
Message-ID: <EMEKIMJIEGNGMKHFDEGIEEFNCDAA.dick.green@valley.net>


The second iteration is similar to my setup, except I use autotune amps that
are away from the operating desk. Also, I don't use any shelving in my
setup -- the radios sit on the desk and the control boxes are stacked on top
of the radios. See below for how the monitor is placed. I keep the top cover
vent holes on the radios clear and the boxes are small enough that they
don't cover the entire top of the radios. Besides, the main airflow is
through the back panel of the radios. I've never had any overheating
problems. I do have to be careful about not scratching the top covers, but
the control boxes have rubber feet (which also provide clearance for

It was good that you lowered the screen. The key is to have the monitor
height such that you can look at it without raising or lowering your neck or
eyes from a relaxed position.

I see that you moved the radios closer together. I guess some people feel
it's better to have the controls closer to your hands, but I've found that
this causes me to reach directly over the keyboard too much and I don't like
that. My radios are about eight inches apart and slightly tilted in towards
me (or, as with stereo speakers, "toed in".) This makes it easier to read
the frequency displays and puts the tuning knobs 3-4 inches from the edge of
a standard keyboard. The clarifier knob on the run radio, which I have on my
left, is within very short reach. That's important because it's probably the
most used control on the run radio. The shift/width knobs are in the same
place and they get used a lot, too.

Another reason the radios are separated is that the LCD monitor stand is
between them and the stand is about 8 inches wide at the bottom. The stand
raises the screen about five inches, which isn't quite enough to clear the
radios. I put a couple of hardcover books under the stand to raise the
screen enough so that it clears the radios -- the lower edge is just above
the tops of the radios. The screen is almost flush with the front of the
radios, which puts it at about 14-24 inches from my eyes, depending on
whether or not I'm leaning back.

If you can visualize it, you can see that this setup doesn't lend itself to
shelving. I guess the shelving could be designed so that the front of the
radios stick out about 4 inches or so from the shelving, allowing enough
room for the shelving to pass behind the monitor. Alternatively, you could
cut a notch in the shelving for the monitor stand so that the radios and
monitor are only slightly in front of the shelf edges. As nice as it would
be to have shelving, it would require reaching  farther to get to the
control boxes.

I use an undersize keyboard that's about 3 inches narrower than the standard
model. The narrower width makes it easier to get at the various knobs on the
radios. Most important, I don't have to reach over the keyboard to tune the
S&P radio. Unlike most keyboards, my contest and standard keyboards are
designed so that the cable plugs into the back. They're both made by IBM, so
they're plug-compatible. I just unplug one and plug in the other for a quick
change. I used a Brother label maker to mark the special keys on the contest

One reason I can get away with this setup is that I share one rotor control
box for three Hy-Gain rotors. I built a simple relay interface to do that.
The motivation for this was that I didn't have any more cables in the
conduit and didn't feel like pulling two more. Another motivation was that
it allowed me to share a DCU-1 digital controller and it would have been too
expensive to buy three. In fact, I didn't have to buy controllers at all for
two of the rotors (a nice feature of buying them from Norm's Rotor Service.)
An unexpected benefit was getting rid of two big boxes that would have added
to the clutter.

I can e-mail you some jpegs of the station if you like. Hope these ideas are

73, Dick WC1M

>From w8ji at akorn.net  Wed Feb 27 12:04:31 2002
From: w8ji@akorn.net (Tom Rauch)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <3C7CCB4F.13015.694015@localhost>

> The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a 
73, Tom W8JI

>From ok1qm at volny.cz  Wed Feb 27 19:31:41 2002
From: ok1qm@volny.cz (Jan Kucera)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] e-mail K3EST or N6TW
Message-ID: <005a01c1bfbd$05093c20$0dd21bd4@y4n3g5>

Hello oms,

I?m looking for an actual a-mail adr K3EST or N6TW.
Please, can you help me?

Thank you very much in advance.

73?s Jan, OK1QM.

>From n2mg at contesting.com  Wed Feb 27 11:25:28 2002
From: n2mg@contesting.com (Mike Gilmer - N2MG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <20020227192528.24034.cpmta@c002.snv.cp.net>

On Wed, 27 February 2002, "Tom Rauch" wrote:

> The kenwoods are a special size also??? 

That's what I wrote yesterday in my ASCII art post.  I 
guess no one reads my mail. ;-)

As was written in another post, The RF Connection has 
these beasts


In fact, they are referred to as "for Kenwood".  Gonna 
get me some real quick like.  Then maybe it'll make 
sense for me to repair the broken jack on my 940!

Mike N2MG

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

>From ford at cmgate.com  Wed Feb 27 14:06:06 2002
From: ford@cmgate.com (Ford Peterson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
Message-ID: <000901c1bfca$31c3d060$15ed83d1@office>

Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual receivers)
considered 2 radios for SO2R?

If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  So if I
use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a transceiver,
am I SO2R or not?


>From timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi  Wed Feb 27 22:11:07 2002
From: timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi (Timo)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2002
References: <aa.73b5043.29ae3dbb@aol.com>
Message-ID: <002401c1bfca$e515e180$b9c5f83e@tklimoff>

> In a message dated 2/26/02 1:46:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, k1my@msn.com 
> writes:
> > Also, I assume that the events are all open to visitors who are not
> >  officials or participants. Is this correct?
>     YES - please come. You are guaranteed to have the most memorable 
> contesting experience of your life! 

And please visit our web site:


There is a plenty of information available and more will be there in the near 

About accomodation, go to:


Preliminary schedule which was in our press release #1 is still mostly valid.

73, Timo OH1NOA
WRTC2002 Webmaster & Competitor Correspondence

>From kr6x at kr6x.com  Wed Feb 27 15:08:36 2002
From: kr6x@kr6x.com (Leigh S. Jones)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
References: <000901c1bfca$31c3d060$15ed83d1@office>
Message-ID: <11b801c1bfe3$b0ca3d90$ede3c23f@KR6X.ORG>

SO2R implies all of the following:
1) simultaneous receive on any two frequencies
2) simultaneous receive on one band while transmitting on any another
band with minimal interference
3) instant (milliseconds) change of transmitting band, i.e. switching
from transmit on frequency A/receive on frequency B on another band
to receive on frequency A/transmit on frequency B in the snap of a
4) uncompromised control of the first 3 features in this list
(switching capability)

It's most likely to be achieved when: no antennas share coaxial
cables, generally no antennas are multi-band.  It's easier to achieve
when using 2 or more amplifiers and 2 or more transceivers forming 2
or more complete station setups controlled by a single computer.  The
capability is compromised when using 1 auto-tune amplifier such as an
Alpha 77 because there is too much tune-up delay time to allow
bandswitching from the (former) transmit band to the (new) target band
before another CQ is issued from the target frequency or another
station answers the CQ on the target frequence (results in delays that
prevent the effective use of the technology).  Excessive delays are
usually involved when switching/controlling the main transmitter from
the transceiver frequency to a secondary receiver frequency when using
most dual receive rigs such as the TS950SDX.  The goal is to be able
to send your exchange on one band (i.e., with the <F3> key) while
simultaneously tuning in a CQ on the second rig, and to check for
dupes and be prepared to call stations on the second rig as soon as
your exchange has completed on the first band -- with no conscious
effort involved in making band changes and no delays or inter-station
interference introduced by equipment/antenna limitations.  This is a
daunting problem when operating with high power -- often requiring
special filters to reject cross-band RF, but is usually attainable at
low power when using 2 transceivers and monobanders if some effort is
taken to isolate antennas, coaxial cables, and station grounds.  Some
have succeeded even at high power levels even when using a single
tower; the goal is probably unattainable on 10-15-20M with a
tribander -- although a tribander that uses separate feedlines on each
band might allow it (I think some Force 12 antennas allow this, for

Frankly, I hesitate to provide a definition of SO2R -- too many
contesters who do not have the capability (both station capability and
knack for operation) would like to see SO2R scores categorized
differently from basic single operator scores so that their own
efforts will better shine.  I did extensive SO2R operation from W6HX
in ARRL DX contests and SS contests during the 1970's, and found an
advantage.  However, I'd have to point out that SO2R operation can be
extremely fatiguing expecially when compared to maintaining a single
run frequency.  Too much SO2R operation without sleep in a 48 hour
contest can quickly result in the capability of the operator degrading
dramatically; the SO2R operator has to pace himself, just as a long
distance runner would.

Also, limited SO2R capability can provide great score benefits.  By
limited capability, I mean SO2R with problems preventing full use of
the technology such as band combinations on which the capability is
absent due to shared feedlines or cross-band interference. To explain
this, I'd mention that it might be that SO2R on the low bands provides
a greater improvement in effficiency than the same capability on the
high bands during many contests.  This is due to the change in the mix
between "running" and S&P operation and in the relatively high
opportunity for duplicate contacts on the low bands.  During DX
contests in particular, operating SO2R on the more active high bands
is potentially much more fatiguing than on the less active low bands.
During a quick contest like the NA Sprint (which has no 15 and 10
meter activity), the benefit of SO2R can be maintained for the full
length of the contest.  In much of the US there is significant daytime
40M activity during domestic contests, and this could allow one 40M
rig and one 10-15-20M rig to be used for SO2R. These effects combined
could mean, for example, that a station with a tribander on one
coaxial cable, and separate coaxial cables for the 40M and 80/160M
antennas, might effectively gain a great deal of the advantage that is
possible from SO2R operation across a wide spectrum of contests (true
SO2R capability on 20M and below, plus relaxed runs on the higher

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ford Peterson" <ford@cmgate.com>
To: "Contest reflector" <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 12:06 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question

> Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual
> considered 2 radios for SO2R?
> If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  So
if I
> use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a
> am I SO2R or not?
> Ford-N0FP
> ford@cmgate.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Wed Feb 27 18:47:52 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 3rd Iteration?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDIEFGEBAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

I recently asked here for people to send me photos or links to
photos on web sites of the desk layouts in their Single Operator
Two Radio (SO2R) stations.

I received many responses: Thanks!

I've also received several emails asking for copies of everything received.
In lieu of that, I've listed the links and displayed the photos on the
web page at: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/Radio/K8ND_SO2R.htm.

Links and photos under my diagrams.

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Wed Feb 27 19:33:45 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7CCB4F.13015.694015@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:04 PM 2/27/02 -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
> > The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> > size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> > the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> > fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
>The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a
>73, Tom W8JI

I've only seen two types of 8-pin DIN connectors.  The more common ones 
(like Radio Shack has) fits my IC-765 ACC jack on the back of the 
radio.  I've even in a pinch melted out the center pin with a soldering 
iron and it fits a 7-pin DIN jack.

I can't speak for the TS-950, but the special 8-pin DIN which the TS-830S 
thru TS-940S used for the "XVTR" jack (supremely useful for connecting 
receive antennas) is the same as the one on my FT-1000D.  My TS-850S does 
not have a XVTR jack (I wish it did!).



>From vr2bg at harts.org.hk  Thu Feb 28 00:58:40 2002
From: vr2bg@harts.org.hk (VR2BrettGraham)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <200202271706.g1RH60Vw003766@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <>

Anybody have a chance to compare the footprint of the "standard" DIN
jack to that of the one used by Kenwood & Yaesu?

If they're the same, then why not change the jack to something that
matches plugs which are more easily obtained?

Funky connectors, swapping pins from standard convention & other
SONY-inspired silliness doesn't belong in amateur equipment.

Try to find anything but a bog standard DIN plug in a place like 9M6!

A favorite short cut for mains plugs out here is to strip the wires, jam
them into the socket & ram chopsticks in to hold them in place - though
the reason for doing so is laziness, not for want of the right plug.

Substitute a toothpick for the chopstick & any funky DIN need not
be a problem!

73, VR2BrettGraham

>From k5ka at earthlink.net  Wed Feb 27 22:03:59 2002
From: k5ka@earthlink.net (Ken Adams K5KA)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] C&S Engineering FES device
Message-ID: <>

C&S Engineering used to produce a device called a Front End Saver
that would switch a receive only antenna to ground in xmit mode.
Does anyone know if that device is being made by any other folks.
73, Ken

>From py2ny at arrl.net  Thu Feb 28 10:25:47 2002
From: py2ny@arrl.net (PY2NY - Vitor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Tnx Again
Message-ID: <003b01c1c05b$7424a4c0$7414d2c8@oemcomputer>

CQ-contest was again my salvation. Almost 
everything that we need, we can find with
our friends in this reflector...
TR-44 CDE.CDR rotator manual received,
information about FL-2000B, too. 
Many thanks for everybody and thanks to
share your knowledge with me, here in
See you next weekend at ARRL SSB contest,
will do 20m only, low power !!
PY2NY - Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos
Caixa Postal  204  -  Jaboticabal, SP
14870-970   -   Brasil
E-mail: py2ny@arrl.net
Phone: (16) 97854218

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Thu Feb 28 04:46:12 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <001901c1c055$e75030f0$6501a8c0@1800XP>

Check with the RF Connection


He has the special Kenwood DIN plugs that are used for the transverter,
external receiver antenna, remote VFO, etc. As has been mentioned the
radio shack parts have the wrong pin spacing. His prices are very good
($1.50) and  when I talked to him on the phone he seemed to know which
plug I needed off the top of his head . He can probably tell you what if any
differences there are between the Kenwood and the Yaesu plugs.

73 de Mike, W4EF.........

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@akorn.net>
To: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>;
<cq-contest@contesting.com>; "k8cc" <k8cc@mediaone.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data

> > The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> > size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across
> > the side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not
> > fit (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
> The kenwoods are a special size also??? Are they the same as a
> Yaesu?
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From n4zr at contesting.com  Thu Feb 28 15:15:46 2002
From: n4zr@contesting.com (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest Software Preferences; Other Station Info
Message-ID: <>

I have just updated the search function for the World HF Contest Station
Database so that you can ask for a list of stations using any given contest
logging software package.  The database can also be searched for users of a
particular radio, and to find out whether a given station is in the database.

Other searches will be added as I figure out how to do them.

73, Pete N4ZR

Check out the World HF
Contest Station Database at

>From aa4lr at arrl.net  Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
From: aa4lr@arrl.net (Bill Coleman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SO2R Question
Message-ID: <20020228213355.RKBN26356.imf17bis.bellsouth.net@[]>

On 2/27/02 3:06 PM, Ford Peterson at ford@cmgate.com wrote:

>Is a radio capable of operation on two separate frequencies (dual receivers)
>considered 2 radios for SO2R?

Only if it can receive on one receiver while transmitting.

>If I understand it correctly, a dual receiver radio is not SO2R.  

Only because no commercially available rig with dual receive can receive 
while it is transmitting.

>So if I
>use the receiver on a second radio, which just happens to be a transceiver,
>am I SO2R or not?

First of all, contests distinguish categories by the number of 
TRANSMITTERS, not receivers. And the issue is the number of transmitters 

Second, SO2R is possible with two receivers and one frequency-agile 

Third, I'd like to point out that in the olden days, separate receivers 
and transmitters were common. Indeed, some operators built multiple 
band-specific transmitters. (Didn't W6AM have a setup like this?) It was 
never an issue how many boxes you had on your desk, or in your shack -- 
and it shouldn't be an issue today.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Thu Feb 28 19:46:45 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <200202271706.g1RH60Vw003766@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:58 AM 2/28/02 +0000, VR2BrettGraham wrote:
>Anybody have a chance to compare the footprint of the "standard" DIN
>jack to that of the one used by Kenwood & Yaesu?
>If they're the same, then why not change the jack to something that
>matches plugs which are more easily obtained?


I'm pretty sure the connectors are PC-mounted, so changing them would be a 
bear.  Not to mention, I doubt that the PCB footprint is the same.

OTOH, who's to say which connector is "standard"?  (Maybe someone more 
expert than me!)  What we Americans think is the "funny" one might just be 
standard in the Far East.



>From ford at cmgate.com  Thu Feb 28 22:12:04 2002
From: ford@cmgate.com (Ford Peterson)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Propagation
Message-ID: <004b01c1c0d7$3fd04540$0300a8c0@Lab>

So what's the forecast for this weekend?  I'm dying to hear kind words from
the helio gurus.


>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Fri Feb 22 15:15:48 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:

I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
down lower as well. 

I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions 
> I've seen was at 
>    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List). 
> Thanks!
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From k2av at contesting.com  Fri Feb 22 23:32:58 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
References: <20020222151339.63909.qmail@web10508.mail.yahoo.com>
Message-ID: <092e01c1bc23$2de05b80$0500a8c0@swift>

There are a lot of presumes in there...

1. Presumes we don't look anywhere besides the band spots. The HUGE
majority of our mults were worked normal S&P or on the run frequency.
We watch the packet to make sure we get them all.

There was a period when one op was just going up the bands getting
calls and doing local (in the station) spots, and another was
following behind working the spots. As I recall few of the stations
worked in these passes (mult or no) were already there from the
internet spots. There seems to be this idea that people are just
setting around like robots waiting for the next packet spot. If they
are, they aren't making scores.

2. Presumes packet is the major method in the overall contest effort.
It's not. If you depend on packet as a major method, you're dead. Not
going to beat anybody.

3. Presumes packet is only for mults. It's NOT. Part of a skilled S&P
effort is being able to avoid spending time listening to stations
you've already worked. Get on a band for S&P and first thing work out
any stations in the band map (from packet) not worked, including
mults. This is normally very fast. Then go back to top (or bottom) and
listen to everything NOT mapped on the band map. Work or mark dupe all
those calls to get them in the band map too. Skip every spot where you
have to wait to get the callsign. Repeat the process. You will get it
down to the point on CW where you have a current call every 1/2 Kc or
so. And when the map is FULL, go to another band and repeat. My
experience doing something like that, maybe 1/4 of the stations worked
were packet.

4. Presumes there's no skill in working packet piles. Au contraire.
They are the WORST, most difficult piles because of all the no-think
fast-finger freddies who hit the F key and send their call without
hearing the DX, often on top of the DX. Packet piles are usually
ill-mannered, out-of-control, and guarantee that all one's pile
busting tricks are brought into play.

You need to know when it's a waste of time and need to come back
later. I heard KC1XX call into a packet pile a half dozen times and
couldn't work the DX. NO ONE was. He left, so did I. Listened to the
pile now and then on the aux RX, and when it lightened up I came back
and got him in five seconds.

There are a lot of other packet pile skills, and if you don't have
your own list, maybe you should be asking yourself a few questions.

5. Presumes that packet turns the game into sludge. I didn't notice
anything of the sort. Actually, I have to run, I have to S&P, AND NOW
I have to make sure that packet spot mults don't get away, because I
KNOW that the other guys will have him now. If I'm the only guy on the
band at the time and I'm in the middle of a good run, I have to figure
out how to work him without breaking the rhythm of the run or losing
the run frequency. Makes the run op do SO2R in that situation just to
keep up. Packet makes the game HARDER to play. Not everybody is
staffed with dedicated mult peggers on every band just so the run guy
only has to play F1.

We could do without packet, especially if the other multis all give it
up. But WHY? So things would be "pure" again, so we would be "real
hams" again (see earlier post)?

Who among us is divine enough to know what "pure" is? NOBODY gets to
decide who a "real ham" is, except each one of us for ourselves only.

The other thing, has anybody besides me noticed that among single op
scores, the assisted scores are NEVER the top scores. Why's that if
packet is such a huge detrimental advantage?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Clarke" <ku8e1@yahoo.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

 My 2 cents worth ......

 Radio contesting has changed a great deal from what it was 20 years
ago(for those of you that go back that far) due to technological
advances that have occurred. The same can be said for just about any
sport like NASCAR,skiing,football,etc.... Back in 1980 having a memory

keyer was a big deal!! (this is making me feel old!!)  Fast foward to
today and we now have computer logging, contest cards, voice keyers,
automatic band switch devices, and the list goes on...

  The advantages of the devices I mentioned above are they are doing
things that in the past that the contester had to do manually. Packet
is different. It is true that if you use packet in conjuction with
a logging program that you don't manually have to turn your VFO to the
frequency of a station that had been spotted. You just hit a key on
computer keyboard and it moves your radio to that frequency. So it
you also have eliminated the manual process of moving the VFO. The
big difference with using packet along with SO2R that you have removed
the "skill" of having to know what band to be on at what time to
all those "rare" multipliers. With SO2R and packet you can basically
everywhere at the same time.

  Don't get me wrong. I'm not against introducting new technology into
contesting to make it more fun for everyone. My problem with packet is
that basically you are being "spoon fed" contacts without any real
effort on your part. Can you really call contesting a "sport" anymore
when this is happening??? Plus you have the negative aspect of dealing
with "packet pileups" , which I think reflects badly on contesting due
to the behavior that takes place by some stations. Plus, how do you
prove that those stations who claim to be S/O are not cheating by
packet ??

  I look at a contest as being like the game "hide and seek". The
of most contests is to work as many contacts as you can but it is also
important to work as many multipiers as you can to have a good score.
If you are that rare DX station it's my job to find you and work you.
Now if someone tells me where you are is the game (i.e. contest)
any fun anymore ???

                         73's  Jeff

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 03:02:31 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <002601c1bb74$6a24c680$6ac8a8c0@MARCOSPALLUZZI>
Message-ID: <039d01c1bc59$97254d40$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I believe this scheme is known as the "Asynchronous Transformer" -
asynchronous because it can be inserted at any point along the
75 ohm transmission line. I just did some modeling of this scheme
with a Smith chart program that I have here. It does appear to
work, but it is a bit of a compromise. For a perfectly matched
50 ohm antenna (1.0:1 VSWR), the AT will give a worst case
VSWR of around 1.5:1 in the shack as compared to a worst
case VSWR of 2.25:1 using no special matching. For an antenna
with a VSWR of 2.0:1 at the feedpoint, the AT will give a worst
case VSWR of around 3.0:1 in the shack, whereas the worst
case with no AT would be 4.5:1.

The 1/12 wavelength  transmission line lengths in the AT's
provide 30 degrees of rotation on the smith chart. If your random
length 75 ohm transmission line happens to be close to an odd
multiple of 90 degrees (1/4 wavelength) - the worst case for
the length of the 75 ohm line, then the two series 30 degree lines
will tend to rotate you away from this worst case point and pull
the impedance loci back toward the center of the Smith chart.

Its not perfect of course as you can see from the above
examples, it will reduce you VSWR bandwidth. A better
solution would be to use 1.5:1 broadband "Unun" transformers
in the shack and at the antenna. This scheme would have no
reduction  in VSWR bandwidth or degradation of feepoint
VSWR. Of course if you have an antenna with a very wide
VSWR bandwidth, the AT's can be a quick way of getting an
"okay" match in shack when using 75 ohm line in a 50 ohm

73 de Mike, W4EF...............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Spalluzzi" <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> Hi guys, I've got a question for you: a friend of mine said is possible
> an antenna using low loss 75 ohm cable, through a system like this:
> (antenna)-(any length of 75 ohm coax)-(piece of length L of 50 ohm
> coax)-(piece of lenght L of 75 ohm coax)-(rtx or amp).
> The lenght L is, band by band, as follows, assuming vf 0.66 (rg213, rg11):
> Band        Length
> 80            14' 8''
> 40            7' 5.5''
> 20             3' 9''
> 15             30''
> 10             22''
> Why this lenghts? For example, 3' 9'' on 20 are approx. 1/12 wavelength.
> Bye, Marco - IK2XSL
> ik2xsl@amsat.org
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From btippett at alum.mit.edu  Sat Feb 23 13:44:01 2002
From: btippett@alum.mit.edu (Bill Tippett)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
Message-ID: <>

IK2XSL wrote
>Why this lenghts?

        See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:


                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

>From loumecseri at bestnetpc.com  Sat Feb 23 09:47:13 2002
From: loumecseri@bestnetpc.com (Lou Mecseri)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Dayton  Contest Dinner
Message-ID: <000701c1bc78$fd25e0e0$c44ad0d1@n9a1i1>

I would like to purchase a ticket for the 2002 Dayton Contest Dinner. 

Who is handling the tickets.

Your help is appreciated.


Lou   KE1F / ZF2LM

>From K5NZ at aol.com  Sat Feb 23 11:33:05 2002
From: K5NZ@aol.com (K5NZ@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played 
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing 
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:28:14 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Power Entry
References: <000001c1ba4f$5672a060$0200a8c0@k1ttt1> 
Message-ID: <3C77DF3E.82A5C64C@harborside.com>

Tony Field wrote:

> Seems to me that abbreviations are just that - a replacement of >a short form 
> for a long form and the long form is the desired log
>entry. I think Tree and others have pointed this out more than >once.

Hasn't this been discussed over and over and over again-like
after every cw contest?

>From w7why at harborside.com  Sat Feb 23 18:57:45 2002
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net>
Message-ID: <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out our Drake 
> T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its to pass mults 
> between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 13:42:50 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Real hams don't XXX
Message-ID: <000701c1bca2$47389960$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>

Boy, it's always interesting to see what people will read into other's

For those who missed it, the point of Guy's posting was simply this: Do what
you wish to do, but don't belittle those who wish to do differently as long
as everyone plays by the rules.

I got the point. Why didn't everybody?

(And yes, there have been several -- countless, even -- attempts to belittle
those who don't interpret the rules the way some do.)

73, kelly

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 15:14:41 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Logs Received
Message-ID: <028401c1bca6$c9e36300$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

I have updated the Logs Received Web page with all of the logs received
Please check it out and let me know if you believe your log is missing.


Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From k4ma at nc.rr.com  Sat Feb 23 17:04:34 2002
From: k4ma@nc.rr.com (Jim Stevens)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB Sprint Missing Logs
Message-ID: <030d01c1bcb6$16a582e0$6401a8c0@nc.rr.com>

The deadline for submitting logs for SSB Sprint is March 5.
As of today here are all the missing logs for stations that made more
than 200 QSOs.

Send your logs (preferrably in Cabrillo format) to: ssbsprint@ncjweb.com

73, Jim K4MA

K9PG 366
KW8N 332
KA9FOX 324
N2NL 322
K4XS 314
K4NO 308
K9ZO 308
N9RV 308
N6RO 306
W7WA 296
K5KG 292
NA7NA 286
K3MM 282
N6ED 282
K6RO 280
K7RI 278
K9TM 276
N4ZZ 272
KO9A 270
N6MJ 270
ND8DX 260
NS4W 254
AJ3M 248
K9NW 248
KE9I 242
K1HT 240
WA9IRV 220
W1VE 218
WA7BNM 198
WB1GQR 194
W1WQM 186
K3WU 176
VE5CPU 170
N9JF 166
W7OM 164
N6AN 160
K1PQS 148
WQ5L 146
K5RC 130
K6EP 130
WO7Y 126
K6EY 120
NA4K 118
AA0AI 114
W3GH 114
W4NF 114
NE0P 112
KS5M 106
W3YY 104
W6LFB 104

Jim Stevens, K4MA

>From jayt at arraysolutions.com  Sat Feb 23 20:30:51 2002
From: jayt@arraysolutions.com (Jay Terleski)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FW: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
References: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDGEONEAAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
Message-ID: <3C78505B.AD135BD5@arraysolutions.com>

http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/19inchpanels.htm#top of page

This URL has a picture of a similar design Jeff that I am doing for my
SO2R set up.

Jeff Maass wrote:
> BTW, the plan I assembled over a year ago can be seen at:
>    http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/K8ND_SO2R.jpg
> I know now that I want the monitor lower, and the rotor control
> down lower as well.
> I have all the hardware, but need to get a desk designed/built!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeff Maass [mailto:jmaass@columbus.rr.com]
> > Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 2:50 PM
> > To: CQ Contest Mailing List
> > Subject: Photos of SO2R Layouts?
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to finalize my plans for a new operating desk, and I've been
> > looking around the web to see what others are doing.
> >
> > There seem to be precious few straight-on photographs showing how
> > the desk and equipment is arranged. One of the better descriptions
> > I've seen was at
> >    http://www.qsl.net/ak6r/so2r_station.htm
> >
> > If you have a photo of your operating position, please send me either
> > the photo (direct) or a link to your web site (direct or on the List).
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
> >          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
> >     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> > Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Jay Terleski
Array Solutions
972 203 2008
Military Communications Systems, Phased Arrays, RF Switches, Antennas &

>From k2av at contesting.com  Sat Feb 23 22:00:12 2002
From: k2av@contesting.com (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting
References: <3C7553A2.60C63F2D@snet.net> <3C77E629.FE2DFB60@harborside.com>
Message-ID: <009301c1bcdf$609263e0$0500a8c0@swift>

One thing about the good ole days, that's still true ... the
camaraderie doesn't depend on the technology. It depends on that great
gang of guys you're with.

Was a terrible thing after a contest to discover a post-it down on the
floor with a mult you didn't work.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Osborne" <w7why@harborside.com>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting

Dick Pechie - KB1H wrote:

> If no-packet contesting is needed to
> prove my respect for the sport than I guess we all should dig >out
our Drake T4/R4 pairs and really tough it out. Paper logs, >Post-its
to pass mults between operating positions.

Did that for years and had a ball!
CQ-Contest mailing list

>From W4EF at dellroy.com  Sat Feb 23 19:17:00 2002
From: W4EF@dellroy.com (Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths
References: <>
Message-ID: <049b01c1bce1$b970de90$6501a8c0@1800XP>


I modeled the scheme described in the link the Bill provided. When
you add the additional 50/75 ohm transformers on the antenna side,
the match gets much better (VSWR_ant = VSWR_ shack). I suspect
you may still pay a VSWR bandwidth penalty by using this scheme, but
I 'll have to do some additional modelling to confirm that. Sounds like
your friend only described half the system. It works much better with
the lines on both ends.

73 de Mike, W4EF............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Tippett" <btippett@alum.mit.edu>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>; <marco.spalluzzi@orobiacom.it>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Strange cable lengths

> IK2XSL wrote
> >Why this lenghts?
> See Non-Synchronous balun described by K1XX:
> http://lists.contesting.com/_towertalk/199610/0276.html
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

>From k4ik at subich.com  Sat Feb 23 22:33:04 2002
From: k4ik@subich.com (Joe Subich, K4IK)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
In-Reply-To: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>

The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
there have been several well known contest US contest ops
flouting the bandplan.

Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.


   ... Joe, K4IK

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
      On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?

Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx

>From NQ4I at compuserve.com  Sat Feb 23 23:31:48 2002
From: NQ4I@compuserve.com (Rick Dougherty)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ Helsinki, Finland
Message-ID: <200202232331_MC3-F32E-751F@compuserve.com>

Hello all OH contestors...will be arriving in Helsinki abt 1300 hrs local
time on Monday...wondering if any contestors
would like to meet for brewski's, and contest talk?? de Rick

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:46:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
MD/DL5AXX         6418  320       6,161,280
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sat Feb 23 20:47:10 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 23Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
            160      80      40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From autonews at shaw.ca  Sat Feb 23 23:10:01 2002
From: autonews@shaw.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet v. No Packet
Message-ID: <002b01c1bcf1$8317cd80$0ebf4618@wp.shawcable.net>


Perhaps somebody could help me out: why is packet an issue?

Is it because people object to technological "impurities" invading the inner
sanctum of contesting?

Is it because "I can't but he can, so he shouldn't?"

Is it "I don't want to, so nobody should?"

Is it a "real hams" thing?

Seems silly for us to have developed these new technologies only to then
wring our hands at their existence.

If you want a contest without packet, start one. I'd play.

Why can't the no packet folk just go out and buy a TNC?

Packet is. Accept it. You'll find inner peace.



ve4 - still no packet here - xt

>From kc5ajx at hotmail.com  Sun Feb 24 07:57:18 2002
From: kc5ajx@hotmail.com (Rick Bullon)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
Message-ID: <F123QkkwdQsDOVDILan00004b21@hotmail.com>

Below is a copy of an email I sent to Mr Hollingsworth after the posting on 
the ARRL web site of the letter sent by Mr Hollingsworth to K3NM and the 
proposal of making the ARRL band plan a rule.

>>>"Rick Bullon" <kc5ajx@hotmail.com> 12/03/01 10:55PM >>>
Mr Hollingsworth,
  I am sure that you have received many many emails on this subject and I
have read the FCC's position on band plans particularly in the 160 meter
The fact remains that the band plans are voluntary and as I see it can not
be enforced by the FCC. I also concede the fact that the FCC can and should
be involved in case of intentional interference, but to cite a station for
operating outside the band plan is not fair.
It seems that the FCC has changed the rules without notifying the amateur
community. According to the list of authorized frequencies all modes are
permitted in the whole 160 meter band but if I am operating SSB below 1.843
Mhz and a CW op doesn't like me being there all he has to do is complain to
the FCC and I get a letter for operating with in the rules.
I have monitored the 160 meter band ( I don't currently have an antenna for
that band) and on several occasions I have state side hams operating below
1.843 when a CW op comes on frequency sending a string of dits at a fast
rate. This is intentional interference and most times it is treated as just
ignore them and they will go away. If it gets real bad an op can null out
the CW signal using DSP. What I have heard is the CW op finally comes on
frequency telling the SSB ops that they are in the CW part of the band and
they have to move now!
Now the SSB stations having broken any rules they have a right to be there
but if the CW op complains to the FCC who hears from your office?
The guys running SSB below 1.843! When it was the CW op who broke the rules
by QRMing the SSB stations. It seems that whoever yells foul first wins.
Has your office ever issued a complaint letter to a CW op that was qrming a
SSB QSO operating below 1.843?
When I get my station up on 160 I will operate where I have privileges from
1.800 to 2.000 in any mode. If I am asked to move I will but if the guy
follows me up the band you will hear about his intentional interference.
Will you cite him for interfering with me or cite me for being outside the
voluntary band plan?
Rick Bullon

The reply from Mr Hollingsworth is below

No one got cited. We just look for a good reason when someone is causing
interference and is not following the band plan. To the extent band Plans 
work, there will be pressure to make rules. Rules would just make it worse.

So it seems that if a SSB station doesn't interfere with a CW or any other 
station then they can operate below 1843 with no fear from the FCC, but I 
would bet the CW guys will scream foul!

>From: "Joe Subich, K4IK" <k4ik@subich.com>
>To: <K5NZ@aol.com>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
>Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
>The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
>there have been several well known contest US contest ops
>flouting the bandplan.
>Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
>those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
>Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
>    ... Joe, K4IK
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
>Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
>To: cq-contest@contesting.com
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
>Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
>around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
>below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
>"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
>Mike Hance K5NZ
>Bedias, Tx

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

>From W0uo at cs.com  Sun Feb 24 06:38:37 2002
From: W0uo@cs.com (W0uo@cs.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Packet vs. No Packet Contesting 
Message-ID: <111.dd63e38.29aa2abd@cs.com>


  Well said!!  If there's an advantage it is very small.  Its always been 
interesting to me
that a single op with a multiplier orientation will usually be beat by a 
single op with a 
rate orientation.  At least in my experience, go for the rate and the 
multipliers seem take care of themselves.  By its nature, packet assistance 
implies a multiplier orientation.

73 de Jim

>From w2up at mindspring.com  Sun Feb 24 13:01:49 2002
From: w2up@mindspring.com (Barry )
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
References: <fb.221441f7.29a91e41@aol.com>
Message-ID: <3C78E43D.23739.2CE364@localhost>

Yeah, it was real nice last night having all the SSB QRM covering up 
PW0T on 1814 CW. Prime offender was S57M CQing, but a bunch of 
stateside guys kept calling him.

On 23 Feb 2002 Joe Subich, K4IK wrote:

> The ARRL bandplan calls for keeping SSB above 1843, not 1835.
> The US stations don't belong below 1843 on SSB.  Unfortunately,
> there have been several well known contest US contest ops
> flouting the bandplan.
> Perhaps Riley will issue some more enforcement notices (like
> those of September 12, 2001) for SSB operations below 1843.
> Based on those actions, it seems that bandplans are enforceable.
> 73,
>    ... Joe, K4IK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-admin@contesting.com]
>       On Behalf Of K5NZ@aol.com
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:33 AM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] B-Low 1.835?
> Ok guys, what is the final word on operating SSB below 1.835?  I played
> around to give out a few Q's last night and found several stations CQ'ing
> below the window?  Is this a gentlemens agreement or the law?
> "If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
> Regards,
> Mike Hance K5NZ
> Bedias, Tx
> www.teamcramp.com
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Sun Feb 24 20:33:31 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores #24Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31, 2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:20:04 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B739D@KAHLESS>

The list of logs received for the 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes has
been posted at www.arrl.org/contests/claimed 

If you find errors please contact me at 860-594-0232 or at n1nd@arrl.org  If
you find an omission, please have your numbered receipt available when you
contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From dhenderson at arrl.org  Mon Feb 25 11:53:10 2002
From: dhenderson@arrl.org (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC035B73A1@KAHLESS>

The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted at

If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
from your automated receipt when you contact me.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

>From jmaass at columbus.rr.com  Mon Feb 25 14:16:30 2002
From: jmaass@columbus.rr.com (Jeff Maass)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
Message-ID: <NABBJJMHMOJDAICFPIFDMEBMEBAA.jmaass@columbus.rr.com>

Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and 
updated my plans a bit.

See them at:

Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!

 Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
    Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

>From AA4NC at aol.com  Mon Feb 25 14:30:26 2002
From: AA4NC@aol.com (AA4NC@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
Message-ID: <a8.7256709.29abead2@aol.com>

I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in this 
contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with the N2RM 
claimed win using no packet.

First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won against 
the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their station (ample 
number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat the packet system. 

The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX end of 
this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge packet 
generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs. Multiply this 
by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory. Those packet induced 
pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear N2RM trying to work 
"8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet spots) as a lot of the 
other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of the stations are too 
dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting spots.

I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn off 
the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not rely 
solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the spots 
before pushing the packet shoot button...



>From whhendrick at dmacc.cc.ia.us  Mon Feb 25 14:07:14 2002
From: whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us (William H Hendrick)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>

For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:

Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Bill, N0AC
William Hendrick
Amateur radio: N0AC

>From w8ji at contesting.com  Mon Feb 25 20:32:40 2002
From: w8ji@contesting.com (Tom Rauch)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <3C7A9F68.7124.596AF4B@localhost>

> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
all the other DIN plugs in the world.

I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
source I found is Yaesu.

You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 

I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!

Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
73, Tom W8JI

>From k8cc at mediaone.net  Mon Feb 25 23:05:17 2002
From: k8cc@mediaone.net (k8cc)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
In-Reply-To: <3C7A4511.28197.1C53DCF@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:31:54 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
RU1A              4662  293       4,097,898
OH0R              4543  281   48  3,812,046 CCF
HG6N              4477  279       3,747,249
LY7Z              4179  291   47  3,600,000 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
ES6Q @ES5Q/ES9    4325  264   48  3,400,000 TARTU CONTEST TEAM
OZ5W              3876  291       3,383,748
RM6A @RN6BN       3793  284   48  3,231,636 RW6AWT
SK3W @SK3GW       2926  284       2,492,952 TOP OF EUROPE CONTES
YZ7A @YU7JDE      2656  262       2,087,616

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
9A1A              6018  316   48  5,705,064 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
M3S                550  151   25    249,150 STEVENAGE & DISTRICT

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
8P9JA @8P9Z       5095  351   48  5,365,035 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
ZF2NT             5066  338   48  5,131,854 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ZF1A              4626  350   48  4,857,300 CAYMAN AMATEUR RADIO
KL7Y              4158  309   48  3,854,466
OM7M              3274  297   48  2,917,134 LBCC
SN8V @SP8YMM      2541  246       1,873,782
LY1YK             2420  242       1,754,016 KTU RC
OZ0Q              1004  178         533,466

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LZ7X (LZ1UQ)      1528  224       1,026,816
V31AH             1454  230   29  1,003,260 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
KL7AC              973  151   22    440,769
SP5DDJ             684  164   35    336,528 SPDX CLUB
3V8SM (DL6LAU)     613  148         272,172 BCC
DK2GZ              534  158         253,116 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
7L4IOU             483  149         215,901
DF1DX              415  133   19    165,585 RRDXA
SP1EK              307  110         101,310 SPCC
F5NOD              214  103    5     66,126
G4EHT               47   35    9      4,935 G-QRP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
P40W (W2GD)       3966  336   41  3,997,728 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VP5GA (N2GA)      3577  340   44  3,648,540 OBONY / YCCC
XE1/N6AN (N6AN    2721  276   38  2,208,276 SCCC
PJ7/ND5S (ND5S    2260  296       2,006,880 GREAT LAKES DX / CON
EA7GTF            2354  244   35  1,723,128
KH0/JM1LRQ (JM    2092  215   38  1,349,340
9A7P (9A6XX)      1795  222       1,195,470 WWYC
OK1DSZ            1524  222       1,014,984
DL6RAI (F6BEE)    1464   57   17    878,400
LZ1ABC            1202  213   35    768,078 WORLD WIDE  YOUNG CO
EA3KU             1108  182   14    603,330
C6AGS (KI6T)       966  189         547,722 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
LY2MW              912  188   35    513,240 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HB9ARF             882  191         505,386
4N1FG              882  188         497,448 YUCC
PA3AAV             520  165    8    257,400 BEEMSTER CONTEST CLU
EA1WX              506  155   11    235,290 URE
ON5UM              474  160   10    227,520 LIR
G4PIQ              466  150   12    209,250 MARTLESHAM DX & CG
RD4M (UA4LU)       365  113         123,735 RCC
OH3IR              324  113    6    109,836
HB9DTM             337  105   10    106,155 F8KCF CONTEST GANG
OH1BOI             286  118         100,890 CCF
OM7RC              308  109    6    100,716
LY1DS              314  105    6     98,910 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
HL1/WX8C           285  109    6     93,195
OZ0RS              252   92          69,552
KG4PYM             205   94   13     57,810
SV1NA/SV9          477   67    6     31,959 GREEK TELEGRAPHY CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VP5U (AJ6V)       4263  321   34  4,105,269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
FG/YL2KL          3914  320       3,757,440 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
TM5C (F6ARC)      3705  306       3,401,190
WP2Z (N2NI)       3341  317   30  3,177,291 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
G4BUO             3531  295   38  3,124,935
S53O              3201  270       2,581,470
DL1IAO            2848  275   39  2,349,600 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
DL4MCF            2737  259   43  2,126,649 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
KL7WV (W3YQ)      2052  302   22  1,859,112
8S2F (SM2LIY)     2182  233       1,517,529
7S2E (SM2DMU)     2060  234   38  1,446,120 TOEC
9H1ZA             1853  250   24  1,389,750
RK4FF             1968  215       1,269,360
RW4PL             1245  189         702,513
RK9CZO (RX9CAZ    1126  179         604,125 URAL CONTEST GROUP
Z36W               759  167         380,259 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE
Z35M               650  135         263,250 MACEDONIA CONTEST TE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YL0A (YL2KA)      1147  201         691,641 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
HA9OA              415  100   14    124,500
YL2PN              357  103         110,313 LATVIAN CONTEST CLUB
SM5AJV             118   67          23,718 TOEC
SV1XV               48   41           5,904

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
V26G (N2ED)       4200  322   40  4,057,200 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
M0SDX             3032  264       2,399,760 RSGB
OM5AW             1747  230   23  1,205,430
RX3APM            1804  219       1,185,228
LY2OX             1518  226   23  1,028,526 LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
9A2RD             1340  217   20    872,340 WWYC
OE8CIQ            1092  175         573,300 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S55OO              100   54   2+     16,200 RK REZKE DRAGAR

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WP3A               127   31          11,811 COAMO CONTEST CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
LW1EXU             892   55         147,180 RCLP CRDR RCA
EI5DI              811   58         141,114
GM2T (GM0CLN)      754   58   20    131,196 C&PS ARC
HA5NG              592   56          97,680 HADXC
PY3DX              529   54          85,698 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP
ON7YX              493   55          81,345 UBA NOK

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
F5MUX             2022   59         357,894
EI4BZ             1515   57         257,526
S50K              1270   59         224,790 SCC
F5MZN @F6BEE      1248   59   22    220,896
DL6RAI            1254   58         218,196 BAVARIAN CONTEST CLU
S56M              1206   59         213,462 SCC
7J1AAI (W1NN)     1210   57   16    206,910
OK2RZ (OK1FUA)    1145   59         202,665
OH6RX             1156   58         201,144 CCF
S50C (S53MM)      1145   58         199,230 CCS - CONTEST CLUB S
YT6T @YT6A        1017   59         180,009 SKY CONTEST CLUB
OM2IB              986   58         171,564
S55M @S54G         862   58   18    149,988 RADIO CLUB "JADRAN"
4N1SM              600   58   12    104,400
G0ORH              814               84,645
F/WO9S             434   56          72,912 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
SP8FHK/8           470   48          67,680
UA9YAB             362   52          56,160
RX9WR              397   47          55,977 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
M6T (G4PIQ)        355   48    2     50,688 MARTLESHAM DX & CG

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57IIO             360   51   12     54,774 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
HA3LI              262   47          36,801

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
TI7/N4MO          1217   58   27    211,758 PVRC
9A3PA              807   55   14    133,155 CROATIAN CONTEST CLU
SP4DEU             589   55          97,185
SM7N (SM7NDX)      585   53          93,015
G4IIY              545   53   15     86,655
DL7BY              385   52   22     60,060 BERLIN-DX-GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OH6AC (OH6CS)     1524   60   36    274,140 CCF
S51TA             1271   59   30    224,967 CCS&ZCC
PY2YU             1076   58         187,224 TUPY DX GROUP
OM5M (OM4DW)      1030   59         182,310
RZ3AA              965   59   20    170,805
OM3NA              949   59   30    164,787 RK LEVICE
S52ZW              940   58         163,560 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU
OK2ZC              885   58         153,990 OKDXC
YZ7V (YZ7DX)       878   57         150,138 BANAT DX GROUP
RA9WR              700   57         119,700 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB
IU4T (IK4MTF)      660   57    8    112,860
UT1IA              534   54          86,508 UCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57LWG @S57IIO       1    1    1          3 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
XE2AC              301   50          45,150
OM5RW              118   24           8,496
ON4BR              103   23    5      7,107 NOL UBA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
PY2NY              634   56         106,512 TUPY DX GROUP
ZC4DW              532   55   15     87,780 CHILTERN

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
YT9X (YU1ZZ)      1551   60   33    279,180 YU CC
IO4L (I4LCK)      1365   58         237,162 M C C
LY6A (LY2BM)      1124   59         198,594 KTU RC
RU9WX              766   58         133,284 BASHKIRIAN DX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S53F               447   50          66,900
PY3MM @ZX5J         79   28    2      6,636 ARAUCARIA DX GROUP

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6AKQ (N4BP)      1283   60   30    230,940 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
4U1ITU (OM3CGN    1146   58         199,404
HA8IB              961   59         169,920 HA-DX
OM0M (OM0WR)       900   59   20    159,300
GW7X (GW3NJW)      892   57   30    152,532 CONTEST CAMBRIA
S57UN              634   54         102,708 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
S57KRI @S57IIO      12    7    3        252 SLOVENIA CONTEST CLU

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
C6A/K7RE           958   59   25    169,389
PA5AT              282   31   15     26,226

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)       726   54         117,612 RRDXA
TM2Y (F5MZN)       692   52   22    107,952
EA8ZS              599   54          96,228 GALDAR CONTEST CLUB
YT6A               485   48          69,840 SKY CONTEST CLUB
S59CAB (S57MW)     519   43          66,951 ZCC&CCS
SP8BRQ             409   42          51,534
OK1RK              348   39          40,716
SN8F               337   39          39,429
UA6LV              297   43          38,313

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
OH0R      029/015 144/035 398/053 1423/059 1231/060 1318/059
LY7Z      080/022 232/040 603/054 1108/059 1072/058 1084/058
ES6Q @ES5 005/005 120/025 700/057 1300/059 1100/059 1100/059
RM6A @RN6 059/020 174/032 547/056 1200/059  903/058  910/059
SK3W @SK3 035/016 254/041 392/057  842/057  735/057  668/056
YZ7A @YU7 034/014 163/030 378/047  709/058  704/057  668/056

9A1A      258/035 557/046  55/059 1348/059 1426/059 1374/058

M3S       000/000  29/015  91/028  138/034  127/035  165/039

8P9JA @8P 305/048 538/059 695/061 1011/061 1252/061 1294/061
ZF2NT     354/050 607/054 784/058 1018/059 1141/058 1162/059
ZF1A      446/056 657/058 662/058  761/060  972/059 1128/059
KL7Y      094/026 358/052 564/057  851/058 1016/057 1275/059
OM7M      101/029 267/041 488/054  849/058  669/057  900/058
SN8V @SP8 002/002 174/031 301/044  789/055  586/057  687/057

LZ7X (LZ1 001/001  52/021 209/039  491/057  346/052  429/054
V31AH     000/000 252/049 205/041  291/048  335/052  371/040
KL7AC     000/000    /000  10/006  175/046  296/047  492/052
SP5DDJ    000/000  15/009  55/018  165/041  203/044  246/052
3V8SM (DL 000/000  10/007  26/013  113/039  163/043  301/046
DK2GZ     000/000  12/007  59/024  132/038  138/041  193/048
7L4IOU    000/000  21/008  70/023  123/038  128/040  141/040
DF1DX     000/000   7/006  30/015   98/035   98/033  182/044
F5NOD     000/000   1/001  13/009   86/035   71/033   43/025
G4EHT     000/000    /000  15/009    6/004   14/013   12/009

P40W (W2G 224/043 463/057 629/059  685/059  925/059 1040/059
VP5GA (N2 292/051 390/055 633/058  655/060  728/058  879/058
XE1/N6AN  000/000 398/053 469/052  390/057  678/057  786/057
PJ7/ND5S  237/041 325/050 378/048  239/048  531/053  550/056
EA7GTF    010/009  51/020 363/050  518/053  584/055  828/057
KH0/JM1LR 000/000  23/010 301/045  395/053  545/052  828/055
9A7P (9A6 000/000  67/020 211/040  600/054  408/054  509/054
OK1DSZ    002/002 173/028 127/037  391/051  360/051  471/053
DL6RAI (F 000/000  12/008  77/029  336/050  531/056  508/057
LZ1ABC    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
EA3KU     000/000  10/009  74/023  233/046  421/054  370/050
C6AGS (KI 000/000  42/022  40/024  268/048  415/050  201/045
LY2MW     000/000  75/022 140/030  233/044  216/046  248/046
HB9ARF    003/003  62/020  99/030  206/043  244/049  268/046
4N1FG     000/000  43/018 192/041  204/038  212/043  231/048
PA3AAV    001/001  14/009  94/036  108/033   93/035  210/051
EA1WX     000/000  20/013  58/020  170/044  141/041  117/037
ON5UM     000/000  40/018  70/027   98/031  120/040  146/044
G4PIQ     001/001  42/017  65/023  124/035  105/034  129/040
OH3IR     000/000    /000  36/020   50/023  125/035  113/035
HB9DTM    000/000    /000  27/015   95/033   31/021  184/036
OH1BOI    000/000   9/007  26/016   95/032   62/030   94/033
OM7RC     000/000    /000  19/013   97/033   95/032   97/031
LY1DS     000/000    /000  28/014   53/026   34/020  199/045
HL1/WX8C  000/000    /000    /000   75/032   88/037  122/040
OZ0RS     000/000    /000   7/004   76/029   58/025  111/034
KG4PYM    000/000    /000   9/009   85/036  111/049     /000
SV1NA/SV9 000/000    /000    /000   27/006  144/025  306/036

VP5U (AJ6 144/041 380/050 546/057  942/058 1220/058 1031/057
FG/YL2KL  141/036 520/054 529/055  875/057  914/059  935/059
TM5C (F6A 161/032 302/046 428/052  807/060 1032/057  975/059
WP2Z (N2N 207/043 362/052 406/054  628/054  863/057  875/057
G4BUO     119/027 349/042 395/054  814/057  777/057 1077/058
S53O      019/013 200/037 381/049  985/058  709/055  907/058
DL1IAO    081/021 175/034 331/047  749/059  697/057  815/057
DL4MCF    022/011 119/032 346/049  802/057  632/052  816/058
KL7WV (W3 111/039 388/053 330/051  349/054  279/052  595/053
8S2F (SM2 001/001  44/023 178/043  461/056  960/058  538/052
7S2E (SM2 000/000  55/022 252/046  560/057  459/054  734/055
9H1ZA     003/003 210/035 399/050  480/054  340/053  421/055
RK4FF     046/024 234/036 234/042  344/049  322/046  355/054

YL2PN     000/000    /000  60/019   23/010  104/035  170/039
SM5AJV    000/000   6/004  10/007   52/024   24/014   26/018
SV1XV     000/000    /000    /000   13/009   18/015   17/017

V26G (N2E 151/040 494/053 457/054  726/058 1075/058 1297/059
OM5AW     002/002  75/024 241/040  530/055  388/052  511/057
9A2RD     000/000  39/017 189/038  377/054  373/053  362/055
OE8CIQ    000/000    /000  51/019  372/050  346/053  323/053
S55OO     000/000  20/010  20/012   35/016   25/016     /000

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:33:04 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
Mail logs to:
    DX CW Contest
    225 Main St.
    Newington, CT 06111

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N2RM              6933  576   48 11,980,224 FRC
K1KI              6329  577   48 10,946,844 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3RS              6414  567   48 10,910,214 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W4AN              6511  552   48 10,778,904 SECC
K4JA              5992  571   48 10,264,000 PVRC
K8LX              5216  500   48  7,824,000
KB1H              4306  522       6,738,498 YANKKE CLIPPER CONTE
N4RV              4009  517   48  6,207,102 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W5KFT             4088  502   48  6,097,794
N0IJ              3299  464       4,592,208 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K2RD              1914  495   28  2,842,290 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KC1XX             9176  645      17,747,820
W3LPL             9038  651   48 17,651,214 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K3LR              9109  632      17,242,224 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K9NS              8486  623   48 15,806,133 SMC
K1XM @W1KM        7963  605   48 14,449,215 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K1RX              7429  596      13,275,900 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4MYA             6955  588   48 12,229,812 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
NY4A @N4AF        6973  574   48 11,959,290 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K8CC              6607  571   48 11,317,791 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
K5GO              6078  552   48 10,065,168 OZARKS CONTEST CLUB
W0AIH             6141  544      10,000,896
K3NM              5776  558   48  9,669,024 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K4NNN             5472  551       9,027,033 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N3AD              4657  511   48  7,137,648 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N6RO              4987  474       7,065,918 RIVER CITY CONTESTER
K3ANS             4247  488   48  6,200,040 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W2CG              3541  471       4,996,368 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K8AZ              4360  528   48  6,900,000 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K1IR              4004  512   48  6,150,144 YANKEE CLIPPER CC
AA2FB             3584  484   40  5,204,198 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N0NI              3538  494       5,200,000
N0DY              3262  445   48  4,340,085 EASTERN IOWA DX ASSO
N5YA              2837  425   48  3,610,800 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
AA2WN @W2YC       2500 7491   41  3,520,770 FRC
K2UG @KY2J        2345  454   48  3,193,890 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
WN9O              2407  436   44  3,147,048 SMC
K9SD              2736  379   46  3,105,147 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
K0MP              2403  426   48  3,056,976 MILE HIGH DX ASSN
K2SX              2197  413   33  2,722,083 ORDER OF BOILED OWLS
W7CT              2398  365   48  2,588,589 UTAH CONTEST CLUB
K0TV              1890  405   43  2,292,705 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE7UF             2081  349   41  2,133,786 BCDX CLUB
VE3HG             1667  406   47  2,030,406
N3BNA             1531  355       1,629,450 FRC
KK1L              1494  295       1,321,305 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA4V               776  244   12    566,568 CAROLINAS DX ASSOCIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KG9X              1651  376       1,861,200 SMC
K2DM              1501  308   40  1,386,924 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N4KG              1324  325   38  1,290,900
VA3TTT            1114  284   40    938,000 U_VE CLUB TORONTO
W9WI              1020  268         818,472 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
N7IR              1009  265   43    802,155 CENTRAL AZ DX ASSOCI
N0UR              1090  240   28    784,800 MWA
N9CIQ              922  264   19    730,224 MN WIRELESS
N7OU              1007  240   36    725,040 WVDXC
W9SE               798  261         624,834 SMC
K7MM               745  236   24    527,460
KG5U               649  200         388,800 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
K8ZT               441  202         262,398 CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC
W2ENY              300  134         120,600 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
NQ7X               333  117   14    116,883
N9NE               274  125   18    102,750
VA7NT              225  106          71,550
W1SA               204   85          52,020
W3SE                55   41    5      6,642 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K7SV              2359  420   42  2,972,340 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N2NT              2746  360   40  2,962,440 FRC     -     ::  HT
KS1J              2607  372   45  2,908,296 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4TZ @N4TZ/9      2545  371       2,832,585 SMC
K1VUT             2627  355   46  2,797,755 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K0SR @W0ZT        2484  349   42  2,600,748 MWA
N8AA              2188  393       2,577,294 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K8EP              2239  339   42  2,275,029
K1VR              2010  372       2,243,160 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N6MJ              2183  342   41  2,197,692 SCCC
N4YDU             2054  351   36  2,162,862 PVRC
N5AW              1880  376   41  2,120,640 CTDXCC
NY3A              2328  284   40  1,980,900 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K4OGG             2060  317       1,959,060 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
K3PH              1921  328   31  1,890,264 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WO4O              1625  369       1,793,340 TENNESSEE CONTEST GR
VE5ZX             1766  320   42  1,695,360
W1WAI             1639  332   30  1,632,444 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4AA              1385  367       1,524,885 FCG
K1VSJ             1520  334   33  1,523,040 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N3FR              1556  310   37  1,447,080 WEEKEND WARRIORS CON
KA1IS             1438  320   30  1,378,560
K4EU              1325  325   30  1,291,875 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K7ED (WA0RJY)     1540  273   36  1,251,432 WWDXC
K5IID             1284  319   38  1,228,788 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NA0N              1527  268   26  1,227,708 MWA
KV8Q              1312  309       1,216,224
K1HT              1272  311       1,186,776 YCCC
K0RI              1192  317       1,133,592
W0ETT             1247  302       1,127,970 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K9MMS             1227  300       1,104,300 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
VE5SF             1332  249         973,341 REGINA AMATEUR RADIO
K8IR              1085  282   36    917,910 BAY AREA WIRELESS AS
N7LOX             1174  249   28    877,725 WWDXC
VE3BW             1069  273   36    875,511 NFIDXA
NA4K              1038  256   15    797,184 TCG
N5MF               979  268   18    787,116
KI7Y               972  256         746,496 WVDXC
K8GT               905  273   36    741,195 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
NF4A              1000  247         741,000 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N0FP               815  254   32    621,030 MN WIRELESS ASSOC
VE3GFN             860  239   19    616,620
K1IB               937  220         616,440 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
VE6ZT              809  245         590,940
N0HJZ              679  286   18    582,582 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
WN6K               913  187   29    512,193 SCCC
NG3K               715  227   21    486,915
W9AU               718  225   13    484,650 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
N6PE               691  226   25    468,498
N4VI               732  206   14    452,376 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
VO1WET             781  184   15    422,832
NS3T               562  241   19    406,326
VE7FO              717  187         398,871
KN0V               660  195         386,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N5XZ               604  204   17    369,648 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
N3GJ               559  211         353,847
KN4Y               600  186   25    334,800 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
KK7X               526  187   20    296,086
N1CC               463  203   19    281,967 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K1TEO              472  174    6    246,384
VE9DX              284  284    5    241,968
AE4Y               385  176   10    203,280 SOUTH EAST CONTEST C
NG7Z               451  144   16    193,104 REDMOND TOP KEY CONT
WA3SES             398  160    8    191,040
WA7AVL             418  140         175,560 WWDXC
NX9T               352  157   10    164,850 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W7GTO              384              163,584 WWDXC
W9SZ               317  151    7    143,601 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W3/OM2KI           259  133         103,341
W4/VE3BUC          287  109   11     93,849
KG4PYM             205   94          57,810
N7XY               151   93    6     42,129 WWDXC
WA6BOB             168   82    6     41,082
N7CZ               157   72          33,912
K8KHZ              107   69    7     22,149 MRRC
K2CC (KC2BMG)      105   51          12,852 CLARKSON U AMATEUR R
WB0TRA              83   50   30     12,450 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
K1EP/6              89   45          11,880

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K5ZD (W4PA)       4527  465   48  6,306,795
K1DG              4059  471   46  5,735,367 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA1K              4077  432   48  5,283,792 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W9RE              4033  437   48  5,140,000 SMC
K1ZZ              3974  425   42  5,066,850 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W1WEF             3737  443       4,966,473 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N2IC              3966  420   48  4,930,380
K2UA              3968  406       4,831,806 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K3CR (LZ4AX)      3408  441   48  4,508,784 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
VY2SS (K6LA)      3648  410   48  4,487,040 SCCC
K3ZO              3787  381   42  4,328,541 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
VA3UZ @VE3OI      3304  427   42  4,196,556 U-VE CONTEST CLUB
KR1G              3505  396   45  4,021,380 YANKEE SPELLING CLIP
K8GL              2914  418   43  3,654,000 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
W6EEN (N6RT)      2970  396   41  3,528,360 SCCC
K0EJ              3169  364   43  3,460,548 TCG
K5NA              3254  345   45  3,350,295 CTDXCC
N4ZR              2895  384   40  3,335,040 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
W2FU              2782  398       3,321,708 ROCHESTER DX ASSOCIA
N3BB              3081  356   43  3,290,508 CTDXCC
N9CK              2847  377   39  3,217,695 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
W7GG              2707  369   43  2,999,905 WVDXC
K9MA              2628  367   43  2,893,428 SMC
WC1M              2748  343   29  2,824,605 YCCC
AD5Q              2431  380   41  2,771,340
W2XL              2459  352   42  2,595,648 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
K3MD              2180  393   31  2,570,220 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K8DX              2587  323   24  2,505,834 NCC
N2GC              2125  380   37  2,422,500 YCCC
N6TV              2344  330   36  2,320,560 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
K5YAA             2112  343   31  2,171,190 OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
WA2VYA            1938  364   43  2,116,296 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KC7V              2145  326   42  2,097,810 CENTRAL ARIZONA DX A
N5RG              1956  358       2,095,374 NTCC
NT1N              1635  367   20  1,792,428 YCCC
W1ECT             1870  293   22  1,642,851 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W4SAA             1416  325   39  1,377,675 FCG
K1GU              1537  294   36  1,355,634 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
K6VO (K6NR)       1545  284   32  1,312,932
N3UM              1594  263   27  1,257,666 PVRC
N8SM              1504  274   21  1,236,288 NTCC
K0OU              1300  311       1,212,900 SMC WEST
N6HR              1200  334   26  1,202,400 WWDXC
K3II                              1,076,376
K7NV              1190  296   25  1,056,720 NCCC
KU8E              1122  311       1,046,826 MRRC
K1PQS             1208  265   28    960,360
W0ZQ              1025  302         928,650 MWA
KO7X @KI7WX       1109  269   16    894,963 PVRC
W4BQF             1105  225         744,525 PVRC
N6HC               915  259   21    710,955 SCCC
KA2MGE             813  270         658,530
N5QQ @KD5REC       949  220   15    624,360 NTCC
N1RR              1169  178   12    624,000 YANKEE CLIPPER SPELL
W6MVW              710  246   25    523,980 SO CALIFORNIA CONTES
K2UOP              539  228   12    368,676 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
KW4DA              826  135         333,720
K6LRN              402  207   18    249,642 NORTHERN CALIF DX CL
WX3B               478  173         247,563 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
K6SE               463  171   15    237,519
W0TY               431 1287         218,790
VE7QO              410  148         192,192 BC DX  CLUB
AD4L               225  135          91,125 PVRC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W6QU (W8QZA)       786  230         542,340

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
N0AX              1789  339   32  1,810,260 WWDXC
N2CQ              1105  337       1,117,155 FRC
VE1OP             1105  328   25  1,087,320
N9XX              1028  335       1,033,140 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST C
AK4XX              988  307   35    909,948
N6WS               798  332         794,808 SCCC
N6MW               625  305         571,875
N3SD               614  293         539,706 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
AE4RO              468  254   21    356,616 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K0UK               616  180         332,640 GRAND MESA CONTESTER
K8AJS              414  262   14    325,404 WAYNE AMATEUR RADIO
NA2U               980  104   24    305,760 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
VE4YU              490  177   15    260,190
WA7YAZ             348  175         182,700
K4WW               400  114   11    136,800 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
W2RDS              231  145    7    100,485 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
WA4PXP @W4MQ       136   82   10     33,538

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K3WW              4562  524   48  7,171,464 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
KI1G              3339  503   28  5,024,970 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
AA3B              3206  463   41  4,453,134 FRC
W2RE              3039  486   44  4,430,862 HUDSON VALLEY CONTES
KQ3F              3282  443   42  4,361,778 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7/DL3OI @W7ZQ    3311  419   48  4,161,927
N1EU              2567  522   35  4,019,922 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W2UP              2610  457   22  3,576,939 FRC
NO2R              2336  506       3,541,494 FRANKFORD
W4NF              2478  456   39  3,389,904 PVRC
W6XR              2226  489       3,265,542 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
NQ4I              2268  458   30  3,051,000 SECC
N8BJQ             2244  415       2,791,290 SWODX
W1GD              2120  413   34  2,626,680
W2GDJ             2220  396   35  2,612,412 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
N4GG              1654  449   34  2,227,938 PVRC
W3YY              1490  405       1,810,350 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO
N6CW              1552  336       1,564,416 SCCC
N3ZA              1117  402       1,347,102 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
N2CY              1237  326   30  1,209,786 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
W7OM              1337  296   27  1,180,000 WWDXC
WE9V              1067  364   18  1,162,980 SMC
W6TK              1143  330       1,129,590 SCCC
K2ONP             1284  283   23  1,086,720 YCCC
W7VV              1319  270   21  1,067,580 WWDXC
K1JN              1015  341   25  1,038,345 YANKEE CLIPPER CONTE
W3IQ              1012  282         856,152 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
K6RIM              708  323         684,114 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KT0R               890  238   10    634,746 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8KM               633  334         634,266 NCC
K0KX               700  301   11    632,100 MINNESOTA WIRELESS A
N8PW               771  258         595,206 NORTH COAST CONTESTE
NE9Z               400  257   28    308,400 JHAARC
K3PP               353  202    7    213,918 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7ZR                37  103   23    258,633 DESERT RATS CONTEST
KT0K               853   83   16    211,650 LINCOLN ARC
WX6V               499   83   18    124,251 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
ND4AA              440   85   16    112,200 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
VE3IAY             442   82         108,732
VE7NS              147   42          18,522

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4ZV              2081  109   30    680,487 PVRC
K9NW @K9UWA       1857  110         612,810 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
N9AG @N8NR        1694  117   26    594,594 SWODXA
N7KU (NJ6D)       1433  107   26    456,141
W6YA              1219  112   26    409,248 SCCC
K7BG              1353   93         377,487 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX
VE6BF  @VE6JY     1184  103         347,625 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
VO1MP             1017   96         292,896
W6KK @W6KP         499   74         110,778 SCCC
VE3STT             235   46          32,430

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
K6III              144   49          21,168 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
KI0II              100   44    5     13,200 GMCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3MQW             756  101         229,068
WA1FCN             769   97         223,779 Y C C C
AE0Q @K0HM         544   88         142,560 GRAND MESA CONTESTER

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE6JY (TI2WGO)    1936  108   42    610,740 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K5MR              1601  110   36    528,330 NORTH TEXAS CONTEST
K4OAQ             1695  102   31    517,752
W7UT              1084  120   30    389,880 UTAH'S DIXIE DX & CO
W8FT (AA8UP)      1147   99   29    340,659 MRRC
WF3J              1054  102         322,524 PVRC
K7JJ               461   85   16    117,555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
VE3OSZ              34   28           2,856

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W8TOP (W8UVZ)       94   51   10     14,076
NX5M                37   28    5      3,108 CTDXCC
N0TT                32   27           2,592 KCDX CLUB

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
AK6R               290   65   15     56,550 SCCC

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W7WA              1867  106         594,024 WWADXC
W5MX              1618  114   32    552,330 KENTUCKY CONTEST GRO
VE6EX @VE6JY      1501   98   42    399,840 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
K0FX               570   95   12    162,165 GRAND MESA CONTEST C
K7ABV              456   92   18    125,580 NORTHERN ROCKIES DX

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W4IDX              203   62    6     37,758 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
KT3Y              1344   97         391,104 PVRC
N4PN              1215   98         354,270 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
N7DD               880  105   24    277,000
W5AO @W5TM         966   93         269,514 OKDXA
VE6WQ @VE6JY       808   98         236,678 ALBERTA CLIPPERS
WB9Z               853   85         217,515 SMC
K4TX               366   63          68,985 PVRC
K7OX               246   58    8     42,804 NONE

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
WN3VAW              65   36   12      7,020 WIRELESS ASSOCIATION

Call              Q's   Mult   hr     Score Club
W1MK              1020   85   28    260,100 YCCC
K1PX               392   64   16     75,264
K8AQM              318   71          67,734 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
AD4Z               258   66          51,084 FLORIDA CONTEST GROU
K3SV               205   51    7     31,059 PVRC
W5TM                51   32    3      4,896 OKDXA

Band Breakdowns:
             160      80     40      20       15       10
N2RM      115/045 655/080 107/093 1640/116 1628/124 1788/118
K1KI      097/052 633/081 898/097 1510/115 1510/119 1681/113
N3RS      077/045 287/072  89/095 1507/116 1768/120 1686/119
W4AN      063/043 384/074  80/097 1446/116 1728/110 1810/112
K4JA      119/053 524/076 807/095 1458/115 1463/121 1620/111
K8LX      027/023 172/065 697/087 1416/102 1339/116 1565/107
KB1H      059/033 426/077 481/085 1137/106 1046/112 1157/109
N4RV      067/045 161/070 449/086  874/099 1249/114 1209/103
W5KFT     024/021 167/063 624/094  867/105 1272/110 1134/109
N0IJ      019/015  74/048 276/074  939/108  934/110 1057/109
K2RD      053/040 130/062 261/084  526/102  410/103  534/104

W3LPL     192/062 977/091 452/107 2326/132 2054/133 2037/126
K9NS      138/057 503/084 332/105 2213/125 2266/127 2034/125
K1XM @W1K 142/054 993/091 293/099 2114/122 1740/122 1681/117
W4MYA     101/051 544/084 824/095 1872/120 1914/120 1700/118
NY4A @N4A 071/048 513/074 293/100 1800/116 1646/122 1650/114
K8CC      057/038 470/080 948/097 1802/120 1733/121 1597/115
K5GO      039/031 223/071 967/098 1620/117 1725/120 1504/115
K3NM      064/042 436/074 956/098 1564/120 1371/112 1385/112
N3AD      041/033 208/067 844/092 1203/107 1259/112 1102/100
N6RO      058/020 219/047 848/088 1459/112 1368/110 1035/097
K3ANS     061/037 188/070 569/081 1259/097 1135/101 1035/102
W2CG      015/013 172/059 285/083 1077/101  909/107 1083/108

K8AZ      041/036 110/071 678/088 1314/111  942/111 1275/111
K1IR      049/038 374/075 736/092 1006/102  942/108  897/097
AA2FB     042/034 188/064 518/086 1014/101  767/100 1055/099
N0NI      021/018  71/055 483/089 1008/109  979/109  976/114
N0DY      017/015  65/052 307/077  911/097  906/102 1045/102
N5YA      011/008  67/046 192/071  957/103  631/093  979/104
AA2WN @W2 055/065 156/468 262/780  691/070  628/884  708/124
K2UG @KY2 000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WN9O      010/008  82/055 205/075  632/094  647/103  831/101
K9SD      018/013 102/051 234/061  876/074  774/088  732/092
K0MP      009/008  45/033 474/089  565/090  433/102  877/104
K2SX      036/028 138/053 301/068  477/078  515/087  730/099
W7CT      008/006  47/018 446/069  612/089  672/094  613/089
K0TV      049/029 110/055 278/076  383/078  572/086  498/081
VE7UF     012/012 111/027 292/049  605/082  499/091  562/088
VE3HG     011/010  76/048 184/072  361/089  435/091  600/096
N3BNA     001/001  86/048 308/067  447/078  313/085  375/076
KK1L      004/004  36/034 121/049  344/078  303/061  686/069
AA4V      044/027  62/032  75/034  100/041  178/043  317/067

KG9X      010/009  37/028 223/070  404/088  458/086  519/095
K2DM      012/009  74/036 178/057  358/066  377/070  502/070
N4KG      007/007  77/041 184/063  286/071  317/071  453/072
VA3TTT    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W9WI      001/001   9/007  90/044  234/067  308/074  378/075
N7IR      006/005  29/012 147/049  231/061  285/069  311/069
N0UR      000/000   8/007  23/019  236/063  352/072  471/079
N9CIQ     000/000  12/012  24/021  206/069  288/078  392/084
N7OU      005/004  34/010  81/028  181/056  305/075  401/067
W9SE      000/000  20/018  80/042  204/064  254/068  240/069
K7MM      003/003   9/008  55/034  176/060  225/069  277/062
KG5U      000/000   7/006  25/018  176/052  235/068  206/056
K8ZT      000/000   3/003  49/027  117/051  144/062  128/059
W2ENY     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
NQ7X      000/000    /000   4/004   71/032  106/034  152/047
VA7NT     000/000   3/002  38/017   61/028   89/049   34/010
W1SA      000/000    /000 101/041  103/044     /000     /000
W3SE      000/000    /000  21/010   16/014   18/017     /000

K7SV      040/033 124/054 383/073  493/082  417/087  902/091
N2NT      019/018 153/047 355/064  784/076  674/081  761/074
KS1J      019/018 124/052 381/068  736/073  662/079 6884/082
N4TZ @N4T 024/019 110/052 210/057  775/078  572/078  854/087
K1VUT     021/017  96/044 560/073  452/063  641/080  857/078
K0SR @W0Z 000/000  37/025 173/063  726/080  713/096  835/085
N8AA      018/013 108/051 206/066  576/088  563/088  717/087
K8EP      017/014 124/046 243/063  494/064  629/079  732/073
K1VR      036/027 151/053 401/066  386/069  407/079  629/078
N6MJ      000/000  53/019 239/057  554/089  651/092  686/085
N4YDU     032/026 110/046 276/062  405/063  487/076  744/078
N5AW      013/012  65/041 182/067  369/079  432/086  819/091
NY3A      007/006  52/033 184/049  751/064  510/069  824/063
K4OGG     015/012  71/038 212/058  735/065  606/072  421/072
K3PH      005/005  61/039 210/056  472/082  614/076  559/070
WO4O      031/023  94/051 164/061  462/081  390/078  484/075
VE5ZX     005/004  21/019 118/047  404/079  539/085  679/086
W1WAI     014/012  99/048 186/064  330/060  515/072  495/076
W4AA      016/013  97/051 243/069  325/082  356/079  348/073
K1VSJ     000/000  61/039 147/059  332/079  419/073  561/084
N3FR      000/000  66/037 142/060  393/076  447/068  508/069
KA1IS     021/020  83/043 119/055  302/054  524/080  389/068
K4EU      000/000  30/022 149/057  327/082  319/081  500/083
K7ED (WA0 003/003  41/010 194/043  472/071  414/074  416/072
K5IID     000/000  69/041 126/054  271/068  325/077  493/079
NA0N      004/003  25/020  46/035  245/061  573/080  634/069
KV8Q      000/000  32/022 160/059  290/074  324/076  506/078
K1HT      013/011  58/027 153/055  271/071  326/069  451/078
K0RI      010/008  51/027 120/052  268/071  342/082  401/077
W0ETT     001/001  21/018 149/059  301/071  338/078  437/075
K9MMS     007/006  55/036 141/052  237/067  340/075  447/064
VE5SF     000/000  10/003 116/041  429/071  377/069  400/065
K8IR      002/002  21/019  95/042  256/072  319/074  392/073
N7LOX     006/004  24/014  50/027  361/063  335/068  398/073
VE3BW     000/000  45/026  75/037  194/060  261/074  494/076
NA4K      002/002  24/020 100/046  271/052  264/072  377/064
N5MF      000/000    /000    /000  255/084  256/089  468/095
KI7Y      000/000  46/020  71/028  226/057  317/075  312/076
K8GT      003/003  28/022  87/043  217/066  249/067  321/072
NF4A      001/001  56/032 148/050  134/042  324/065  337/057
N0FP      007/006  21/021  78/046  182/055  231/067  296/059
VE3GFN    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
K1IB      000/000  10/008  67/032  161/053  293/065  406/062
N0HJZ     000/000  13/012  63/049  128/072  202/076  273/077
WN6K      000/000   7/007  23/012  180/041  314/059  389/068
NG3K      000/000    /000  73/042  206/060  157/056  279/069
W9AU      000/000  17/014  54/030  168/051  242/069  237/061
N6PE      004/003  17/014  50/032  160/055  215/058  245/064
N4VI      000/000    /000  67/041  222/050  204/058  239/057
VO1WET    000/000  48/022  46/027  162/049  262/043  263/043
NS3T      000/000  17/016 116/046  138/056  155/064  136/059
VE7FO     001/001  18/005  50/018  190/052  178/059  280/052
KN0V      000/000   8/008  42/025  160/044  228/062  222/056
N5XZ      000/000   4/004  31/019  155/056  198/064  216/061
N3GJ      000/000   8/007 100/043  140/052  157/056  154/053
KN4Y      001/001    /000  47/028  145/047  160/052  247/058
KK7X      000/000    /000    /000  156/064  190/070  180/053
N1CC      000/000   2/002  88/043  120/055   88/047  165/056
K1TEO     000/000    /000    /000   85/049  145/055  242/070
VE9DX     000/000  17/017  43/017   66/066   76/076   82/082
AE4Y      000/000    /000  57/027  102/049  105/052  121/048
WA3SES    000/000   6/005  37/023  128/051  142/049   85/032
NX9T      002/002   8/008  31/023   68/031  115/044  128/049
W3/OM2KI  000/000    /000   1/001   72/036  106/055   80/041
W4/VE3BUC 000/000    /000    /000   28/020  103/042  156/047
KG4PYM    000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
WA6BOB    000/000    /000  21/007   55/020   58/030   34/025
N7CZ      000/000   9/002  19/008   19/011   21/013   89/038
K8KHZ     000/000    /000    /000   30/016   16/013   61/036
K2CC (KC2 000/000    /000  26/012   27/013    2/002   50/024
WB0TRA    000/000    /000   2/002    8/007   28/016   45/025
K1EP/6    000/000    /000    /000   21/008   42/021   26/016

K5ZD (W4P 058/036 340/063 770/086 1261/094  951/093 1147/093
K1DG      057/038 261/061 644/081  859/092 1033/100 1205/099
AA1K      056/035 261/056 637/071 1024/086 1023/097 1076/087
W9RE      020/014 211/065 435/073 1333/100 1015/099 1019/086
K1ZZ      048/036 271/054 591/075 1116/088  901/091 1047/081
W1WEF     054/036 284/054 459/070 1054/097  817/099 1069/087
N2IC      026/017  93/042 519/077 1038/092  999/096 1291/096
K2UA      042/028 165/048 687/072  852/077  886/089 1336/092
K3CR (LZ4 061/038 264/065 539/080  950/084  793/091  801/083
VY2SS (K6 042/030 219/054 482/064  979/090  898/088 1024/084
K3ZO      016/013 235/056 408/064 1030/073  955/089 1143/086
VA3UZ @VE 025/017 126/057 283/066  778/094 1025/098 1067/095
KR1G      042/028 364/058 488/070 1031/087  867/083  713/070
K8GL      021/019 111/054 322/071  639/093  824/090  997/091
W6EEN (N6 012/009 105/036 459/073  720/086  813/100  861/092
K0EJ      022/017  81/050 262/060  925/080  871/081 1008/076
K5NA      013/010  67/039 354/061  844/075  750/083 1226/077
N4ZR      009/009 242/060 318/070  704/078  811/084  811/083
W2FU      032/025 203/053 250/060  608/079  777/094  912/087
N3BB      015/013  90/045 547/077  910/074  545/081  974/066
N9CK      012/011  71/044 215/069  712/084  730/089 1107/080
W7GG      050/012 137/037 447/069  718/084  634/087  713/081
K9MA      011/010  73/042 187/063  772/084  721/083  864/085
WC1M      034/032 232/053 418/062  831/067  606/060  627/069
W2XL      043/032 190/052 334/057  671/069  615/071  606/071
K3MD      017/016  48/035 160/070  561/089  613/092  781/091
K8DX      024/019 271/059 320/060  680/054  484/064  808/067
N2GC      022/019 138/050 338/069  453/079  471/082  703/081
N6TV      016/010 118/034 408/064  858/076  476/077  468/069
K5YAA     012/008  92/046 163/060  413/063  554/083  878/083
WA2VYA    013/012 143/057 271/067  336/081  449/076  726/071
KC7V      025/010  93/036 358/062  444/065  597/082  628/071
N5RG      039/025  79/044 232/062  499/069  438/076  664/082
NT1N      027/023 145/050 167/067  533/078  371/077  392/072
W1ECT     025/021  79/040 176/043  444/061  504/066  641/062
W4SAA     013/010  65/042 161/062  470/060  288/076  416/075
K1GU      005/005 112/044 228/053  351/066  294/063  547/063
K6VO (K6N 014/012  78/039 179/047  312/046  350/067  612/073
N3UM      000/000 117/043 194/043  370/050  409/067  504/060
N8SM      000/000  52/037 278/054  263/065  335/061  576/057
K0OU      000/000  43/025 213/060  364/081  378/077  303/068
K7NV      013/009  38/029 195/053  412/065  272/072  260/068
KU8E      023/018  66/042 120/053  270/057  360/076  283/065
K1PQS     000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000     /000
W0ZQ      000/000  41/033 127/053  277/071  295/076  285/069
KO7X @KI7 020/017  37/025 117/038  150/053  371/068  414/068
N6HC      003/003  21/016  74/040  263/070  255/062  299/068
KA2MGE    000/000  39/028 101/052  170/054  171/066  332/070
N5QQ @KD5 002/002  24/021  61/040  311/046  199/059  353/052
N1RR      000/000    /000  80/023  103/037  421/060  565/058
W6MVW     000/000    /000  88/047  158/060  156/066  308/073
K2UOP     014/013  24/020  68/031  135/054  139/054  159/056
KW4DA     000/000    /000  21/011  171/038  215/038  419/048
K6LRN     001/001  26/021  60/035  105/047  114/060   96/043
WX3B      001/001  24/019  42/027   88/036   61/036  262/054
K6SE      024/012  20/012  68/021  101/043  137/047  113/036
W0TY      001/001   8/008  48/030  136/044  121/048  115/039
VE7QO     000/000    /000    /000  112/043  145/053  153/052
AD4L      000/000  14/012  67/031   61/038   41/031   41/023

W6QU (W8Q 001/001   6/005  63/026  179/059  229/066  308/073

N0AX      010/007  58/023 130/047  480/080  512/093  599/089
N2CQ      000/000  86/046  92/039  225/072  335/089  367/091
VE1OP     000/000  18/017  64/049  109/084  107/079  807/099
N9XX      000/000  32/029  84/053  220/075  279/090  413/088
AK4XX     000/000  65/040 150/056  248/070  237/074  288/067
N6WS      000/000  29/018  87/056  155/081  242/090  285/087
N6MW      000/000  43/039  56/044  117/069  183/078  226/075
N3SD      000/000  21/026  70/043  140/074  155/076  208/074
AE4RO     008/008  15/014  20/019  156/066  113/068  156/079
K0UK      004/004  17/005 145/009  141/054  161/062  148/046
K8AJS     000/000  27/024  56/050  135/064  121/063   75/061
NA2U      000/000    /000    /000     /000     /000  980/104
VE4YU     001/001  14/012  10/008  173/050  151/057  141/049
WA7YAZ    000/000   2/002  22/012   47/034   98/056  179/071
K4WW      000/000   5/005  22/018   62/023  201/036  110/032
W2RDS     000/000    /000  14/014   26/023   92/053   99/055
WA4PXP @W 001/001   2/002  12/010   28/021   11/010   82/038

K3WW      058/049 220/068 962/096 1233/103 1010/109 1079/099
AA3B      021/018 224/063 527/086  600/096  832/101 1002/099
W2RE      037/034 206/065 447/086  655/092  731/108  963/101
KQ3F      015/015  70/052 502/084 1036/092  755/097  904/103
W7/DL3OI  013/011  44/037 286/077 1171/099  753/098 1044/097
N1EU      048/048 120/069 299/083  424/102  832/112  844/108
W2UP      033/032 155/063 397/079  862/095  492/094  671/094
NO2R      064/050 138/067 232/077  495/098  649/106  758/108
W4NF      033/027 148/060 355/078  549/095  535/098  858/098
W6XR      045/036 104/063 341/088  399/097  576/105  761/100
NQ4I      030/028 124/061 213/077  578/092  521/093  794/099
N8BJQ     021/020 112/050 191/065  393/087  603/092  924/101
W1GD      028/023 112/052 185/067  619/089  548/091  628/091
W2GDJ     017/014  57/041 105/043  814/099  653/101  554/098
N4GG      043/035 146/065 202/073  380/089  417/098  466/089
W3YY      025/021 157/062 204/070  273/082  410/080  421/090
N6CW      000/000  31/020 228/067  435/077  365/087  493/085
N3ZA      024/022  72/053 116/061  281/091  255/085  369/090
N2CY      000/000   1/001 144/060  304/085  355/088  433/092
WE9V      007/007  40/036 110/059  157/082  261/090  492/090
W6TK      000/000  48/023 150/058  348/080  291/088  306/081
K2ONP     026/024  49/036 178/049  372/053  331/063  328/058
W7VV      000/000    /000 161/045  615/083  263/076  280/066
K1JN      011/010  76/045 142/061  168/069  249/075  369/081
W3IQ      000/000    /000 119/053  236/069  292/078  365/082
K6RIM     005/004  32/018  93/051  184/078  168/084  226/088
N8KM      007/007  48/038  86/056  167/076  142/073  183/084
K0KX      000/000  60/038 139/054  148/063  132/063  221/083
N8PW      001/001  40/027  82/042  175/057  248/071  225/060
NE9Z      006/005  32/026  36/025  103/064  103/070  120/067
K3PP      002/002  12/012  44/032   58/040   62/052  175/064

OH0R          OH2PM, K6AW
LY7Z          LY2CY, LY2GV, LY2TA
               YU7JDE  BENCE, ROBI
M3S           G0WAT, G4DDX, G4BYE
8P9JA @8P9Z   K4MA & AA4NC
ZF2NT         N6NT, N6XI
ZF1A          W5ASP, K5WA, K6AM
KL7Y          KL7Y, W8LU,KR8V
N2RM          N2RM N2AA N2NC N2NT W2RQ WM2H
K1KI          K1KI K1CC KM1P N7NG W1RM
N3RS          N3ED, N3RD, W8FJ, N2SR & N3RS
W4AN          K4BAI, K4RO, K9AY, W8JI, W4AN
K4JA          K1SE,W3BP,K4FJ,K4GMH,K9GY,KE9I
K8LX          K8GM, K8IA, K8LV, K8LX, N8EA, W8WA
KB1H          KB1H, AA1CE, K1EBY, N1XS, NB1U, N1NK, KB1DFB,
N4RV          N4RV, K2PLF, KT4W
W5KFT         K5OT, N6ZZ
N0IJ          N0IJ, WJ0M, AF9T
K2RD          K2RD W1CU
               K3RA K3RV KD4D K4ZW 4X6FR
K9NS          AA9D , K9DX , K9GS, K9HMB, K9NO, K9PPY, K9PW,
               K9QVB, K9RO, K9RS, K9XW, KS9W, W9RM, N9CO, N9FH
K1XM @W1KM    W1KM, W1FJ, NB1B, WT1O, K1XM
W4MYA         K4WMA, KC8FS, KF4QQY, W4DR, W4HJ, W4HZ, W4MYA,
               W4TNX, WK4Y, WA8WV AND LILLY
K8CC          AC8W, K8CC, K8DD, K8NA, KT8X, N8CQA, N8MR,
               NU8Z, W8MJ, WX3M
K5GO          K0NI, K0VBU, K5ALU, K5LG, KM5G, N5OE, N5XR,
               N5DX, K5GO
               KT0R AC0W KS0T W0AIH
K3NM          K3IPK,K3ZV,W3CF,W3MM,WK2W,K3NM
N3AD          N3AD, N3MT
N6RO          N6RO, K3EST, K6RC, WA6O
K3ANS         K3ANS, KC3WX, WF3H, K3YD, KB3CBO, N3MX,
W2CG          W2CG, W2EN, W2NO
K8AZ          K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8KIC, N8TR, WT8C
K1IR          NR1DX, K1IR, W1VE
AA2FB         K2QMF, AA2FB
N0NI          WO0V, K0KD, N0AV, W0FLS, N0NI, N0AC
N0DY          N0DY,N0YY,W0OF
N5YA          OH7WV, N5UM
WN9O          WN9O & W9IU
K0MP          N2WW/UA6HZ, W0ZA, K0MP, AB0KG/UA3YH, W0NF
K2SX          K2SX, N2UN
W7CT          NC7W W7CT
VE7UF         VE7ZO  VE7UF
VE3HG         VE3HG, VE3RZ, VA3GGF
N3BNA         N3BNA, N2WKS
KK1L          KK1L, K1KD, W1SJ, W1CX, KM1Z
N2NT          W2/LU9AY

>From mwdink at eskimo.com  Mon Feb 25 20:45:02 2002
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
Message-ID: <>

2002 CQWW 160 SSB  - Claimed Scores 25Feb2002

Submit logs by: March 31.2002
E-mail logs to: cq160@kkn.net
Mail logs to: (none, CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed)

3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op LP
SN8V @SP8YMM      64   0  30           9,810

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
DX Multi-Op HP
KG4DZ           3430               3,231,060
EI7M             546  29  44         248,500
4O6A @YT6A       550  18  52         221,600
G3UEG            417  20  51  20     166,700

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
OT2T (ON4UN)     704  32  57         398,097
SV8CS            664  19  57         270,028
OH0NL            454   6  52         141,346 CONTEST CLUB FINLAND
LY2FY            433   7  20         141,215 KTU RC
LY2TA @LY7Z      114  10  41   4      33,864
G3SVL             66   6  29   4      12,985
XE2AC             23   8   3   3       1,221

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
USA/VE Multi-Op HP
N8TR            1068  58  32  33     234,000
AA1K             531  51  28  11     113,602
K3WW             482  46  12  12      66,758
K3OO             219  17  38          32,285
K3OOO            159  34   6          14,720

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VE3RCN            42  20               3,900

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
W0ETC            341  50   3          38,531
KR0B (KS0T)      287  50   3  12      33,125
VA3TTT           104  28   1          14,558

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3RU            478  54  12         154,572
K1PX             773  57  10  24     115,106
AC0W             518  53   7  14      68,640
K0UK             328  51   4          40,700 GRAND MESA
K1JT             172  37   6  10      16,684
N8PY             128 123   5   8      11,560
W3MF             139  34   2   3      11,088
N4CW              50  26   0           2,834

Call             Q's  NA  DX  Hr       Score Club
VA3KA @VE3QAA    717  57  30         317,898
W4MYA           1177  58  41  27     306,603
VE3PN            680  56  30  22     297,818
WB9Z            1409  58  31  27     297,171
N4UK            1022  57  34         232,232
N3HBX            889  56  24         173,760
K9NR             952  57  19         164,236
K4JNY            838  54  21         143,775
K0DU             739  54  14  25     112,880
W5PR             656  52  20         112,104
NX9T             696  52  17         108,261
K8DX             477  48  25          96,944
K2UOP            602  52  10  13      82,522
W3GH             406  52  17          67,896
N8KM             375  46  12          50,228
AC8G             299  51  10  10      42,212
K0EJ             400  44   4          40,800
KO7X @KI7WX      313  49   6   4      37,840
VE6JY            156  46   2          35,712
KG7H             274  51   4  14      33,440
N6RO             211  51   6          27,645
K4BAI            207  42   5          18,522
W4HJ             252  34   1          18,480
N3HXQ            166  33   3   3      13,248
K6SE             126  41   3   5      12,488

4O6A @YT6A    YU7EU, YT6A
AA1K          AA1K + PACKET

>From anton.mandos at philips.com  Tue Feb 26 08:26:02 2002
From: anton.mandos@philips.com (anton.mandos@philips.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Correct QSL info for OTxL-calls
Message-ID: <OFEE286B69.BFA919E9-ONC1256B6C.0027D9DF@diamond.philips.com>

Dear contesters

In addition and correction to the note of John, ON4UN:

The  QSL route for the contest call of the NOL-contesters is
via ON5LL ( ON five LL ).
Address OK in any callbook, or via the UBA bureau.
The calls we used up till now were OT1L, OT2L , OT2E (1992 only!)
OT3L, OT4L, OT5L, OT6L, OT7L, OT8L OT9L and OT0L

73 and see you next contest!

Anton, ON6NL
president NOL

>From n2mg at contesting.com  Tue Feb 26 05:35:19 2002
From: n2mg@contesting.com (Mike Gilmer - N2MG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <20020226133519.15021.cpmta@c002.snv.cp.net>

This odd DIN footprint seems to be a JA-radio thing.  The Kenwood 930/940 
series has this same, "unique" arrangement for its XVERTER jack.  In my 
HF-centric world, this jack is where one can tap into the receive path for 
Beverage antenna use.  I guess that's better than not having any jack for this 

Excuse the ASCII "art"

"U" arrangement (940/930/1000MP/etc.)

 P       P
P    P    P
X         X

"C" arrangement (everyone else!)

 P       P
P    P    P
 X       X

Notice the two pins marked "X" are closer together on the "standard" 8-pin; all 
others are spaced the same between connectors.  If you don't need the signals 
on these pins, cut them off the plug and you'll be OK. 

If you do what I did and insert the wrong plug into the jack, you'll likely (as 
I did) crack the jack on the radio.  Fortunately, in my case, the jack still 
functions correctly.

73 Mike N2MG

On Mon, 25 February 2002, "Tom Rauch" wrote:

> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than 
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only 
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular 
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right! 
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage 
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com 

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

>From N7NG at arrl.org  Tue Feb 26 08:39:19 2002
From: N7NG@arrl.org (Mills, Wayne  N7NG)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <125490A005E3D3118C9C00805FC743CC03340B8F@KAHLESS>

Beware! Forcing one of these plugs has been know to break the insulator in
the jack.

Wayne, N7NG

-----Original Message-----
From: k8cc [mailto:k8cc@mediaone.net]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 11:05 PM
To: William H Hendrick; cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data

At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.


The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special 
size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the 
side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit 
(however, I think they do fit ICOMs).

Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for 
some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic 
Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.



CQ-Contest mailing list

>From k6na at cts.com  Tue Feb 26 06:26:52 2002
From: k6na@cts.com (Glenn Rattmann)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
Message-ID: <200202261428.GAA24047@neko.cts.com>

Re the pesky DINs for FT-1000MP:

>Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I 
>bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.

Here is a re-post of W2VJN's information covering the DINs (from the 1000MP

>Din connectors from 3 pin to 14 pins plus mini DINs from 3 to 8 pins are
>available from The RF Connection in MD.  www.therfc.com  The 4 pin units are
>$1 each.
>Note that the two types of 8 pin connectors are called DP8 (Icom) and
>DP8/262 (Kenwood and Yaesu).  The 262 refers to the angle subtended by pins
>1 and 7.
>George, W2VJN

All the HRO stores carry the proper 8p DIN for Yaesu and Kenwood also, and
have for years.

73, Glenn K6NA

>From k4oj at tampabay.rr.com  Tue Feb 26 10:07:10 2002
From: k4oj@tampabay.rr.com (Jim White, K4OJ)
Date: Thu Feb 28 16:32:34 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs
References: <200202261348.g1QDmAVw013697@contesting.com>
Message-ID: <00a801c1bef0$69b54380$62f1a118@tampabay.rr.com>

well put

what is funny is how some guys do not get what this is really about - kind
of a shame - oh well

heah I have a bunch of NEW Telrex yagis for sale if you know of anyone
looking let them know!


----- Original Message -----
From: <cq-contest-request@contesting.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: CQ-Contest digest, Vol 1 #5 - 8 msgs

> Send CQ-Contest mailing list submissions to
> cq-contest@contesting.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> cq-contest-request@contesting.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> cq-contest-admin@contesting.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of CQ-Contest digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received (Henderson, Dan N1ND)
>    2. Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration? (Jeff Maass)
>    3. Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting (AA4NC@aol.com)
>    4. FT1000MP band data (William H Hendrick)
>    5. Re: FT1000MP band data (Tom Rauch)
>    6. Re: FT1000MP band data (k8cc)
>    7. 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
>    8. 2002 ARRL DX CW - NA Claimed Scores 25Feb2002 (Michael Dinkelman)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> From: "Henderson, Dan N1ND" <dhenderson@arrl.org>
> To: "'cq-contest'" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Logs Received
> The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup has been posted
> www.arrl.org/contests/claimed
> If you find an error, please contact me at n1nd@arrl.org or by phone at
> 860-594-0232.  If your entry is missing, please have available the number
> from your automated receipt when you contact me.
> Thanks and 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "Jeff Maass" <jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
> To: "CQ Contest Mailing List" <CQ-Contest@CONTESTING.COM>
> Cc: "MRRC Mailing List" <mrrc@CONTESTING.COM>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Photos of SO2R Layouts, 2nd Iteration?
> Thanks to all the folks who have sent pictures (or links to pictures)
> of their SO2R stations. Some good ideas out there!
> I needed to break away from work for a few minutes, and
> updated my plans a bit.
> See them at:
>   http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/Radio/K8ND_SO2R.htm
> Additional discussion/ideas are welcomed!
> 73,
>  Jeff Maass       jmaass@columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
>          USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
>     Maass' IPSC Resources Page:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass
> Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> From: AA4NC@aol.com
> To: <k2av@contesting.com>
> Cc: <pvrc@mailman.qth.net>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC]           Re: [PVRC]  spotting
> I have "no dog in the hunt" as far as the packet vs. no packet debate in
this contest, but I do believe an interesting occurence has happened with
the N2RM claimed win using no packet.
> First off, I join others in applauding the N2RM effort. These guys won
against the "conventional wisdom" odds. They used the strengths of their
station (ample number/quality of ops and same band receive ability) to beat
the packet system.
> The other major advantage that they had was very visible to us on the DX
end of this contest. While most all the big gun multis sat in the huge
packet generated pileups, N2RM worked us when we were begging for QSOs.
Multiply this by 600 plus multipliers and there's the margin of victory.
Those packet induced pileups can really slow you down. I also didn't hear
N2RM trying to work "8P6JA" (our call was busted several times on packet
spots) as a lot of the other big multis did.  This shows me that a lot of
the stations are too dependent on packet and they are blindly shooting
> I doubt that my normally undermanned M/S operations will be able to turn
off the packet any time soon, but I hope to learn from N2RM. We should not
rely solely on packet for multipliers, and we should actually look at the
spots before pushing the packet shoot button...
> 73,
> Will
> AA4NC / W4MR
> 8P9JA in ARRL DX
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> From: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Organization: Des Moines Area Community College
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> For any of the contesters that use a FT1000MP:
> Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill, N0AC
> *****************************
> William Hendrick
> whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us
> Amateur radio: N0AC
> whhendrick@mchsi.com
> *****************************
> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@contesting.com>
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com,
>    "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> Reply-to: W8JI@contesting.com
> > Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> > bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> The pin spacing and size is very close, but a tiny bit different than
> all the other DIN plugs in the world.
> I spent about 30 hours looking for a replacement, and the only
> source I found is Yaesu.
> You can tweak the pins with needle nose pliers and force a regular
> DIN in, but it doesn't fit quite right!
> I've heard rumors some people push really really hard and manage
> to get a DIN plug in, but I was always afraid to try it!
> Call Yaesu, save yourself grief.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> To: "William H Hendrick" <whhendrick@dmacc.cc.ia.us>,
>    cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: k8cc <k8cc@mediaone.net>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT1000MP band data
> At 02:07 PM 2/25/02 -0600, William H Hendrick wrote:
> >Is the FT1000MP band data output a special size? The DIN plug I
> >bought from Radio Shack seems to be too large.
> Bill,
> The Yaesus and Kenwoods that have 8 pin DIN plugs are indeed a special
> size.  The problem, I believe it the positioning of the pins across the
> side with the index notch.  The Radio Shack connectors will not fit
> (however, I think they do fit ICOMs).
> Fortunately, I have a little electronic store a few miles away who (for
> some reason) carries the right 8 -pin DIN.  I know Amateur Electronic
> Supply also carries these special 8-pin DINs as well.
> 73,
> Dave/K8CC
> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
> From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> 2002 ARRL DX CW - DX Claimed Scores 25Feb2002
> Submit logs by: March 19, 2002
> E-mail logs to: DXCW@arrl.org
> Mail logs to:
>     DX CW Contest
>     ARRL
>     225 Main St.
>     Newington, CT 06111
>     USA
> 3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> 3830 Archives - http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) -